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please look, please look ._. arvid - Printable Version

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please look, please look ._. arvid - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-19-2021

Intelligence next to none was a simplistic means to describe Anthemtalon. While some dragons (or other members of his species (or other lizards in general) that were not him for he was quite the perculiar case study) were capable of speaking and acting just like any mammal, Anthemtalon absolutely did no such thing. He slept, and he napped, and he waddled around and ate rotten food all while his attempts at conversation were short and basic. Nothing too extraordinary; a below average lizard he could be considered indeed.

And try to make conversation he did, heaving himself to his talons when he noticed someone that he'd seen around a bit, but hadn't quite spoken to. Or if he had, it had slipped from the front of his mind and was stuck in whatever primordial muck that happened to constitute his thought processes. The mammals around in the camp weren't food; which thankfully was something Anthemtalon had wandered into the Coalition with the knowledge of. Things that spoke weren't for eating. Undoubtedly his bumbling presence wouldn't have been welcomed if he'd accidentally tried to munch one of his peers.

Still, even if he was a slow and lazy and stupid creature, he was still utterly massive for his age and stalking randomly around without set destination was probably unnerving to some. Anthem's size was to be used for nothing more than being able to soak up the sunlight, or to have more strength behind hauling his rotten meals around. Maybe he should try to invite others to sunbathe with him? The komodo monitor had noticed quite the lack of others sunbathing, and that simply wasn't acceptable to him. He settled for turning to the first person he saw once the thought crossed his mind, heaving his body over with typical drowsy demeanor prevailing.

"Hi," the lizard grumbled, tongue flicking as it often did whenever he spoke, or walked, or rested; truly any time he was not sleeping he was trying to get a grasp on all the scents spiraling through the air. "Doing anything." While meant as a question, the tone doesn't properly sound, and Anthem relied more on the slight tilt of his head in order to convey his curiosity. "Busy?" Ah, it sounded better that time, and his maw smacked with delight at his bare improvement in speaking.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: please look, please look ._. arvid - ARVID R. - 04-26-2021

Anthemtalon was quite the interesting case study to Arvid. He didn't hate the other for his low intelligence. Rather, he just found it fascinating how the other operated. Seemingly driven entirely by base instincts, while still having some semblance of intelligence. It made the dire wolf wonder where the line between sentient and not was truly drawn, although be doubted a firm answer would ever be found in his lifetime. Instead, he simply liked to observe Anthem from afar, only getting involved when the other was doing something wrong. Such as when the other had tried to offer them all some of the rotten food he had caught. Or, well, caught was in pretty heavy parentheses, considering Arvid had seen how the other hunted. It wasn't really so much a dire chase for sustenance as it was a slow amble to grab an already weakened animal. Either way, it worked for Anthem, and the canine supposed that was good enough. Still, he didn't want any part of that rotten food, which had seemingly thankfully been communicated to the komodo... after a little while.

When Anthem had come striding into camp as usual that day, Arvid had merely briefly glanced up, not paying the other much mind. He figured it wouldn't be long before the komodo monitor made himself comfortable in the sun and dozed off for hours, no doubt annoying others with snorting near the middle of camp. This time, though, Anthemtalon actually seemed to have a goal in mind. The pup looked up in brief confusion as the other approached him, ears perking up as he listened to what Anthem had to say. It was brief, as usual, but it certainly got the point across. The lizard was wondering if he was busy? Well... he wasn't. Not at the moment, anyways. He had just finished eating his lunch, and he had been considering doing some more territory exploration later, but... this seemed a bit more interesting. With his tail wagging slightly behind him, Arvid then shook his head and muttered, "Me? No, no, I'm not busy at the moment. Were you wanting something, Anthem?" It would be disappointing to find out what the other had come over for, but... also not all that surprising, either. Sunbathing did seem to be one of the most vital pillars in the komodo's life, after all.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: please look, please look ._. arvid - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-26-2021

There are few things that Anthemtalon could be considered a master of. Eating carrion and sleeping in the most annoying of places for his peers seemed to be the two things that the lizard excelled in. Speaking with the lizard was to the point, brief, and simplistic. Not a lot of words in his vocabulary, nor were there many that he understood. Figuring out the meaning of words by context clues were also above his mental capacity. Some that he spoke to seemed to grasp that concept, and spoke to him in an equally simple manner as he did to them; while it was probably more out of not wanting to repeat oneself and needing to get a point across rather than being sympathetic for a simple lizard's lack of comprehension.

The lizard's tongue flicked again as he sorted out what he was seeking to ask. To make it sound like a better idea, to waste time lazing around in the sun, would probably be something that those capable of more complex thought would be capable of. Anthemtalon was no such lizard, and a grumble sounded before he spoke again. "Sunbathe? Not many are. Sick happen no sun." Those capable of making their own warmth definitely wouldn't fall victim to sickness with a lack of sunlight. Anthem knew not the difference between himself, an exotherm, to those that were endotherms. "Sick bad. Should sunbathe. Nice rock. Sunbathe?"

Anthemtalon's head barely tipped to the side, adding a punctuation of a sort to his inquiry. Not that great, his attempts to add tone to his words. It was something he'd picked up by living amongst others. While he didn't understand the point of the changes in tone (which probably was a reason for why being condescended did not affect the lizard too greatly) attempts were made to mimic them regardless. One could always practically hear the gears turning in his head whenever such a thing happened towards him. A quiet garble followed his words, stretching one of his arms after. "Hang out," was then added, although easy it would be to tell he didn't quite grasp the meaning of those words.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags