Beasts of Beyond
Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - Printable Version

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Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - Casphian - 04-20-2021

A large dark yet colorful body laid curled next to the flowing water over the river. Eyes were softly shut, chest rising and falling with each relaxed breathe. Honestly it was a sight to see, this slumbering giant seeming so peaceful in his sleep. But alas he wasn’t as asleep as many would think, no in all honesty he was just relaxing, soaking in the warmth of the sun’s rays as he shone down upon his child. It was a nice day out and Kainan wanted to take a bit of time to relax before setting off to work on whatever duties he had for the day.

He honestly didn’t get to relax often so it was always nice when the Spirit Watcher got to take a break. Curiosity struck the hybrid as he wondered who might end up joining him but the river if anyone, though the thought didn’t stay too long in his mind before others came rolling through. A soft hum slipped past the hybrid’s muzzle, the tune simple yet sweet just how he liked it most of the time. 

Re: Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - MORAG TONG. - 04-21-2021

The river was one of Morag Tong's more beloved part of the tribe's territory, particularly when the summer months began to arrive. The tiger's thick and colorful pelt did a great deal to help him when winter was around, spreading icy tendrils over the earth and sending cold into his veins. But when the spring and summer arrived, and the sun saw fit to beat down mercilessly upon all of them? That was when Morag most appreciated the water, as it offered an escape. A refuge, really. Not that the assassin would ever complain too much about the sun. It – he – was quite an important part of the tribe's culture, after all.

It wasn't often that Morag came across Kainan legitimately relaxing, so he had to say that it was a rather pleasant surprise as he crossed the other's path that morning. The hybrid's relaxed posture and smooth humming radiated an air of peace, and the spiritualist almost didn't want to interrupt that with his presence. Still, he also knew that Kainan wouldn't consider him to be an interruption. So, he moved over to the riverbank, settling down onto his belly and letting his paws dip down into the shifting waters. With his own little hum, Morag Tong greeted the other softly, "Morning, Kainan. Good to see you finally getting some well-deserved rest." Not that he had much room to talk. The tiger was almost always vaguely on edge, ready to protect the tribe if something went wrong, or someone threatened them. Thankfully, they remained largely unbothered for the most part, mainly due to their status as a new and still developing group.

Re: Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Kainan’s eyes fluttered open as Morag Tong drew closer, his head lifting before dipping in a greeting. “Hello Morag, yes I figured I could take time to relax for a while before picking up on my duties,” he hummed. “You have room to talk though, honestly the amount of times I see you patrolling the territory makes me question if you ever stop,” he teased with a chuckle. As much as he teased the other about it Kainan honestly appreciated how much Morag Tong did for him and the Tribe, honestly he wasn’t sure where he would be without his trusted right hand.

“Have you heard any whispers of anything on the grapevine,” the hybrid asked, dropping his voice so not to allow others to hear. None knew of the second job that the Spiritualist held other than him of course. Luckily they were able to put the job to use and keep the Tribe safe quietly. Things seemed to be peaceful at the moment but you never know when something might pop up.

Re: Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - MORAG TONG. - 04-24-2021

The irony of chiding Kainan about his work ethic wasn't lost on Morag Tong, although he still felt a vague sense of embarrassment pass over him as it was pointed out. Even he had to admit that his patrolling habits seemed to be overkill, but he simply couldn't help it. He had been raised to patrol since birth, told that doing so was vital in making sure everyone was safe. He didn't believe that to have changed, even if the tribe faced far less threats than his birth home did. So, with a soft chuckle, the tiger responded, "Don't worry, I do. Wouldn't have much energy to patrol if I didn't take breaks to eat." Granted, he mainly found his own meals while out on said patrols.

It wasn't a huge surprise when Kainan dropped his voice into a low whisper, Morag having gotten used to their covert exchanges long ago. He didn't feel too bad about keeping the whole side-job a secret, considering it made it easier to sniff out any rats within the tribe as well – not that there had been any thus far. Shaking his head in response to the hybrid's question, the tiger's voice dropped down into his own mutter, "Not anything too important, all things considered. Nothing I'd think to be a threat, anyways. We do seem to have some very interesting neighbors, though. I've heard of some other smaller groups around. The Frostblown, The Golden Eye... even one that seems to live in a castle. None of them appear to be threats, though... not yet, anyways." The other groups certainly were interesting, but the assassin had yet to notice any of them straying too close to the tribe's borders.

Re: Hello old friends, won’t you come and have a chat ~~ Open, relaxing - Casphian - 04-24-2021

Kainan let out a soft hum, turning his attention to the water that gently flowed through the river that rested in front them. It was no surprise that nothing was happening at the moment, he hoped it stayed that way, with how small the Tribe was right now. The hybrid glanced back over at the tiger when he mentioned the groups that were around, an eyebrow lifting before his attention was drawn elsewhere once again. “It might be worth checking into those groups at some point,” he mused.

Kainan huffed and pushed his back half up, stretching out his body before fully standing up, shaking out his pelt a bit. “But I suppose that’s a task for another day,” he hummed. With that the hybrid stepped into the water, relishing in the coolness of the water as it washed over parts of his heated body. “Join me in the river?”