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melodrama's so much fun }} OPEN NOW, disappearance... again? - Printable Version

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melodrama's so much fun }} OPEN NOW, disappearance... again? - Alexandre - 04-21-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
After discovering his new and growing horns, the meeting, and roaming around aimlessly without a destination in mind, the moon was beginning to peak around the horizon. The sky had begun to grow dark. Hues of dark blue rose from the skyline and littered the world with white specs of stars, signaling the end of another day. With a ragged yawn and weary eyes, the young adult began to make his way to the jungle temple with a limp. He walked in silence. Orange hues watched as likeminded individuals headed home for the night. Some to drink their pain away at the tavern, while others went home to their family and rested in their warmth. Alexandre's thoughts raced at the possibilities. The normalcy, the pleasure, he didn't have.

Paws graced the stone flooring of the jungle temple in no time. He promptly noticed no one was in the medic's area yet, not even Roan or Danny, and let out a disappointed sigh. No one to watch him as he slept. Not even a soul to comfort him after the nightmares struck. The feline merely rolled his eyes and meandered towards his pile of blankets, laying down in despair. His chin shifted over to his pillow and placed itself lightly upon it's surface. With a final, soft huff, his eyes began to close.

Re: melodrama's so much fun }} private for now - rhosmari - 04-22-2021

After watching Aphra take a body that was much larger than her own, a dragon no less she was curious. She had just discovered she had the ability to possess another body, the one she was currently in. She had managed to take it and override the one that had lived in it. She had destroyed the soul and taken the memories that were within the mind. It felt like nothing she had ever felt before and she was enthralled with the idea of doing it again. The kingpin found herself wanting to try that now just to see what she would be able to do. What bodies she could potentially take for herself. Swaying back and forth the woman settled herself in her home and she closed her eyes. Remembering that feeling, the feeling of pressure, of hammering against that force before suddenly there was a sense of release. Her soul slowly lifted from her body and she floated. If was definitely a strange experience and she then wandered.

Wandered and wandered till she found herself upon lands that were not her's. Lands that she hated. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she floated her way down into the jungle and through the walls of the temple. It was there that she saw the child she had taken. The one that they and taken so long to rescue from her clutches. Some damage she had done but perhaps she wasn't finished. A grin pulled upon the sector's face before she slowly moved forward and she slowly began to use her mental powers just as she had done with Ravenwood. Attempting to make the boy hallucinate images. Of Roxanne casually wondering why they even bothered to rescue him at all. Of Roam scorning him for making it back alive and being so so weak.

Then the woman moved, attempting to force her soul into his body, wrapping herself around his. Trying to force her will on him and gain his body just for some fun. "Just for a little while I'll show you what it is like to be free."

Re: melodrama's so much fun }} private for now - Alexandre - 05-03-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The silent ambiance lured Alexandre into a state of vulnerability, but a time of peace and serenity. As his eyes fluttered shut, the word grew dark. Senses dissipated. A final sigh left him as his body sunk deeper into his sheets. Calm. Peace. Something that he hadn't known for a long time. Two months, was it? Perhaps longer? The feline didn't dwell on the thought, but instead let his mind settle into graceful trance of tranquility and satisfaction. Thoughts began to fester in his head. His mothers' warmth. Their soft tones and the things they said along the way. 'Mon soleil,' came Diya's familiar words. Her sun. The child that burned bright, fiery as could be.

Had his shining light and hot flames pushed them away though? Had his truth scared them? Two months. They had failed to rescue him for that long. His mothers had left him to succumb to Sojourn's torture, just as he was beginning to in the moment. He twitched in place. Shaking and falling down a mentally skewed hole, Alexandre's eyes shot open with a gasping breath. Orange hues darted around the jungle temple. He flipped onto his feet and pushed up into a tense position. His dark paws backed the cold, cobblestone corner at the sound of thundering footsteps coming his direction. A soft coo came from the entrance of the temple, tempting him closer.

"Alexandre, mon soleil. Madre and mama are here to check on you."

Mothers. His parents.

Alexandre stumbled forward towards them and attempted to let his face sink into Roxanne's shoulder, only to clatter to the floor. Wide eyes looked up at his mother. Her hallucination began to cackle wildly. A paw slid underneath his chin and the feline's head rose to lock gazes with her. Diya's white pelt moved closer to Roxanne, leaning into her wife's side with a smirk. "Not a step closer," she cooed.

Roxanne's grip pushed his head back, dropping him instantly after Diya's taunting words. Alexandre stumbled backwards and caught his fall. Dilated eyes looked up at the alabaster features of his mother's face, looking her up and down. This was... different? "W-why?" he questioned. "You are my mo-" "Were." He exchanged glances with the two before him. The edges of his eyes were beginning to water as he looked between them, awaiting for their cruel joke to end, only to be met with wicked smiles and slitted eyes narrowed in satisfaction. Dark smoke began to grow behind them, engulfing them in a black abyss. Reality was beginning to fade.

