Beasts of Beyond
BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - Printable Version

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BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
Gordon had been alone for quite some time now, though she did have her companion still with her. The little sugar glider clung to her shoulder as she moved along, with its small ears pricked and eyes wide. "We'll find some place to stay soon, I promise." Gordon spoke softly to her companion, though she was worried that she couldn't find some place to stay. The island of Beyond was so big, surely there would be some groups somewhere?

Ironically, the munchkin mix had already crossed the Tribe of Molten Spirits's borders, though she hadn't been aware of it. The lush jungle around her though made her a bit nervous, with Gordon feeling as if something was watching her. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - MORAG TONG. - 04-21-2021

Patrols were not something that often needed to be done throughout the tribe's territory. That wasn't to say they were never done – occasional border patrols were a necessity for any group, after all – but rarely did the tribe ever have to worry about intruders. There were, of course, exceptions to this rather sparse patrol schedule. One of those exceptions was none other than Morag Tong himself. While he knew it wasn't necessary for him to prowl along the border each day, he still found himself doing it at least once, just in case. Maybe he was just paranoid, or maybe it was because he had been taught to do it since birth within his old home. Either way, it was lucky that he had made patrolling a habit of his, or else it might've been a while before anyone stumbled upon Gordon.

When Morag Tong did come across Gordon's small form at the edge of the jungle, he couldn't say he was particularly intimidated, or worried about her being a threat. The size difference between them was massive, especially considering she was a munchkin mix. Still, he couldn't deny that he was surprised, not used to finding strangers on the border all that often. He paused momentarily, looking the other rather brightly colored feline over, before he questioned, "Oh... hello. You're on the territory of the Tribe of the Molten Spirits, just so you know. Or, well, you're on our border. Do you have a name?" He'd ask her business as well, but he figured that would come naturally along with her name. That was the case with most new people that showed up, anyways – however few in numbers those newbies were, at the moment.

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - Casphian - 04-21-2021

A larger body drifted through the area, following the familiar scent of another. Leathery wings shifted on the creatures back before spreading and giving a harsh flap to lift the body into the sky. Kainan soared above the trees, his gaze shifting across the area as he kept an eye out for where Morag had gone. The hybrid easily caught onto the unfamiliar scent of another mixing in with Morag's and once he could pin point where the pair were he drew closer to the spot.
Wings flapped as Kainan drew closer to the ground, his paws touching the soft earth as he landed close to the pair, catching the tail end of what his Spiritualist had said to the other. There wasn't much else for him to add so he stood off to the back, tail swaying behind him as he folded his wings against his back.

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-21-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
It wasn't hard to notice a tiger wandering up to you, though Gordon did tense up and prepare herself to run off in case this tiger proved to be a threat. Fortunately for her though, Morag appeared to be friendly - but the sight of a large dragon-like creature flapping down to join him startled her. Gordon backed up, flattening her ears at the sight of the hybrid, but focused on Morag to try and calm her nerves. "M-my name is Gordon Cipher," She mewed. This was a group, a Tribe. A home. She was quiet for a few heartbeats before she answered the 'business' question that was likely going to follow. "C-can I join? I-I've been looking for s-somewhere to stay for a while."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - Casphian - 04-23-2021

The hybrid tilted his head curiously at the small feline before him. Kainan let out a quiet hum while debating on his words, finally deciding to speak up a few moments later. "I'm Kainan, the Spirit Watcher of the Tribe, you are more than welcome to come join the Tribe we would love to have you here," he mused. He settled back on his haunches, adjusting his wings a bit as he did so. "The Tribe will welcome you however long you choose to stay," he hummed. He was curious about this other feline, wondering how such a tiny creature could survive so long on her own but those were questions he would keep to himself, it wasn't any of his business to begin with and not to mention she may not even be as small as she seemed, his perception of height was off since everything seemed small to him with his size. Yet none of this was important and honestly Kainan thoughts were getting off track.

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - MORAG TONG. - 04-24-2021

Well, she certainly was a nervous one, wasn't she? This was hardly the first time Morag Tong had been greeted with a moment of fear, and he doubted that it would be the last. However, Gordon's fidgeting nature seemed to go beyond simple fear of creatures larger than her. In different circumstances, Morag's suspicious nature probably would've caused him to assume she was using her seeming anxiety to cover something up. That had been an effective tactic for getting close to a target back in his birth home. Act weak and anxious so that others would take pity on you and grow close, and then strike when they were least expecting. He was less suspicious these days, however, and it wasn't as if Gordon would be difficult to keep an eye on, if she intended to stay within the tribe.

With a thoughtful hum leaving his throat, Morag added onto Kainan's words, showing off a toothy smile, "Pleasure to meet you, Gordon Cipher. As Kainan said, you're more than welcome to stay with us. I'm Morag Tong, and I'm the spiritualist of the tribe. You can come to me with any questions you may have, if Kainan isn't around." He then questioned her lightly, his head tilting to one side, "Would you like someone to show you around the territory, or would you prefer to explore and discover things on your own?" She seemed like the type to prefer an escort, at least in his mind. Safer to have someone by her side, after all.

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

Re: BREAKING YOUR PRIDE // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
Just because she was small didn't mean she didn't know how to survive; Gordon could hunt just as well as any other creature, even if she tended to get startled often. It was a reason, ironically, she was drawn to groups; it wasn't social anxiety by any means, she was afraid of being found out. She was afraid of her father lurking around the corner and she was suspicious of others due to her father's rather explosive behavior. But being in a group meant safety, even if she had to get used to her clanmate - err, tribemates in this case. "Th-thank you, everyone. It's nice t-to meet you all." She mewed, dipping her head as a gesture to everyone here.

"I-yeah, I would appreciate an escort, if-if no one minds." Gordon quickly went on, answering Morag's question. Her ears twitched as her companion made a chittering noise and Gordon realized she hadn't introduced Velvet yet. "Oh, this-this is Velvet, she's like a l-little companion. Are-are there any, um... Fruits around? Or-or maybe, like, insects?" Gordon cringed at her own question, realizing that yes, there probably were at least insects around. Stupid. Stupid question.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]