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I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - Printable Version

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I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Everyone was likely expecting this sooner than later, considering her reputation, but of course Aphra didn't care. At least, she didn't care what others thought about her, but what she did care about was the fact that she was pregnant. It was starting to get obvious now, with her stomach starting to swell and the fact she was stuck in this dragoness body now. At least until she had the eggs she was expecting.

For right now though, Aphra was out collecting materials for a nest. Better prepare for these kids, whether she really wanted them or not. The dragoness's feathers were fluffed and her tail lashed to-and-fro as she collected twigs and moss, carrying them to her home.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - ARVID R. - 04-22-2021

Arvid had heard about Aphra's particular reputation around the groups pretty early on in his Coalition life. He had even made a couple of comments about it himself, in the past. However, he hadn't expected her to be pregnant once more quite so soon. After all, her other kids within the group were all still pretty young, weren't they? He honestly couldn't tell if she just really enjoyed being pregnant, or if she just had downright awful sex education. Although honestly, he was starting to lean towards the latter.

Either way, he wasn't about to say anything disparaging about a pregnant woman. Particularly a pregnant dragon woman. Even with his dire wolf height and strength, he wouldn't be able to keep himself from getting chomped in half if Aphra really wanted to. Plus, he wasn't really all that disgusted by the whole situation. Rather, he was excited to see how the growing process of a dragon worked, from birth to adulthood. He seemed to have this glimmer of scientific excitement in his gaze as he moved to walk alongside Aphra, musing aloud, "Hey, Aphra. You gathering stuff for the kids? I'd recommend some things for a fire – something to keep the eggs warm when you're not around, y'know?" Sure, Aphra hadn't made a formal announcement of her pregnancy, but well... it was getting sort of obvious. He didn't think it was particularly taboo to talk about.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Children. A major fixture within any established assembly, the next generation, new minds to twist and mold as was deemed necessary. Their own lost, a pitfall, one among those numerous to a degree tally proved useless, never viewed. Upon these Peaks laced with frigid flakes they seemed unending, underfoot with a joy born of innocent wonder, caution abandoned.

Unknowing they of promiscuous incline, satiated only when indulged, offspring given forth to an unkind world. Better not known, bore no trivial knowledge to incite deserved ire, ignorant the beast adorned in dark feathers.

Before caught that voice, a challenge there in a decree for no trouble, softened beneath words that curled at conclusion, statement made into a query. Unknown the name that came before all else, distance closing, languid each step, drive a fleeting wonder. Lips twitched, corner tightening for the span of a moment, crowned the pompous fool with a title. No assistance offered, pack horse may she be, befitting such gruelling work, amusement briefly present in stuttering exhale.

Closer drawing, studied abdomen, indeed, even to one lacking experience with such, evident the excess weight. Eggs. That word lodged within their thoughts, curiosity ignited. Educated seemed such term, the use natural as remarked the possibility of retaining warmth using another source, yet did not align with what limited knowledge they bore. Tentative the formation, singular the word drawn to the surface of their mind, confusion overwhelming in the shared message. Eggs?

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra didn't really have bad sex education per say, it was more or less... not having the ability to prevent pregnancy from happening, for lack of better words. Her main body was infertile, sure, but it appeared that the bodies she possessed were not. Shame, as many times it was easier to seduce another if you were their own species. Not impossible as a domestic feline, but considering the scars on her face and neck in that body, Aphra didn't really consider that body beautiful anymore. An... embarrassing thought, one she wouldn't admit out loud; hell, she'd probably argue to someone else that those scars made her prettier. But that wasn't issue at hand here.

"Mhm, yeah." Aphra's tone was dismissive towards Arvid, not really appreciating the science nerd night now. The last thing she needed was to be taught about how to take care of her own kids. God damn. But the pup did have a point; Aphra wasn't going to be around all the time. And this time, she didn't have a father to keep watch when she wasn't around (not that she was complaining though, Jormungand was annoying). Aphra paused as Noémie drew into the ground, a snort escaping her. "Yes, eggs." God, what they needed in this group was another incapable of proper speech.

Now that the questions was answered, or she hoped so anyway, Aphra moved past the two Wanderers and continued on with her task.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-23-2021

Anthemtalon hadn't ever been around eggs or expecting parents before. He was no where near maturity- another seven years or so it was off, despite his size making him seem far older than he was. Was that the reason for why he spoke oddly, behaved off instinct for the most part; for he was technically still a juvenile? It was above his mental paygrade, which was ironic.

"Eggs?" The lazy lizard echoed as he trudged over, tongue flicking. He didn't see any eggs, or smell them. Where were they? It was guaranteed that they were present by the one the question was asked to. Eyes squinted briefly, hauling himself forward a little. Carrying moss and sticks, stuff to make a nest. "Help? Can help. Help carry," Anthemtalon offered.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - Grimm - 04-24-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Silence brief, the break similar. Tone bore a dismissal, nonchalant with a gentle hum proceeding. Cranium shifted, a slant to one side that allowed an ear to fall against their forehead, unimpeded by hood that nestled at the crook of their neck. Unheeded it, though the intended participant was the other, continued study. Next directed to them, confirmation.

Thoughts turned, curiosity only further fanned rather than tempered. Known eggs and some who tended them, fragmented their memories of balmy afternoons wasted on rooftops, fingers clinging to the edge as they reached for ivory morsels. No bird this one, though close enough. Feathered she, adorned in plumage of ivory and blush, display recalled. A threat in it, the flare of fine quills, empty proven. Maybe this what allowed such, made her a carrier of young housed in fragile shells.

Threads severed with the meandering entrance of another, face known though free now from the covering of paint. Eyes roved over reptile, slow his own echo, a query tied to its end. Assist in carrying them. Unseen hidden clutch, unknown that stomach was distended by them, lips twisting, a frown drawn across. Movement caught their eye, once more turned, after trailing, a lost puppy curious now to witness the supposed eggs the mother tended. Not bird. Only they have eggs. False this statement, unknown this, beyond their grasp the knowledge more than the crows and pigeons they had once terrorised bore such a method of birth.

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

"Certain reptiles can have eggs as well. Well...they primarily do just like birds." Came the musical voice of the Kingpin, happier than she had been in recent days. After the whole hall of kings show and Ruven calming her down she had gone into a slump. If the meeting had been anything to go by. Yet she was feeling better, or at least as better as she could get. After all she was still broken. Still messed up. But she hid it, sheltered it so others couldn't make it worse. Lashing her tail back and forth she looked at the dragoness as she continued to collect moss and twigs. A thought spawning in her mind. She was pregnant and she was about to have kids. Well the father better not show up here. Personally she was inclined to disembowl Aphra's lover since she could trust them. Jor had destroyed that trust and she snorted before shaking her head. But a thought had also been playing in the back of her mind.

Could she be a capable mother? Could she have a love life? A sudden laugh left her muzzle and she pressed a paw against her mouth almost startled by it. No no, of course not. Love was a fairy tale dreamed up by the weak. Shaking her head a bit she would sit down then and she tapped a paw against her chin almost as if in thought. "Are you keeping them, Aphra?"

Re: I'M A VERONICA // pregnancy - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-24-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
More people, more people. Fucking hell. Aphra grit her teeth as both Anthemtalon and Sojourn came over, fighting back the urge to snap at one of them. Or everyone, one of the two. It was a lot to push that urge down. "If you want." Aphra grumbled in response towards Anthemtalon, once again dismissively. As long as he didn't bump into her or bother her, she didn't care much.

Now Aphra knew better than to be dismissive towards Sojourn. The Kingpin fortunately answered Noémie's question so the somewhat feathered dragoness didn't have to. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" Aphra responded to Sojourn, letting out an amused snort. There was an option, she supposed, killing off the body or doing some other... not-so-great things. But Aphra didn't want to do either of those. So did she really have a choice in keeping them? Now if Sojourn was asking if she planned on caring about them?

Well. That was a different story.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]