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be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Printable Version

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be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-21-2021

Anthemtalon slept a lot. The cold wore down on him, which made it pretty hard to function sometimes. It was exhausting to get his body up and waddle around; which was probably why 'lazy lizard' was likely used more than his name when referred to. Probably. Who was he to ponder how others thought of him? As long as he had a place to stay and tried to help, he was pretty sure he was fulfilling the quota imposed on him at his arrival to these islands. He was lazy, he slept a lot, and despite how he ate rotten food he thankfully wasn't coated in wretched scent.

What he was covered in right now, though, was blue paint. Apparently someone, an NPC, thought it a great idea to paint the lizard's scales while he was napping. Was his own fault, really, for laying down in a pathway that others would travel along. That was just him asking to get pranked, apparently. Someone had gotten out a brush and a bucket of paint, and gotten a pretty decent part of Anthemtalon's hide colored a nice shade of blue before running off. Wasn't because Anthemtalon had woken up; no, the lazy excuse of a lizard shuffled a little to get more into the sun, and relaxed back into his slumber.

Somehow the smell of the paint nor the texture of a brush had woken him. Regardless, the paintbrush and bucket of paint was still there, if not at a slight greater distance due to Anthem shuffling around while he dozed. Thankfully the kind of paint was one that would come off in water; else a harmless prank probably would go south fairly quickly. The lizard briefly garbled, moving his head, and went back to sleeping as the freshly applied paint dripped off him.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Saturn hadn’t been that too far away when he heard the sound of the NPC rushing off in a hurry, sending confusion through the feline before the smell of paint drifted across their path. They padded towards the scent, the paint soon mixing in with the smell of Anthem and it didn’t take much to put two and two together. Saturn went bounding over to the lizard and the paint, excitement bubbling up in the leopard the closet they got to the scene of the crime.

Quickly Saturn drew to a stop next the paint, hesitantly placing a paw in the liquid before attempting to place it on Anthem’s side. If succeeding the leopard will then let out a squeal of excitement before turning to the rest of the paint and practically tipping the paint over to get the rest of it. Saturn would end up going about dancing around in the paint, leaving paw prints everywhere and slowly covering his pelt in the blue paint. They would also end up dancing all over Anthem at some point, leaving prints all over the sleeping lizard. At this point Saturn was practically acting like a kitten, the paint reminding them of back before they had been banished from their home.

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Byriath - 04-21-2021

The scent of paint was what lead the Guru to the two, at first annoyed and then just utterly confused. Paint. Saturn was covered in it, Anthemtalon just chilling the fuck out. Byriath grinned gently and tilted his head. "You having fun?" He tilted his head to the other side, sitting down near the two with an amused glint in his eyes.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - ARVID R. - 04-22-2021

This was quite the little prank, now wasn't it? While Arvid wasn't that much of a prankster himself, he certainly could appreciate a good joke, and this seemed like a harmless enough one. It wasn't as if Anthem would particularly mind all that much, considering the lizard was still dozing away peacefully in the sun. The dire wolf couldn't help the snickering that left him as he approached, his tail wagging back and forth behind him as he spoke up, "I guess we'll have to start calling him Canvas, instead of Anthem." He didn't bother trying to tell Anthemtalon about what happened, at least not yet. There didn't seem to be much reason to wake the other up, and he was fairly sure Saturn's prancing around would warrant some kind of stirring soon enough. Or perhaps that was expecting a little too much out of Anthem. After all, the air was pretty cold that day, and it was entirely possible the komodo wouldn't actually wake up until many hours later.

Speaking of Saturn's hopping around, Arvid found himself pretty amused by how cheerful his parental figure seemed to be. Not that Saturn was particularly depressed or sour most of the time, but this was certainly a new side that the canine hadn't really seen before. It made him smile, and he soon found himself moving over to the bucket of paint, dipping one of his own paws into the thick blue liquid. He then carefully moved to paint on the side of Anthem's face, drawing a small pattern of dots and lines beneath the other's eye. It was almost like tribal face paint, in a way. Turning back to Saturn, Arvid questioned them with a content little hum, "You seem happy... have you painted before?" Although, he wasn't sure what they were doing could properly described as painting, at the moment. It was more like... vaguely hopping around while also getting paint somewhere.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]New always that caught in the restless shift of vision, never stagnant, plentiful the opportunities, chances building for toil. Expected, weary shoulder weighed beneath, their own labour assigned. Familiar this, work better than rumination, existence built around constant motion. Downfall found in this, too short the list given, voice caught as words clogged their throat, desire unspoken as mind traversed old threads.

Exploration once more had they turned to, study of this land that bore a frigid chill even as spring further closed, a fist of simmering warmth, life renewed as awaited the next season. Little addition to their expansive knowledge, meagre as it was for surface level all of it, left only with annoyance, a dark silhouette made by heavy drape along their body moved among the masses. Few those passed, smaller still the tally that cared to grace them with fleeting attention, away vision skittering, a minor nuisance each as their own mind marked each as worthless.

The smell first indication of change, heady without dilution, lips shifting though none may witness the manner teeth were exposed, caught against dark fabric. Sneeze arose, barely suppressed, head sudden in a quick shake as though the action may rid them of the aroma. It did not. Mind slow in divergence, query drawn forth, only for self posed — what was the cause.

Distance closer all too quickly, bright the hum, voices rising in a lilt laced with joy. Humourous or enjoyable this unknown that gave off such a strong scent, further piqued interest. Scene into which they stepped unexpected, momentum stilling, head twisting, turning one way and then the next. A sight all, only one spared from the brightly hued fluid, noticeable how two bore a great quantity. Vision moved between as steps began again, the spilled mess drawing attention at last, before stopping.