As he scrambled up from the sunken in floor, Alexandre continued to glare. Tears began to well in his eyes. "Why?" came his pleading mumble. The two apparated materialized closer, leaning in close to his face with teeth bared and eyes glaring down at him. "Did you see what you did to that poor feline, mon soleil?" Diya challenged. Alexandre trembled underneath their looming stare and merely shook his head. Shame. "You're a monster," Roxanne followed in suit with.

His head leaned in, almost pressing noses with Roxanne's own. "What was I supposed to do?" he croaked. "You stranded me for two months and left me to die." Orange eyes flicked downwards. Blood stains. Puddles of crimson lined the floor and began to crawl up his forelegs. He tried to move backwards and escape the dark encapsulating around them, but the dark liquid that donned his body kept him in place. With a ragged growl, he looked back up at his mothers. Breathing heavily, he let out a growl. "Then you replaced me," he remarked. "With her." A white pelt began to appear behind them. Heterochromia eyes popped out of Vayne's head, wide and staring in shock. The two females before him turned their heads towards her. The ragdoll shuffled in her spot, only to spit out one word. "Rightfully." With the last laugh in order, she turned quickly and ran back into the smokey darkness.

Another figure apparated from the darkness and stood behind his mothers' backsides with a smirk lining their maw. Roan. He tried to push past the females, only to be shoved back. Alexandre's jaw opened to plead for his help, but was interrupted crudely. "I'm afraid there's not much I can do for him," he repeatedly darkly. "You're too... weak." The medic craned his head. His expression remained snide. "You should have left him to die."

Alexandre's ears pinned to the back of his head. He attempted to move forward and reject his theory with snark, but the fluid below chained him to the stone below. His mothers began to cackle. Their diabolical laugh echoed in his ears, reverberating repeatedly with a torturous effect. As their wicked screams turned into a soft snicker, the surrounding felines leaned in. "You know what," Roxanne murmured inquisitivlely, looking briefly over at Diya and Roan. "We should have." In truth, he knew they were right. He knew that he should have died in that cave. He believed he should have.

Roan's dark gaze narrowed in on him. He put a paw to Alexandre's horns, pulling him forward and threatening him to speak. When met with only a growl and a tense stance, the medic smirked. "You'll wither away into nothingness if you just sit here," he taunted. Firm paws let go of his horns after making his point. Alexandre merely stared, desperately searching for a way out... but then she came.

"Then don't sit there."

Wide hues rapidly broke from Roan's locked gaze and looked into the dark fog. Who was that? Alexandre's eyes flickered to and fro, looking for the source of the lowly hallucination demanding his attention. The colored feline began to slowly shift forward with the liquid sloughing away from his forelegs.

"Do something."

As the crimson solution seeped downwards, the male's focus redirected back towards the group that stood before him. Narrowed hues stabilized onto Roxanne. The all-seeing voice's narcissistic, repetitive pleads fueled his envious rage. Feminine and filled with silver linings, she laid out all the reasons as to why they were no longer his family. Why he deserved better. Why he should be free to be the man he desires. To leave them in the dust without a trace or a care, just to prosper in self-worth.

The feline began to lurch forward. With every snake-tongued whisper in his head, the hold below began to break free. His head began to crane to the right. Stained canines breached out from his maw and bared in their direction. Unsheathed claws stroked at the floor below, awaiting their next words... only to be interrupted.


Hindlegs pushed off the floor and launched into the air. Claws like daggers attempted to grab at the hallucination's head, but phased through. Despite this, teeth tried to snag at the female's neck. Canines snapped wildly in the direction of Roxanne's jugular and aimed to rip out the feline's internal arteries. A harsh hiss left him when he came up empty.

Orange oculars readjusted to the world around him. The vivid hallucinations him were beginning to fade away, along with the darkness that proceeded them. Roxanne's gaze locked with him as her body began to dissipate. "You proved my point," she murmured. With another smirk and her brown paw giving one last cocky wave, Alexandre's mother faded away, as did the rest.

Before he had time to react, Sojourn's manipulation broke it's hold and her soul began to invade his body. A choking gasp left Alexandre. He couldn't scream. Not for them. Not after that. Wheezing and stumbling about into the moonlight, he exited the jungle temple, only to momentarily freeze.


Except this time, it was no narrating hallucination.

"Just for a little while I'll show you what it is like to be free."

Unable to move, to speak, the male was stuck within his mind's palace. As Sojourn's control reigned over his body, claws gripped at the floor and a sigh of relief exited his (or her?) mouth. A soft laugh rumbled out. Alexandre was no longer in control, but his subconscious surely determined Sojourn's future deeds. The possessed male, quite frankly, held no qualms. If he were to die, then so be it. They wanted it, after all... Didn't they?

With the moon finally reaching it's peak in the sky, the jointed souls ran off into The Typhoon's territory. Nothing but ruffled bedsheets, a trait uncharacteristic of Alexandre, and signs of struggle were left behind.

// open now! + only alex can see the hallucinations... he will only appear to be gone. can be assumed missing temporarily!

Re: melodrama's so much fun }} OPEN NOW, disappearance... again? - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne didn't truly know how to feel about Alexandre; on one hand, she was glad that he was back, because it made Diya and Roxanne happy. Which of course, was understandable seeing that Alexandre was their son. Like their actual biological son, as opposed to her, adopted by the Captain and her wife. She was completely unaware of Alexandre's feelings towards her, though she did seem to realize how Alex didn't seem to enjoy her presence - but completely unaware that the guy despised her.

Still, Vayne wanted to show that she was a good sister and was just as happy that he was back, even if she never really knew him in the first place. The feline had a fish in her mouth, planning on giving it to Alexandre so he could eat. But as she got to his room in the Temple, Alexandre was nowhere to be found. Frowning, Vayne set the piece of prey down and called out, "R-Roan?" She sounded wary and afraid; had Caesar gotten in the Temple and taken Alexandre? There were signs of a struggle, from what she could tell at least, but no blood was around. No other scent that Vayne could recognize.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: melodrama's so much fun }} OPEN NOW, disappearance... again? - roan ; - 05-06-2021

The reason why Roan hadn't been in the temple that night had been because he was at the tavern. Not to drink his worries away, but merely to play a couple of games of cards in order to de-stress before he headed back to the temple. He figured there wouldn't be an issue with that, considering how stubborn his current pair of patients were. Both Alexandre and Danny didn't seem too keen on merely sitting around when he asked them to, which meant there was little reason for him to be sitting around, watching over them. He knew he'd be informed very quickly if something was wrong. Of course, the soothsayer could've never predicted something like Alex getting possessed. He knew that the power of possession allowed one to take over other bodies, but it generally didn't seem to be used as a way to take over others. Which... honestly was pretty surprising, considering the nature of the power itself. Either way, the siamese didn't return to the temple until a little while after Alexandre had wandered off, his body guided by Sojourn.

In fact, he arrived shortly after Vayne, frowning slightly as he grew close and heard her shaking tone of voice. With his head tilting to one side, the draconic feline questioned, "Vayne? What is it? I wasn't expecting you to be here at this hour... honestly, I'm not sure going to see Alexandre right now is such a good idea." Honestly, he just didn't want the other to lash out at Vayne again for something that wasn't her fault. A nonexistent issue that seemed to linger only in Alex's mind, really. He wasn't given much more time to dwell on that, though. He stepped around Vayne and into the temple without much fuss, although he paused when he saw that Alexandre wasn't around. That was... problematic. As stubborn as the other was, his half-brother generally returned to the temple on time when it came to getting some sleep. The lack of a struggle actually only served to unnerve the medic more. As he glanced around, he found himself muttering, mostly to himself, "Something is wrong..." He then parted his jaws, surprised to smell that Alexandre's scent wasn't all that stale. He had been here recently, but... he had left?

With his tail lashing in anxiety behind him, Roan took a few steps outside of the temple, blue gaze cutting through the night before he sighed. He sat and dug his claws against the earth, musing aloud, "Where is he? Did the Coalition get him again...? I didn't see any signs of a struggle. No blood..." Could they have gotten to him anyways? Him going willingly seemed unlikely, but what if they had done something like threatening a member of his family? That would certainly get Roan to move, at least. Or perhaps... he had put himself into some kind of self-imposed exile? That didn't seem entirely unlikely, considering how guilty and unnerved Alexandre seemed with his past actions. Still... why would he do such a thing, when it was clear that so many cared about him? Letting out a soft huff of frustration, Roan then called out into the night, "Alexandre! Are you there? Where the hell are you?" As his voice echoed out into the air, the soothsayer knew he wouldn't receive an answer. It was an act done mostly out of desperation, and frustration.
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Re: melodrama's so much fun }} OPEN NOW, disappearance... again? - daniel - 05-06-2021

It was true, Danny did not stay where he was told to stay, which perhaps didn't always align with his haunting fear of getting in trouble with Roan and any potential cynical commentary that could come with it. Apparently the need to get up and go was enough to take the risk, both of the Soothsayer and of his healing injuries. He thought they were coming along well enough, speaking of, and he wouldn't have to bother Roan about them for very long, nor be a high priority patient any longer. Not the case, between the two he was perhaps going to be looking at a longer time span unless Alexandre refused to recover for one reason or another. He just didn't want to be a bother. And speaking of Alexandre, Danny would be the first to admit that he had grown a small liking to the boy during their time in the temple, though neither of them seemed the most peppy and talkative type. The disdain towards Vayne hadn't gone unnoticed when he witnessed it, but he didn't have the heart to tell her that, nor did he have the will to tell Alexandre to take it easy. That was perhaps his only qualm with the guy, everything else only sparked intrigue. And when you were stuck in the jungle hospital with somebody, you started to pick up on their habits, and this was certainly out of the ordinary.

Danny looked around, both around the outside of the temple and the inside where the feline duo had already noticed something off, and Alex being gone. The wolf glanced at the bedsheets, uncomfortable by their unkept appearance. "I can go, um...look, y'know, for him." Maybe he was just wandering around, or was still close enough to bring back home. He didn't want to imagine that something terrible had happened...again.