Beasts of Beyond
Nothing in between - Moving back in - Printable Version

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Nothing in between - Moving back in - Byriath - 04-20-2021

The door to his home swung open, silhouette of the massive Xenosmilus in the doorway as he breathed in, a smile across his scarred muzzle. "Home sweet home. Lets see.." He opened a window, letting light filter in from the day outside. It seemed his house had gone unscathed by the mudslide, save for a broken window (Why a broken window, that took forever to make!). He sighed, dragging his light bag into the house. It held mainly other bags of herbs and a single black wood hourglass, which he set on the table next to the door. The herb bags he set on the shelves above his fireplace.

Moving with purpose, the god touched the broken glass of the window delicately before forcefully breaking the glass with his paw, pushing more of the broken glass outside. "I suppose a breeze can come in." he rumbled, walking outside to pick up the glass shards. Something bubbled in his throat, and a yawn escaped his jaws. Distracted, a shard of glass cut into his paw pad, causing him to growl a bit and toss the glass inside through the window. The deep purple ichor on his paw trickled down gently, and he sighed, staring at the paw while another yawn escaped him. A yawn..
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Nothing in between - Moving back in - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Disaster averted — repair concluded though debris lay present, ruin piled and moved, discarded until time dictated it must be dealt with. Small work still begged for attention even as hands were cleaned, the mess done with, the grand picture once more perfect. The details unnecessary, overlooked, importance revoked.

Always one cared, an individual in the crowd, their own the labour.

Strange it to tread among the structures of wood and iron, alike the sensation of longing, wished done over until stone met shifting vision. It would not be done, a whim unanswered as all others had gone, left only their curiosity and the insatiable desire tempered beneath the sullen hum of restless thought. Meandering steps, directionless and without purpose, head swivelling about, sights caught and dismissed. A brief study all this was, growing accustomed even as their mind grew coarse around the notion, knew it to bear little weight. Never still for long, could call no place home, their lot in life dictating they were of a nomadic tendency.

Interrupted by unexpected source, vision trailed, watched discard fragment. Viscous fluid clung to broken edge, temptation that called, tongue slow in sweeping graze over dark lips. Teeth caught and dug, suppressed the urge even as it grew, a strengthening din that drowned all else out. Forward stepped, caught in line of sight the hulking beast, unlike those whose paths has crossed their own. Old desire roused, annoyance brief in dark depths, averted even as the two fought. Different this place, dream or otherwise, heavy the breath expelled through nostrils.

Away they thought to turn, to himself left the other, caught the well, the gathered fluid that stained upturned flesh. Odd the hue, alike their own yet the drip proved false this, violet carving a path along pad. Curiosity overwhelmed, query rising, unknown how kind reached and sought to plant it in the other, nestle it there as though it always belonged. Different. Why.

Re: Nothing in between - Moving back in - Byriath - 04-23-2021

To have someone ask why something about Byriath was different wasn't uncommon for him. But so be asked, he suspected, why his own blood was different, though, made him a little surprised. Because of Noémie's comment he realized he was staring at his own paw, and he moved quickly to tap the pad against his massively furred chest, padding away the blood for the time being. "I am.. Well, that's a good question. Most simple answer would be to say that I am a god. Immortal. Unnatural." He shrugged, scarred face looking to the other, purple eyes glinting.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Nothing in between - Moving back in - Grimm - 04-24-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Brief the rise, muscle acting without aid, mind behind gentle twitch. Vision traced over, roved contours marred by scar tissue, a map without end, stories woven through. Thoughts broke, fell along familiar lines, a ponderance over cause. Were the stores he bore of a similar vein as their own, horrid mess the battlefield, torn up mud befouled beneath crimson. Was he a monster, held the guilt of innocence robbed, carved out of the thin veil of existence, forgotten even as their breath fled, stale and putrid.

Eyes close, a sudden blink, another. Movement caught, held in dark field. A hast in the removal of clinging fluid, dark strands tacky, smoothed down beneath the repeated action. Hiding what was known, removing the evidence of embarrassing wound, or, possibly, something of a more simple nature. Disregarded for the moment, seeking answers merely distracting from the query posed prior. Answer came, unwanted thoughts seeping through the cracks.

Breath caught, held in the tightened column of their throat, crushed by a force imperceivable. Lips shift, drawn away form tight clench, lids closing as chin falls. Onslaught painted along that ebony veil, taunt grown muscle, minute the tremor tracing spine, gently working along shoulders.

A corpse swallowed by still water, flat and empty. Cavity torn open, lacking external structure. Skin pulled taunt, ivory those boney fingers wishing to take, working between clenched teeth. Numerous eyes settled among folds, too many legs working in tandem. Openings revealed, miniscule bodies pulled forth, flesh breaking as they fell in a cascade of shifting limbs grasping at the empty air.

Teeth dug, skin broke, tongue awash in old, familiar taste. Copper missing in the dark ichor, similar to that which had once welled along broken skin, cloying and thick, instinctive swallow. Bitter that left behind, eyes never raising, incapable of meeting the violet depths, a challenge there. Believe me or don't. They did and that was the issue. Different from those met. No… Paw rose, strengthened the tremor, gesture vague as attention was purposefully directed towards their face, primarily their chin. Tentacles. Too few eyes.

Re: Nothing in between - Moving back in - ARVID R. - 04-25-2021

It seemed as though more and more people were returning back to their homes, a rather good thing, at least in Arvid's humble opinion. While he was still continuing his seemingly endless search for the perfect furniture to fill his new home, he was glad that others seemed to be settling in once more. Plus, it was fun to pop in and see the various homes that people had, taking in their decorating styles and the little trinkets that they kept around. One could see a lot about a person merely by stepping inside their home and seeing what was kept the most carefully – what was valued the most. That was what drove the dire wolf to move from home to home, framing his curiosity as a simple desire to say hello to those that had returned to their abodes. He supposed he could've been honest about what he was doing, but... some people didn't enjoy being studied, as he had found out a few days ago. He had made an offhand comment to one of the other wanderers about what he had observed about them, only to get nearly tossed down the side of a hill in retaliation. Thank God for his long legs, really.

Eventually, the boy found himself at Byriath's house, occupied at the moment not only by the owner, but by Noemie as well. Noemie's strange telepathic words reached the canine as he approached, but it wasn't as if he was able to make sense of them. Tentacles? Any eyes? That sounded... unpleasant. He didn't comment on that for now, not really having any personal experiences with "immortals," as they called themselves. Instead, he lifted up one of his paws, muttering idly as he looked at it, "I wonder if my blood is a different color. Maybe yellow, like the odd parts of my pelt? Well... I'm sure I'll see some day." He could've cut himself to see it now, but... having to bandage himself up just to see what color his blood was wasn't exactly an attractive prospect. Shaking his head briefly from side to side, Arvid then focused on Byriath properly, questioning the other, "Hey, Byriath. How goes the move back in? I didn't think it would be quite so... damaging." He gestured at the other's injured paw then, chuckling lightly.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass