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IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - Printable Version

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IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - trojan g. - 04-19-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]In his time with his old parents, Ruven hadn't ever really had good food. He'd come to the Coalition underfed and confused, and as time grew while he'd been here despite the mudslide he'd been able to eat food that was good, food that was fresh. He had been a fan of the fresh meat that he'd been given daily since he'd been here, the ability to not have to worry about getting sick from the rotting flesh of an animal long since dead a memory that would hopefully soon be distant, despite the best efforts of the Coalition's resident reptile.

He had eaten nothing but meat since he'd gotten here almost a month ago now, so when Arvid had made the little fruity worms that he had offered those around him, Ruven could only try and consider the other possibilities of food around him, and so he'd gone searching for someone to tell him about different foods. The one most interesting and that seemed the most simple to the lion cub was, of course, the simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The NPC that had told the child of the simple sandwich seemed to be enthusiastic that someone was willing to try the food, and had given Ruven different things to try with it. At first he had been overwhelmed - there were so many different jellies and jams that could be used, not to mention the different types of peanut butter - and so with careful consideration ( and advice from the stranger ) Ruven had decided to go with a simple grape jelly and regular, smooth peanut butter.

Sitting down in the middle of camp, the child would stare at the two slices of bread with filling in between, ears pinned to his head in worry for just a moment as he built up the nerve to try it. It was so simple, and it was foods that he'd never had before, what if he didn't like it? No, he couldn't think of that now, he had to be brave, he had to try the sandwich, and so he brought it up to his maw and took a bite, smile coming across his lips for a moment as he realized that yes, he did like the taste. That was before a small whimper came from the boy's throat and tears began to form in his eyes as he quietly began to cry. The bread and the peanut butter was stuck to the roof of his mouth.

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-20-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra didn't understand why children were so curious, especially when it got them into trouble half of the time. And today was no exception, with Ruven trying a sandwich and apparently didn't like it or got tricked into eating something spicy. Whatever it was that happened, the crying was annoying, even if it was a quiet whimper. It could get louder and she wanted to avoid that. "Oh, shut the hell up." Aphra hissed as she marched over to where Ruven sat, ears pinned to the back of her head. "What happened? Too spicy for you?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-21-2021

Anthemtalon ate carrion, mostly. Rotten food that not many others were able to digest. It was a neat niche, one that meant that little food would be going to waste while he was shuffling around. Outside of the horrid food that he scavenged, he hunted little. Cooking and making food had been one of the furthest things from his mind. Food was food, though, and the smell of it in the air attracted the komodo monitor.

He sauntered over, tongue flicking rapidly to help him figure out where the smell was coming from. Bread was foreign, jelly was foreign, peanut butter was foreign. Jelly smelled sweet, like that science experiment he'd munched not too long ago. Anthemtalon came to a halt, looking at Aphra for a long moment (what was spicy?), then turning to Ruven. The lizard shuffled closer, garbling quietly. "Okay? Eyes leaking," Anthem commented, his face then turning to what remained of the sandwich. "Food? Food good! Eat, yes, eat grow big," he continued, gently bumping the back of a talon against the other with as best a warm smile Anthemtalon could manage.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - angelembrace - 04-21-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Unlike Anthem and apparently Ruven, Angel had no interest in trying new foods outside of the fresh meat that he consumed daily. He was constantly burdened by the worry of something making him incredibly sick, he was at a bit of a disadvantage health-wise, and one misstep could end up with him confined under Byriath's care. Wouldn't want that, would we? The Guru had enough on his plate as it stood, and the last thing Angel wanted to do was pile up work on top of what responsibility was already there. Perhaps, rather, he could bypass being a potential patient and aim for potential help. But he digressed, it would appear as if someone got a little curious about food and the result was a little overwhelming. Or, he thought that was the case anyway. He wasn't too sure.

"Aw, resorting to bullying random children, Mother Dear? Such a shame, I could have sworn there would be a new plaything for you to bother instead. Has word gotten around you have nothing else to offer? Tsk, tsk." The jaguar cub mocked relentlessly, and while usually yes, very much agitated by Aphra's antics, having formed a friendship with Ruven that was unmatched by the other kids so far, at least as of now, her brutal commentary pushed him over the edge into a level of not just irritation, but full on anger. Anger that was not unlike the vitriol Devraj spat the day he blacked out. Granted, he was no aggressive man of power, but he could use what he did have. A snarky collection of insults to use for days on end. However, his energy would not be totally spent on ruining a few minutes of his mother's day, he had more pressing matters to attend to. Expression shifting from absolutely fucking smug to genuinely concerned, Angel attempted to place his paws on Ruven's shoulders, brow furrowing. [b]"Ruven, is everything okay? You're crying."

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - rhosmari - 04-21-2021

Food? Well the woman could not say she tried anything else. Her diet was strictly meat as her being a ghoul had dictated that long ago. A monster that needed and consumed flesh on a daily basis. Be it her own kind, weaker individuals, or prey animals. She needed it or else she could go into a rather bad rage. It had happened before but thankfully she had been isolated and on her own though the next creature she stumbled upon had not been so lucky. But perhaps she would try something different. Something not so bloodied. Though she doubted that she would even think about something like that. Her eyes watched her son as be seemed to be doing something. Creating something that smelled funny to her nose. Slowly the leopardess made her way over but she paused as she heard Aphra's words. Words that sparked an unbridled anger to rise up in her, ice formed up her limbs as she watched the woman tell her son to shut the hell up. A mistake. A mistake.

She cared about her son unlike with Aphra and her kids. The cold hunter watched Aphra for a moment as she walked up from behind her. Claws stretching from their sheaths. She said nothing, listened to Angel's words before her sharp ice encrusted claws lifted up as she reared on her hind legs to attempt to slash against the back of Aphra's neck potentially leaving deep bloody gashes there. There was no further action taken and instead she focused on her child. Her. Only. Child. "Ruven, hon, tell me what's wrong. What did you eat?" She curled her muzzle as she pushed the sandwich a bit away from the group.

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - trojan g. - 04-21-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]So far in his interaction with Aphra, she had been indifferent towards him, instead of being ruthlessly mean towards him as she had been towards her other children, she had just been there, neither nice nor mean, and the five month old had gotten used to the way he was treated by her, so when she came over and had told him to shut up, he had been caught off guard, confusion on his face as he tried to think of words at first, a rebuttal, but it seemed as though others were quickly there as well, and ears pinned to his head as embarrassment made his face hot. "Not spicy." He would try and speak through the bite of the sandwich he had taken, tongue flicking out of his mouth over and over again as the child tried to get the sticky thing off the roof of his mouth.

Eyes looking over to the others that had arrived, he would nod his head in response to Anthem at first, "Yeah." Was all he managed to get out before he was occupied with the peanut butter once more, ears flicking upwards at the sound of his best friend and mother there, Ruven blinking in shock for a moment as Sojourn had aimed for Aphra before coming towards him, pushing his sandwich away. He looked over towards Angel as he put his paws on his shoulders and, finally, at last, Ruven's mouth was free, and he let out a satisfied sniff of air as he swallowed the bit of sandwich he had. "I was told it was called a sandwich? It had, uh, peanut butter in it and it got stuck, but I got it all, so it's ok." He would speak to those around him, those that had cared about his wellbeing. "It was good, but I don't want it stuck again..." He took the back of his paw and wiped his eyes with it, staring for a moment as they came back wet. He hadn't realized he was crying until it had been mentioned, just something that had happened he guess.

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - ARVID R. - 04-21-2021

Arvid had never really been a particularly picky eater. He took pretty much anything that he could find – a habit that had started when he had been with the scientists. They had only really cared about keeping him alive for their testing, so he hadn't been given anything particularly appetizing. Nevertheless, he still eagerly consumed everything that he was given, wanting to soothe the roaring pain that never seemed to leave his stomach. Old habits tended to die hard, and he continued to take pretty much anything he could come across once he had been dumped on the island. Of course, he had far more options at that point, since he could hunt for himself instead of waiting to be given scraps. Even with this new freedom in mind, though, he had never gone for anything particularly fancy. Hell, most of the time he just consumed what he had caught while it was still raw, not really seeing the point of cooking it when his system could handle it just fine. Some claimed that cooking added more flavor, but Arvid had never looked at food as something to savor. Instead, he saw it as something to consume quickly. Something to keep him going during his day to day activities, so that he wouldn't... you know, collapse.

Needless to say, he had never tried a sandwich of any kind before, let alone a peanut butter and jelly one. He knew all the ingredients that made up the sandwich, but he had never lived in a town before joining the Coalition, so they had never really been readily available to him. He knew their properties, however, and the dire wolf found himself with a bit of an amused smile on his muzzle as he approached. Not a mocking smile, mind you. Just one of amused understanding. Ignoring Aphra's need to cause drama as usual, Arvid simply sat down and barked, his tail wagging behind him, "Peanut butter is very sticky, so it makes sense that it got stuck. I've never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich myself, but... I hear milk can help, if you don't want things to get stuck up. I'd imagine any kind of drink would help, really. It's not that big of a deal, though, as long as you don't eat too much at once... wouldn't want to make yourself choke." That was a genuine warning for the other boy, although Arvid hadn't exactly thought things all the way through in saying it. His intent had been to comfort Ruven, but the mention of choking could very well set him off in tears once more.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-21-2021

Despite only hauling in and eating carrion, Anthemtalon wasn't opposed to trying new foods. Sometimes he did eat the fresh meals that his peers hauled in; not often, because the cold weighed heavily on his metabolism and meant that he didn't need to eat as much. He settled this with his constant naps, to digest the food at a decent rate to get the energy that he needed to continue functioning. Anthem was no picky lizard; if he saw something edible, he was going to go for it if nobody else would. That was his mantra with eating the food that began to rot, digging up bugs and other things in the dirt, and generally things that happened to be unsavory to the diets of his peers.

The sandwich being pushed away? That was just an open invite to eat, wasn't it? His jaws smacked together as he shuffled on over to the sandwich, tongue flicking a few times. Sweet, but something else? Not rot? Confusing. Nonetheless, he bent his head down and picked up the sandwich to munch on himself, happy garbles muffled by the snatched meal. The smell of food had brought him over here in the first place, and so he was more than content to eat while the conversation continued on. Others were taking care of the eye-leaking problem, so he deemed it fair to deal with the weird food issue himself. Swinging his head back and around, trying to swallow the whole sandwich in one motion that was a far cry from fluid.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-21-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
If Sojourn hadn't had come over, Aphra may have had a rebuttal to Angelembrace's comment. In fact, the she-cat opened her mouth to respond to him when the Kingpin came over and unexpectedly lashed out at her. Pain flashed through her body as she staggered to the side. A small burning sensation came from the wound that Sojourn inflicted, revealing that it was bleeding. Aphra grit her teeth, glaring at Sojourn for a moment in both anger and confusion - she didn't understand what caused the leopardess to lash out.

But of course Aphra wouldn't understand, she treated her own children like shit and didn't understand that other loved their children - even adopted ones. Aphra had a feeling that Sojourn had just stumbled upon Ruven, ergo making him not her biological son. So why care what happens to him? The Espionage had nothing to say, however, and simply took one of her paws and tried to wipe the blood off of her neck. A hiss escaped her, but no words, before Aphra went back off towards her home, likely to nurse the wound she just received.

//Aphra out unless stopped![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER;; open - sandwich trying - angelembrace - 04-25-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Oh, thank god. Angel watched the interaction between Sojourn and Aphra without a word, too shocked to comment either way, though a negative shot at Sojo would never come. After all, he firmly believed that Aphra had it coming, though it was a moment too late that he remembered that Ruven was the doted on son of the Kingpin herself. A terrible child in many ways to make horridly crass insults to hurl at, truly. And as Aphra finally left, Angel breathed a small sigh of relief, shaking his head as if disappointed in her behavior. Which, truly, was not far from the truth. Ah, whatever, she could hiss and spit about her new injury all day for all he cared.

His head tilted slightly at the explanation that Ruven provided, processing the rather simple reason for his tears. He couldn't help his subsequent reaction, but the laughter that burst from somewhere within him forced him to drop his paws back to the ground for some stability, pressing one to his spotted face in an attempt to not go overboard. Something actually humorous, not as common as he would have expected from general day-to-day life. "Poor Ru, bested by a bit of peanut butter and bread." The jaguar cub was merely joking of course, not a single hint of mockery in his tone at all, only amusement. Arvid brought up a good point, milk or even water would have been a good idea to pair with food like that, no? As far as the perpetrator went...Anthem had taken care of it. Not gracefully, but at least it was no longer an issue.