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just another day - open; intro - Printable Version

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just another day - open; intro - rhosmari - 04-18-2021

Re: just another day - open; intro - Keona. - 04-18-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Considering a distinct lack of sight, the dealer's collection of books was her own.  Braille.  Most of them came from her uncle.  Three years worth of gifted books.  Encouragement.  She loved stories.  She loved knowledge.  She loved reading.  Her eyes wouldn't keep her from doing so.

Since her personal collection was kept in the sky parlor, she didn't go into the lighthouse very often.  But given her recent change in form, the dire wolf could be found visiting every location on the island.  Re-familiarizing herself with the routes and time taken to make trips.

Keona found it strange to travel up the steps of the lighthouse so quickly.  Ears flicking back.  Sightless sea-green hues soft in curiosity.  It felt like no time compared to how long it took before.  Strange.  She considered lingering for a few moments.  The building was often so quiet.  Peaceful.  A gentle respite from the constant overlap of voices within the tavern.

She just didn't like being so high up...

... And she didn't feel entirely alone.  Blinking at an unfamiliar voice.  Her sense of auras further supporting the discovery.  Head tilting lightly towards the sound. "I wouldn't say it's easy to carry them up here," she murmured, wondering if her uncle Raziel ever brought any up.  Probably.  Knowing him.

Re: just another day - open; intro - rhosmari - 04-19-2021

Re: just another day - open; intro - roan ; - 04-19-2021

Unlike most within The Typhoon, Roan had actually visited the lighthouse quite recently. Although, he hadn't actually gone into the lighthouse. Instead, he had simply headed to the cliff to sit at the edge, screaming out over the sea to relieve the infuriating pressure that had been weighing down on his shoulders at the time. That screaming had additionally come with a lightning strike against the waves, although the soothsayer was fairly sure most had just assumed that was a natural side effect of the storm. If Roan had known that someone was lingering within the lighthouse, then he probably wouldn't have headed to the cliffside in order to sort his emotions out. Part of him hoped that he hadn't scared Siobhan with his lightning elementals, but a larger part of him was just annoyed that he hadn't truly had the privacy he had assumed he did. In fact, Siobhan's presence was rather suspicious, at least to the medic. How had she managed to remain in the lighthouse for so long, without anyone noticing her?

He would try not to be too outright hostile off the bat, however. He approached the lighthouse shortly after Keona, his heart sinking a bit when he noticed both his sister and the stranger. He had really been hoping that he could have some time on his own, considering others visiting the lighthouse was so rare. Still, this seemed as though it would be more... interesting. His tail was twitching behind him as he came to a seat nearby, his blue eyes briefly narrowing before he spoke, "Hello there, Siobhan... my name is Roan, and I'm the soothsayer of The Typhoon. This here is my sister, Keona. It's a pleasure to meet you as well..." He trailed off momentarily, still trying to figure out how to approach the rather obvious red flags present here. Shifting a bit on his back legs, Roan decided the best method was the direct one – as he usually did. So, he questioned clearly, "No offense, but... I've never seen or heard of you, before. How long have you been living within the lighthouse? It seems like someone else within The Typhoon would... know of you." It was a shame that Goldie couldn't remember anything from the past at this point. She was one of the oldest members of The Typhoon at this point, so surely she would've known something about Siobhan, right?
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Re: just another day - open; intro - Keona. - 04-20-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Odd.  Her presence seemed to move.  Fluctuate in a way that put the canine off on her location.  But she remained put.  Ears perked.  Listening quietly.  Nodding slowly.  More books were always nice... In her opinion.

To be asked of her name made her pause.  Keona found she rarely needed to specify who she was... Most everyone in the Typhoon knew her.  A dealer.  A crewmate of three years... Making her one of the oldest.  Unless someone was just... New, they often knew her.  And she them.

Still.  Her sightless gaze remained neutral as her brother arrived.  Thoughtful.  Siobhán.  She'd remember.  Odd as the situation was, nothing felt off to her...  Something felt... Right.  Perhaps she'd sensed Siobhán's presence before... She hummed softly, tilting her head.  "'m a Dealer."

"I can ask around for extra books, if you like.  Or offer you some of mine, but I'm afraid they're only in braille."

Re: just another day - open; intro - rhosmari - 04-21-2021

Re: just another day - open; intro - daniel - 04-21-2021

He didn't visit the lighthouse often. Really, the only time was there was when he was sure no one else was, or at the very least it was occupied by very few, and only when he was looking for specific books or, in the case of this current visit, paper or something of the like. A new budding interest in cartography was slowly creating itself in the back of his mind, and you simply couldn't do that without the main two things. Paper, ink. A tired little sigh had escaped from the back of his throat when he saw Keona and Roan, however, feeling deep in his chest cavity an unusual crushing sense of guilt, like he wasn't supposed to be here and that anything he used from the lighthouse was not his to utilize.

All strange feelings of being a sneaky little delinquent were pushed aside, however, when he caught a new, unfamiliar voice. He hadn't been here as long as the others, sure, but he had been hanging around the crew for long enough to sort of get a sense of familiarity of most. This was a stranger for sure, and Roan even flat out said it. What did this new face look like? Would a face match the voice when he got to see? Pretty standard questions, though when Danny finally did work up the courage to peer over the shoulders of the Dealer and the Soothsayer, his dark ears immediately lowered in shock, eyes widening in what could have easily been fear. It was more like, dread, but that wasn't too far off. His side bumped against the wall when he backed up, jumping with a strangled yelp. Whoops. Was that a ghost? People weren't supposed to be faint, or see through,, no they were solid. Solid. His blood felt very cold, and his stomach dropped into the metaphorical void.

Re: just another day - open; intro - roan ; - 04-22-2021

Well. That was certainly an... interesting explanation. It certainly didn't help that Siobhan faded out to nothingness momentarily, causing Roan's gaze to narrow. Not out of anger, or even all that much suspicion. Just... unease. It seemed as though they had a ghost among them, which on its own wasn't much of a concern. Ghosts didn't exactly seem to be a very unusual occurrence around the Beyond – hell, Tanglewood had even been founded by one. The soothsayer himself didn't even have that much room to talk. While he wasn't a ghost, he had discovered a long time ago that he was a reincarnation. An echo of someone else, that had grown and developed beyond them. It wasn't all that far from a ghost, except he actually had a physical form – and he seemingly wasn't shackled to this world because of unfinished business. Although, he had to wonder if Siobhan was actually around the lighthouse because she had unfinished business. In fact, he found a lot of questions swirling around in his head. Like when she had arrived, and how she had potentially died. Unfortunately, those were all pretty invasive, and considering her little disappearing act, it didn't seem as though Siobhan handled pressure well.

With his wings shifting against his spine, Roan muttered to Siobhan, shaking his head from side to side, "Don't worry. I have no intention of exorcising you from the lighthouse. I was just... curious." Did Siobhan even realize that she was a ghost? It seemed so obvious to him, but she also seemed a bit confused, like she wasn't fully aware of everything off about her. Perhaps exorcising had been a poor choice of words, then. Well... he couldn't take it back now. Figuring he might as well give the other some space, he soon followed up, "I have duties to attend to, so... I'll let you and Keona talk. Welcome to The Typhoon, Siobhan." He then turned to go, intending to head back to the temple and perhaps do some research into their new guest, or spirits in general. As he passed by Danny, he lowered his voice slightly, tone vaguely chastising as he muttered, "Close your mouth. It's rude to star, you know." He then moved on without another word, figuring the canine would get over his fear of Siobhan's ghostly presence. It really was a wonder to Roan that Vayne had chosen such a coward as the object of her affections.

( out! )
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