Beasts of Beyond
take this mess that i created ❂ cleaning up (open) - Printable Version

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take this mess that i created ❂ cleaning up (open) - teef - 04-21-2021

The thought of cleaning up had been wearing on his mind for a while. It had been some days, weeks? Since the flashflood had struck and the efforts of others were certainly noticeable, but the Sage was tired of stepping into puddles of mud and whatever else that had come with the water. Until the first rains of the season, the trees and rocks would keep their muddy coating, unless the sun dried them into dust.

Gaze changing to the different piles of debris and still scattered debris, the akhlut would give a heaving breath. There were good trees out here - they could be used to repair parts of the camp on high, or they could be fashioned into other things through the territory. Such thoughts filled the Sage's mind as he padded through the main camp before pausing by the boulder he had set Moth upon earlier. Clearing his throat, he would scratch his shoulder against the rock, "Members of The Frostblown! Today we begin to clean up our territory!", he would call out with a deep bark, "Anything that can be salvaged, please pull aside!"

Re: take this mess that i created ❂ cleaning up (open) - dave s. - 04-22-2021

Although he hadn't been a member of The Frostblown for very long, Dave couldn't deny that cleaning up sounded like a good idea. Hell, the state of the territory had been the first thing he noticed when he first arrived. Besides, he wasn't a fan of getting himself covered in mud if he happened to slip and fall down. He wasn't as vain as some about his own golden pelt, but he also wasn't a fan of getting drenched – plus, he didn't want his shades getting all fucked up. So, at Auberon's call, the big cat was quick to move over, inspecting the area around them slowly. He muttered to the other, tail flicking behind him, "alright, bossman." He then moved over to a nearby tree, one of the smaller ones splintered into pieces as a result of the flashflood. He dragged some of the pieces of it to the side, mentally noting what they could be used for in the future. Maybe some furniture, or even a dam to prevent another flood in the future?

As he pulled pieces free and put them aside, Dave found his gaze wandering around the territory, a sigh leaving him as he saw the state of things. It really was a wreck, wasn't it? He really knew how to pick them. With a brief shake of his head, Dave spoke softly in Auberon's direction, "this is gonna take... a while, isn't it." It was less of a question and more of just a vaguely frustrated statement. Still, he couldn't even imagine how Auberon must've been feeling, being the leader and all.

Re: take this mess that i created ❂ cleaning up (open) - Casphian - 04-22-2021

Wings flapped in the wind, carrying a larger feline body through the sky. The call of Auberon sounded through the wind, pulling the soaring body down towards the ground. Jupiter landed close to Dave, wings folding against his back with a bit of a shuffle to fix allow them to be more comfortable. An ear flicked when the other tiger mentioned that it would take a while, assuming that it was aimed at the cleaning up and honestly Jupiter couldn't agree more. But it needed to be done so that the group could set to work rebuilding what was destroyed.

Jupiter padded over to the larger debris that needed to be moved out of the way and setting to work on getting it moved. A huff slipped past his lips, honestly it was irritating how the flood was just able to sweep through the camp and take out what the group had worked so hard on building, what god out there had decided it would be fun to send raging waters towards the group? Alas these were answers that Jupiter didn't have and probably would never have but it felt nice to blame the flood on something.

Re: take this mess that i created ❂ cleaning up (open) - teef - 04-26-2021

A heavy breath would leave the male, his gaze taking in the sight of Jupiter and Dave appearing. Their help was appreciated. "It definitely will take a while, but at least it won't be the years that our ancestors had to wait.", he would rumble as he approached a spattering of boulders. "The settlers of our land had to deal with the volcano - one of The Five Sisters as we know them now. They had to wait for the lava to cool enough to survive, but their actions allowed us to have this camp we call home.", he would recall some of the history with lidded eyes as he moved boulders aside.

"Let's take this opportunity to further strengthen the supports of our home.", buildings could be made from the carnage left by the water. Safer structures could be created. Living above a certain height seemed to have helped them this time, and he hoped it would in the future. "If you have any ideas, please feel free to share them. The mud will be handled by the sun and seasonal rains, though the rest of it is up to us. This is merely a phase of new life - the volcano erupts and life comes from it, so too happens when the water bursts its banks and rages upon our world.", he would murmur, not entirely sure if he trusted his own words, or the old teachings he'd learned as a child.