Beasts of Beyond
SHE'S SO HIGH ☆ joining(?) - Printable Version

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SHE'S SO HIGH ☆ joining(?) - QUILL C. - 04-19-2021

Tired wings would beat loudly as the barn owl made his way across the sky, the cold wind whistling in his ears. The night sky was crystal clear, with hardly any clouds to speak of, but he took no notice to the beautiful weather. No, there was more important things on his mind. He needed sleep, shelter, and most importantly, water. Quill had been flying nonstop for days, the metal and leather helmet, battle claws, and satchel with his things somehow still worn, despite his sloppy flying form. Perhaps it would have been wise for him to abandon his things, lest the sheen from the armor give him away, but Quill didn't care. It was all he had left of them now...

Talons tightening, his thoughts would flashback to the fire, screams of the innocent and the sound of metal clashing together still fresh in his mind. He felt like a failure, leaving them all behind, but he didn't have a choice. His mentor had told him to go, and Quill knew not to argue. Even so, the boy couldn't let it go, the idea that everything that had gone wrong was his fault.

Consumed by his thoughts, the young warrior didn't even notice the fact that he was losing altitude, his body finally refusing to go on anymore. Wings aching with each futile flap, Quill knew it was over. With a screech, the barn owl would collide with the tree branches, tumbling and falling before eventually crash landing in a bush. Somehow, no bones were broken, but his body was now littered in small scratches and his satchel was nowhere to be found. Good thing he had been wearing a helmet, right?

Re: SHE'S SO HIGH ☆ joining(?) - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-19-2021

Creatures of the air weren't common for Anthemtalon to see. After all, he was a lizard with his snout to the ground, sniffing and slowly scraping along in search of food or a nice place to sunbathe. The flapping of wings, while silent from an owl, still caught his attention; especially when it was followed by something crashing through branches. He stopped in his waddling, tongue flicking. He wasn't hungry, and decided that investigation was called for.

Anthemtalon sauntered over, allowing for his sense of smell and where he'd heard the crashing to help guide him. "Hello?" The komodo monitor grumbled, tail sluggishly swinging behind him. "Heard crash. Heard shout. Hello?" Worst case scenario, he'd let a meal live to see another day. Not that he was hungry, and so his trot and demeanor was relaxed yet curious as he tried to snuff out what, exactly, had shrilled and crashed from above.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: SHE'S SO HIGH ☆ joining(?) - ARVID R. - 04-19-2021

A screech, frantic and surprised, echoed through the air nearby to Arvid. The abrupt call caused the canine to jump, his multicolored gaze darting around desperately to find the source of the sound. It wasn't long before the pup spotted Quill, his ears flicking down against his head momentarily. Not because he was displeased to see the other – he had no real reason to be. Rather, the guy just didn't seem to be in all too healthy a state, and he certainly didn't look like things had been made better by his crashing into the trees. Additionally, Arvid could hear the call of Anthem from nearby, turning and calling to the komodo monitor, "Over here, Anthem! Looks like somebody had a bit of a... crash landing, I suppose." He turned back to Quill momentarily, the same frown returning once more to his muzzle.

He decided to address Quill himself first, a sigh leaving him, "Are you... okay? That was quite the tumble you just took there." He then turned, raising his voice as he called out firmly, "Byriath? You around? We've got somebody who might need a bit of help over here!" Hopefully the guru would hear and be able to assist, even if Quill's injuries weren't absolutely during. Turning back towards the owl, Arvid explained, "I, uh, I just called for our medic. You fell down on the lands of the Coalition of the Condemned. Do you need a place to stay and recover for a little while?" It would ultimately be Sojourn's decision whether the other was allowed to stay or not, but Quill didn't exactly seem like a threat. Hell, it didn't even seem like he could fly all that well – although, unbeknownst to Arvid, the crash was mostly caused by exhaustion.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: SHE'S SO HIGH ☆ joining(?) - rhosmari - 04-20-2021

The shrill cries and frantic flapping awoke the slumbering leopard who had found a resting place deep in the branches of a tree. The leaves shook and trembled as a body tumbled through and last where she had been relaxing. A chuff left the woman and she blinked her two toned eyes, a marring of amusement in her gaze. "Well, you don't see that everyday." Not a bird tumbling through the branches anyway. Pushing herself to stand up the woman jumped from one branch to another, claws scratching and scoring against the tree bark as she made her way back down. A jump out her onto land and freezing snow as she trotted forward. All she simply had to do was follow the rustling noises and those of fellow Wanderers. After all she knew that others were sure to have found the individual before she did.

If he was alive considering that was quite the tumble from the sky. A easy meal would be nice for once. But the cannibalistic woman paused as she noticed that the avian was an owl in a bush. Her nose twitched as she breathed in his scent before she glanced to Arvid and also to Anthem. "Is he alive? Maybe we should help him out of the bush. I'm sure it isn't comfortable in there." She mused almost absentmindedly before she sat down and tilted her head. Their Guru had already been called so what more was there to do but wait for confirmation.