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CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - Printable Version

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CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-19-2021

Aesior was gone. It was a fact that hung heavily over Fragglerock, following him everywhere as he went about his day to day business. He knew that the other had said he would come back, but... in the back of the boy's mind, he couldn't help wondering if he wouldn't. Would Aesior instead decide that he was happier away from all of them, and away from The Golden Eye as a whole? The thought filled him with grief, but he tried not to let it show. He knew there was others that were upset about Aesior's departure as well, such as Arlo and Vincent. Frag didn't want to break down and make things worse for them, so he just kept his emotions tucked away, at least for the moment. When – if – Aesior returned... that would be when he could finally break down, and cry. He wouldn't feel a single shred of guilt or embarrassment for rushing to greet the other while crying tears of genuine happiness. Still, he had no idea of when that would be. They hadn't exactly been given any kind of time frame for when to expect Aesior's return.

In the meantime, Fraggle had decided that he was going to learn something new. Something that would hopefully surprise and delight Aesior once he returned. And that something was ASL, or American Sign Language. It had been a hell of a pain to find a book on the subject with their rather isolated territory, but Frag had managed to do it, and he felt incredibly excited. Even if Aesior didn't know ASL as well – which the rabbit didn't think he did, considering he had never seen the other using it – he could always act as a teacher so that they could communicate more easily with each other. In the boy's mind, that would be enough to ensure that Aesior stuck around. After all, Fraggle didn't really know why Aesior had decided that he needed to leave. He knew none of the details, and had only been given the same vague answer as everyone else. So, he had to fill in the gaps with his own conclusions. And one of the things that he had assumed was that Aesior had felt upset that it was so hard for him to communicate with others, and that he had to deal with prodding from some – like Cleo – as a result.

This seemed like a perfect solution – at least to Fragglerock – so he had immediately decided to get to work. Of course, "getting to work" in this case just meant finding a warm cavern corner to curl himself up in so that he was able to read. After a while of just sitting and scanning the book over, Fraggle finally sat up on his back legs, lifting up his paws.and beginning to mimic the symbols he saw in the book. Of course, his motions were far more sloppy, since he was working with clumsy paws, rather than hands. Still, they managed to get the point across just fine. As he very slowly signed along with the book, he muttered lightly to himself under his breath, "A... B... C..." To anyone watching him as he did this, they would probably be rather confused as to what he was actually doing.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-21-2021

Re: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Through necessity had he grown well accustomed to loss, how grief pulled at the fine strings tethered to heart, delicate and prone to holding all too tightly, understood it for an old companion had it become. Continued had been a routine built over prior days, an act put upon, afixed the lax neutrality that proved poor cover. The days wore on and those parting words looped through his mind, a ceaseless hum, given no respite as he sought a reason for such. Meagre the impact of other, barely noticeable within the grand scheme, an acquaintance.

Lie, known for what it was and yet still he maintained it, a self made fool.

His own company kept, the silence allowed by such soothing to frayed nerves, temporary a reprieve, however, the use soon to be worn out. The exact frame of time an unknown, ignored in favour of pretending all was well. It never was, cracks fine in a facade hastily pulled together once more. Early his return, annoyance scrawled along pale visage, deep the curl of pursed lips. Deemed a fitting distraction a hunt, accustomed grown the soldier to the land, found and studied the manner prints were left in wake upon the crag laden surface. Empty handed was he, however, further worsened a mood already sullen.

Sought the small hollow which acted as his own private space, weary beneath the simmering heat, a faux rage built to dissuade, show for those who took the hint to heart. Gentle the voice, a stream of thought, echoing notes dulled by distance. Vision turned, sought the one he knew to be the cause, found he with opened tome before. Seen books, plenty and even indulged in at times, though such an activity had been left behind with the days of his youth, a pass time offering nothing but fantastical stories unnecessary as time wore on. It seemed particular the use of this one, if the manner Fragglerock regarded if and then performed a strange gesture was taken into account.

Silver tongued devil offered input before his own voice may rise, an echo reverberating, lesser made only Cleopatra herself. The act of a coward such targeting, a child that one deemed fitting for what may he do against barbed comments, against the threats bearing a thin veil. Little, the impact of which may cause no change, and those present to witness may act only in accordance to the particular laws that governed the way things were done. Alone was she left, a battle not his own to handle, proven that the combatant she targeted was capable of matching her, attention solely upon the rabbit.

"I take it there is a purpose behind this." Accompanied words by a lifted paw, loose the turn it conducted, evident his query was directed towards the spoken letter and corresponding sign.

Re: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-24-2021

Why, oh why, did it always have to be her? Fraggle knew that, logically, Cleo had a responsibility to be around often, considering her position as a Talonguard. However, these days he always found himself shrinking away from her, and trying to put as much space between the two of them as possible. Not because he was frightened, no. He wasn't actually scared of her eating him, knowing such a thing would come with massive consequences for her. Rather, he just disliked her presence, finding her sharp tongue to be grating, and her words to be rather unhelpful. This time was no exception, the boy's long ears pinned back briefly before he spoke, "I do know how to read and speak. But I'm trying to learn something new. I'm hoping to learn sign language, so that I'll be able to communicate more easily with Aesior when he returns." While his anxiety tried to prod at him about the possibility of the other not returning, he shoved it back down stubbornly. He couldn't think that way. It wouldn't be all that long before Aesior was back, and things were good as new. He was sure of it.

Just as he was about to turn and ask Cleopatra why she was hanging around, Frag was interrupted by the approach of Vincent. The other's presence caused Fraggke to settle down slightly, feeling less like snapping aggressively at Cleo to go away. With Aesior gone, Vincent and Arlo were the main people in his life who still provided him with comfort, and a sheer happiness. Not that he disliked the rest of The Golden Eye. Rather, he was just very close to Vincent and Arlo, despite Vincent's rather quiet nature. In response to the other's question, the young rabbit was quick to nod his head, explaining as he held up the sign for "a," "Yes, there is. These are the signs that I can use to communicate different letters of the alphabet. Ideally I won't need to spell everything out letter by letter, but if there's something I can't communicate with existing signs, it's a good fallback." Besides, it only seemed proper to learn the alphabet of a language before moving on to anything more complex.

As his tail twitched idly behind him, Fragglerock then questioned Vincent, a small smile on his face, "Hey... would you like to learn some ASL too, Vincent? It can be really useful in general, especially if more deaf or mute newcomers join The Golden Eye at some point." Even if one wasn't deaf or mute, sign language could still come in handy. There were occasionally those times where Frag felt like he just couldn't get the words out, and hopefully sign language could fill in the gaps. He didn't want to lean on it too terribly hard, considering he rather liked talking aloud, but he still felt rather enthusiastic about the whole idea.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT ☆ o, learning asl - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-24-2021