Out reached, ebony and ivory marred in a small amount, paw turned and inspected how it rested atop dark flesh. The desire to taste it briefly rose, tongue flicking forth, stopped as fabric was grazed. No, a poor idea, one discarded. Rather to the slumbering reptile their dark eyes turned, over his slumped frame roving, messy some and intricate others the work already done. Slow their own addition to form, a half circle with a line cutting down, lengthy the tail it was given. Upon either side of the line within the circles circumference two small dashes placed, the excess wiped off on the ground. An old symbol, one of assistance, almost pleased the light hum that bypassed curled lips.

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-25-2021

True it would be, to assume that the lizard's persistent capability to sleep would override stirring when paint was applied to his scales. First a singular NPC, and then a trio of his peers using blue paint to mark him. The paint was harmless, and without pain and with the cold, what was to wake up the lazy lizard. Speech, probably. Being touched? If anything, the touch of those that could make their own warmth was more of an enticement to slip further into his nap. Cold blooded lizard doing his best to soak up the sun, and less care could be given for what colorful pranks befell him while he was unconscious.

A single eye blinked open for a moment. Blinking again, forked tongue flickering. Mind half awake and half asleep, Anthemtalon gave a nonsensical garble that did not compare to speech at all (unless 'grehbleh' was suddenly added to the dictionary.) Not moving other than to change where his head was laying in order to rest where the sun had continuously shone, and then right back to sleep Anthem went. No complaints, no irritation; debatable it was if the lizard was even capable of feeling anger, or if laziness was so ingrained into him that anything other than sluggish personality could be mustered. His eye shut, and he drifted right back off again to let the painting resume.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - angelembrace - 04-25-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Paint. It had the texture of slimy, cold mud and made twice the mess. He believed somewhere deep down that he should have taken a liking to the colored substance, given his young age. However, much like with the mud that seemed to have covered literally everything, Angel hated the feel of paint. It was awful, and would take forever to get out of his fur. Although, seeing the lazy lizard getting painted was quite a sight. Eyes widening at the crime scene displayed before him, Angel paced around the outside of the paint covered section of ground, tail twitching as the tiny furs along his lower spine prickled and stood up. For a moment he though he had even stepped in the paint left behind, and a tiny cub growl was emitted to very clearly show his displeasure in the feeling. Not that it was intimidating, his proper growl hadn't even come in yet. He was still a baby, despite all his efforts to not be viewed as such. "Where did paint come from?" He asked with a hint of distress, scraping the bottom of his paw against the ground to rid himself of the blue tint. No thank you.

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Casphian - 04-25-2021

The playful snow leopard bounded over to Byriath when the other made his way over to where the lizard and feline were. “Paint,” was all Saturn giggled in response to the question they were asked. Saturn stood up on their back paws, attempting to place their paw where they would assume Byr’s chest was, reaching their paw out to try and reach the taller male’s face. Giggles erupted  from the leopard, the feline clearly having fun being coated in the blue paint. They would eventually bound away from the larger feline, heading back to mess around in the paint before hearing Arvid speak up. “I used to paint all the time when I was a cub, it was something me and my mother would do,” he hummed the response to the question. An ear flicked to the soft sound of Noèmie and Angel approaching, tilting their head briefly before picking up their bouncing about in the paint, at some point choosing to just flop down in the liquid.

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - Byriath - 04-25-2021

He turned to face Arvid and Angel, a gentle chuff coming from him as he shrugged before he looked at Saturn, immediately tensing up at the contact of paws against his chest. Eventually, as the paw met his face, there was a soft, hardly audible chuckle. Then he found himself choked with tears and he cleared his throat, though tears still watered his eyes.

He gave Angel a side glance. "Might want to get out of here if you don't like getting paint on you." He grinned, using a paw to rub one of his eyes.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: be nonchalant with screws ._. paint - ARVID R. - 04-28-2021

Well... at least Anthem didn't seem angry with them? Not that Arvid had been really been expecting anything more. He wasn't even sure the komodo had the capacity for anger within him – it seemed like too much of an expenditure of energy for the other. Either way, a soft snort left the canine as he watched Anthemtalon settle back down into his rest, and he turned as both Noemie and Angel approached. He flicked his fluffy tail in greeting to the both of them, although a wicked smirk spread across the pup's muzzle when he noticed Angelembrace's displeasure over the paint. He aimed to flick a few spots of blue paint at the other's pelt as he answered casually, "Some NPC thought it would be a neat prank to paint Anthem for sleeping in the middle of the road. Not sure where they got the paint itself, though. Maybe they just grabbed it from one of the houses?" He had certainly looted some of the houses around camp himself, in the past. That was where he had gotten his old science kit, after all.

Upon hearing Saturn's answer to his question, the dire wolf seemed to pause, his head tilting to one side. Painting had been something that Saturn and their mother had done together? That was... sweet. Although Arvid couldn't help the way that his gaze reflected a bit of envy. After all, he had never really known his birth mother, nor had he gotten to partake in any activities with her, aside from feeding himself. He shook that feeling off quickly though, a slightly forced chuckle leaving him before he spoke, "Ah... I guess that's not too hard to believe. Something about you struck me as one of those creative types." He couldn't help but watch the exchange between Saturn and Byriath with amusement, having to bite back a snicker. Saturn really did seem to have a softening effect on Byr, didn't he?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass