Beasts of Beyond
some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - Printable Version

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some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - Grimm - 04-21-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Frigid the intake, each searing, imbued with a heat that contradicted by simply being. Quickened that fleeting spark, nestled in stilled diaphragm, contained a spread racing along each nerve, an ache built upon until —

Soundless the loss, a rush that bore a bitter aftertaste prominent against tongue, kin to the last long since gone. Flakes disturbed by the sudden expulsion dance and twirl, a directionless momentum, after trailed dark vision. Known fine fragments, ashen remains of wood and flesh alike, unlike this. Chilled their touch against frigid nose, sudden the twitch, the desire to sneeze barely suppressed. It is though almost laborious seems the movement of cranium, dark the swaths obscuring, manner lips curl with displeasure not visible. Not alike that experienced before, different this, slurry the partially melted blanket upon which steps were made.

Strange the manner of locomotion, the synced movement of a secondary set of limbs guided by something unidentified, instinct maybe, or experienced the muscle where the brain lagged behind. Difficult to grasp the naked state of paws as well, removal of covering necessary, to soil them unthinkable, chill making numb paws languid in their pace. At the least heavy still the weight adorning, over sides ebony spill ruffled by sparse breeze, the signifier of a life concluded maintained. Warm it, though shoulders strained, minute the tremor, fragile this shell they had found acted as their own.

A cruel joke, their rejection met with hardship, the unknown given to them when abandoned the supposed peace of a dream woven paradise. Better it than nothing, low drawn the hood over eyes that never stilled, loose the binding of dark fabric covering lower jaw and throat. Time all that was needed for adjustment, an acceptable price that may be paid. For now continued their trek through this frostbitten land, unknown their close proximity to an edge that deemed it as owned.

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Soft and gentle paws pulled the smaller body across the land, ears flicking with each sound that was made. The creature was searching for something, that something lost to the being. Blank and foggy orbs shifted across the area, a habit that the creature still held even if the orbs took nothing in but darkness. Saturn padded through the area, wondering what they should be doing for the day or well what they could do. The feline might be well adjusted to this lack of sight but there were still a lot of things that they couldn't do and so it sometimes made it hard for them to figure out what they could do to help out the group.

An unknown scent drifted across the felines path, drawing their curiosity towards it. They shifted their direction, following the scent at raced through the group's territory, wondering who would be treading so close to their border. As they drew closer to the border their pace slowed until they finally stopped. Head tilting to the side, blank orbs shifting over the land as the feline tried to pin point where the scent was. An ear flicked towards the sound of a moving body, drawing Saturn towards them. "Hello there, you're passing along our border, do you seek anything here or just passing by?" They called out their question.

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - ARVID R. - 04-21-2021

With the destruction of the mudslide having been essentially entirely cleaned up, Arvid found himself exploring the territory a bit more than before. In the early days of his joining, he had stuck mostly to the areas near their temporary camps, not wanting to get himself buried if there was some kind of aftershock or extra fallout. Now he felt fairly confident as he made his way out of the main camp, however, stretching his legs and searching for... well, anything, really. Anything that could pique his interest, or perhaps even something that he could bring back to his new home. It was looking pretty barren at the moment, and while the dire wolf didn't care about having that much stuff, he hated feeling so small within his home. Furniture and other additions would surely fix that problem, and since he didn't want to mooch off of others even more, he had decided to go searching.

That was how he had eventually come across Noémie and Saturn, blinking and pausing as he was assaulted with both a familiar scent and an unfamiliar one. After a moment of hesitation, Arvid made his way over to Saturn's side, pressing lightly against the other in greeting before he looked Noémie over. He had never encountered a borzoi before, so the other's appearance was pretty unique to him – although most of it was covered by the cloak that the other wore. Hearing what Saturn had said, the pup added on quietly, his ears twitching down momentarily before he spoke, "It's the Coalition of the Condemned's border, just so you know. So I'd recommend that you turn tail and run if you're looking to cause any trouble." Arvid himself wasn't exactly much of a threat, considering he wasn't much of a fighter, but the rest of the group certainly was. And he doubted it would be long before those other members arrived, drawn over by the presence of a newcomer.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Better late than never to get used to the new form she took. Aphra prowled through the Coalition's territory, though she walked with four legs as usual in her feline form - mostly because she felt completely off balance if she stood and walked with just her hind legs. Maybe eventually she'd get used to it, who knows? Voices in the distance caught the Espionage's attention though and she wandered towards where she heard them coming from.

Taking Arvid's advice about possibly seeming more intimidating in this form, Aphra came closer and stood behind the direwolf pup, fluffing out her feathers and glaring down at the stranger and awaiting a response from them.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Silent the passage, each second a mere grain within glasses housing, the quiet click of metal sliding into place. Faint the displeasure about such thought, a wandering strand plucked from unconscious stream, alongside fragmented memory drawn. A pocket watch once held, silver against ashen palm, tarnished face imperfect though viable still. Lips twitch, a curl disturbing dark covering, fine the plume expelled from dark nostrils.

Gone it, taken most assuredly, a dream made of stolen night. Longer taken, parsed and trimmed the unsavoury, memory laced with endless pitfalls. Annoyance voiced in fleeting breath, a precense light, fine the few notes that dictated conclusion. Faces rose and fell away, decay consuming, soft and malleable edges tested, painted each against closed lids.

A voice. Gentle the lilt, information imparted as though elsewhere gathered the rest, holes here to be picked at, through threaded falsehoods. Slow the part, obscured in part depths dark, languid too the pace of study, their roving over forward stranger open. Mouth moved in the cradle of dark fabric, shifted it, down drawn a fraction. No words would adorn the tongue hidden behind, curiosity made clear in manner head turned, perplexing the brazen protector. Words they knew, the written rising to forefront of mind banished before hold may be formed. Poor understanding of ailment that consumed the fibres of their muscle, found home in the marrow of bones that ached, known instead this.

The other bore inoperable eyes.

Barrier communication for the one without voice, robbed of it by own decree, and the one without vision. Given possible remedy in the approach of another, begun anew their study. Strange this one, as other may he deemed, a youth assured of himself on a reckless pride not likely earned. Familiar the old spark, a desire simmering among quickened thoughts, the merit of child begging for a lesson within humility. Not their place, had never been, but the hand that bore the blade all they were, snuffed out the desire before it may exceed smouldering embers.

Chance taken as cranium shifted, a slow and weighty pendulum imparting that trouble was not sought,outward paw stretched. Peculiar still the manner it moved, unanswered their desire for mobile digits, awkward the hold as claws carved shall lines into the earth. Rudimentary the final product, further ruined by the fact it was facing the pair rather than them, a house depicted. Evident the desire for shelter, allowed to pass the name spoken, the banner under which they assembled bearing no weight.

Before an answer may be given, or clarification requested, their tally expanded once more. Above towering new presence, the manner expression was set, the language of rigid body, imparting the notion of threat. None taken nor one given back, lax still their posture as chin lifted, eyes almost requesting more. Pompous and puffed up all this one was, a display without bite, thus easy the disregard of her as a whole, once more attention aligned with the child and the stranger by his side.

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - Casphian - 04-22-2021

Saturn flicked their tail towards Arvid, returning the greeting the other offered. They patiently listened as their little wolf offered up questions to the strange scent, the feline still waiting for a response to their own questions but still yet to receive anything. It wouldn’t be much longer that Aphra would appear, a small and quiet huff sounding from the feline. They were not pleased to see the other but it should be expected that she would show.

An ear would flick as the sound of a claw digging into the earth would finally break the silence between the three and the unfamiliar scent. Head would tilt in question as curiosity would shoot through Saturn, allowing the feline to wonder what was being drawn. But they would not speak up, for why should they? There was nothing they could say that would help since they couldn’t even see what was being drawn, ah one of the many cons to having lost their sight.

Re: some nights I hold faith in old rituals ◈ joiner - ARVID R. - 04-25-2021

Well, this was a real pickle, wasn't it? Noemie didn't exactly seem inclined to speak up to either of them, and Saturn was unable to look at whatever they were drawing. So, it seemed as though Arvid would have to play the middleman, much to his own chagrin. Not that he disliked Noemie already – the other didn't seem to be a threat, which was an obvious plus – but he was just a little bit awkward socially. Or well... a lot awkward, really. He thrived in certain situations, but in other ones? He felt like a useless bag of rocks just sitting within the Coalition's territory, more than likely blathering on about some kind of science concept. This time, though, he was determined to make sure things were communicated. Besides, if he didn't... well, what exactly were they supposed to do then? Just sit around until somebody else who could see arrived to interpret things better than he could? That would be even worse and more awkward than just handling things himself, at least in his own opinion. Aphra was technically around, and she could see, but... well, she was a bitch. She'd probably end up just driving the other away. Best to handle things now, instead.

Glancing down at what the other had drawn, it took the dire wolf a moment before he was able to put things together. Not because he didn't understand the concepts being communicated. Mainly, he was just trying to figure out what the hell the rudimentary drawing actually was. After a moment, though, his gaze filled with realization, and he let out a soft ah. Turning towards Saturn, Arvid muttered as his tail flicked back and forth, "Looks like they're here looking for shelter – to join. Seems good to me, no?" He then turned his attention back to Noemie themselves, a soft chuckle leaving him. He introduced himself quietly, still seeming amused, "Ah... don't mind my threats from earlier. Just gotta make sure people know they can't just mess with us and get away with it, you know? Then we'd have all sorts of randos showing up on the border." As things stood, that kind of still happened, but at least said "randos" were newcomers looking to join, rather than wanderers ignoring a weak group nearby.

The boy then added on softly, gesturing with his brighter yellow paw back towards the rest of the territory, "You should be good to join, I think. I mean, Sojourn has the final say, though. She's our kingpin – the leader. Still, you should be good as long as you hang around and help out, and you're also loyal. No funny business or you'll probably end up with your throat slit." Well, there really wasn't actually a probably there. Sojourn was erratic enough and obsessed with loyalty enough that the pup had no doubt she would slit the throat of any disloyal members. Not that he particularly cared about that, mind you. After all, if they were disloyal, they were probably planning on hurting other wanderers anyways.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass