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My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - Printable Version

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My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - Casphian - 04-21-2021


A spotted and soft hued body laid curled up next to a garden of flowers, said flowers still growing and working on blooming. The chest of the body softly rose and fell with each relaxed breath that was took. The feline looked rather peaceful where they rested and honestly they probably were. It took a lot to break the peace that the feline usually felt but not impossible. But those were details that weren't needed at the time, or so they supposed but honestly who knew at this point the world was always ever changing and you never know what could be happening next.

For now we can at least hope that the peace stays and nothing comes to disturb it. An ear flicked as Saturn listened to the nature singing around him, their songs wrapping and curling around their body. Curiosity shot through the feline as the other wondered where others were at this point in time and what they were doing. They probably could just go find out himself but not many in the camp interacted with them or at least they haven't tried but to be fair he hadn't either. Saturn preferred to just stick with the ones that were kind to them and didn't treat them as if they couldn't do things for himself with his loss of sight. Luckily he found those people and they weren't about to let them go any time soon.

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - angelembrace - 04-22-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Flowers were quite beautiful, and such things were perhaps one of the few things that Angel could find interest in. It felt as if his interests had begun to shrivel and die day by day until very few, concrete ones were left. Science and beauty, even those he surrounded himself with often faded into the background of his perception save for a few, only realizing that one of said few was suspiciously missing from the day-to-day interactions he kept up with. Where was Saturn? Perhaps it was intentional, the isolation that the silver furred leopard was currently partaking in, but there was a level of peace and comfort that no one else could provide that Angelembrace was currently growing desperate for as his agitation from late was constantly hanging over his shoulder.

Luckily, he happened to find the snow leopard in the garden, considering collecting a few flowers for a future project. "Is that...comfortable? Laying in a garden?" Angel asked curiously, soft paw steps carrying him to the other's side, sitting his golden butt down and gently tapping a nearby flower with the end of his tail. "You don't mind if I stay with you, do you? All the noise is giving me a headache."

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - Casphian - 04-22-2021

Light hued head lifted upon arrival of Angelembrace, blank orbs locating the feline. “Yes it is very comfy it’s one of the reasons I come here so often,” they hummed. The snow leopard would attempt to gently headbutt the jaguar club’s shoulder, wanting to offer a reassuring muzzle. “Of course you can sit with me little cub,” they mused.

“I tend to come here a lot when the noise is too much or I just don’t want to be around others, it’s a nice place to escape to,” uttered the feline, admitting to finding comfort in this retreat. “You’re welcome to come here anytime.”

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - angelembrace - 05-01-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── His eyes widened slightly at the head butt to his shoulder, as if he wasn't expecting it. He wasn't, of course, physical contact was still to him. Not a super great realization, but there was no changing the fact. The cub looked up at Saturn, knowing full well that he would not be seen doing so, morbidly grateful that his almost dejected shift in expression would be lost to the lack of sight. "I see..." He responded, looking back down at the flowers. They were beautiful, were they not? It almost dampened his mood more to think Saturn was blind in a field like this. Sometimes even he forgot that they were as such, they functioned so well. "I suppose I could...perhaps I could document them." He settled down until he was nearly tucking his paws under his chest, refusing to admit to doing anything without an end goal. There was always a reason for everything he did, there had to be.

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - Casphian - 05-02-2021

“Document them?” Saturn asked, tilting their head to one side. “When did my little cub become such a scientist?” They teased. They shifted their attention back to the meadow, a soft smile dancing on their features. It was nice to be able to just sit with Angelembrace, the Jaguar cub’s presence being comforting for the snow leopard. They were quite sure why yet, the bond between the two still forming despite what many would seem to think. “Either way you’re free to do as you wish here.”

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - angelembrace - 05-06-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Angel looked up once again at the question, a soft laugh leaving him from somewhere deep in his chest. When did he become such a little scientist, that was a good question. He didn't have the answer for it. "I don't know, actually, it just happened. It's not like I'm set to be the biggest or strongest creature in the Coalition, might as well use what talents I do have." Had he ever admitted to his weakness? He didn't recall ever doing so. The realization made him stop, blinking and frowning to himself. Right, he was a big small still for his age. And a bit weak too, but he hadn't been kicked around as much lately. Was he earning his keep, finally? A question suddenly made itself known in his head as pondered how to word it. "Saturn-" The cub began, suddenly very serious for a child, and rather quickly changing in tone as well. "Do you ever feel like, just maybe, your own groupmates...look down on you, because you're blind?"

Re: My little cub won't you come sit with me for a bit? / Angel - Casphian - 05-06-2021

Saturn chuckled softly at the response they received, shaking their head a bit. “You can do anything if you set your mind to it, well maybe not everything but I believe you could’ve done it if you wanted to,” they mused. They lowered their spotted body to the ground, resting their head on their paws with a yawn slipping past them. Their tail curled around their body, the tip flicking softly against the ground. An ear shifted towards the cub when he spoke up again, the question silencing the snow leopard for a moment as memories and thoughts flashed through their mind. “If you want the honest truth, yes yes I do,” they hummed softly. “Every day I wake up and wonder when they’re finally gonna have enough and kicking me out of the group like the others did, I constantly feel as though I’m just burdening them because I can’t help in the ways I want to be able to,” they mused. “Sure I can still do a lot of things but there’s just some tasks I can’t help with and because of that I know I’m looked down upon but honestly that’s okay, you can’t please everybody in the world but those who do cherish you, you keep them dear to you.”