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may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - Printable Version

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may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-18-2021

The lizard was lazy. Anyone who had seen him, spoke to him would know such a thing. Speaking seemed to almost exhaust the lizard in a multitude of different ways, with words and physical stature always presenting Anthemtalon as being a couple moments away from falling asleep. It could be attributed to the cold; that despite the thaw a creature that was cold blooded would certainly not be functioning too well.

But he did function, surprisingly enough. Able to converse when he wasn't blocking up common paths with his napping body, sprawled out to absorb as much sunlight and warmth as possible. He even functioned enough to hunt, as he had a couple days ago. Stalked on out of the common places of congregation with almost, almost a sense of purpose in his gait. He'd come back with empty talons and an empty jaw, and had promptly laid down for a nap until he got yelled at to move for blocking something important.

Anthemtalon was a lazy hunter. With a slow killing bite and the ability to eat things long since rotten, it would supply reasoning to his hunting strategy. To bite prey one day, and then stalk it down once it was weakened or already dead. It led to Anthemtalon hauling back his catch from a few days ago, some sort of goat. It by no means was fresh; left to rot away for quite some time before the komodo monitor went to fetch it from where it had died. A strong sense of smell helped him hunt down what he had bitten; sure, a nap or two happened while he was tracking, but he figured it was justified!

Garbling happily, the lizard shoved the rotting meal where he'd noticed the food other's had caught to be stored. Jaws snapped a couple times; he'd already gotten his fill before bringing back the rest of the goat. He shuffled a tail length away before flopping down, mighty proud of his work if the blissful and drowsy expression was anything to go by. Laying his head against the ground, hoping to see if anyone would choose what he'd dragged in (rotting, disgusting, half-eaten goat) to eat as their meal.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - angelembrace - 04-18-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Ever since stumbling upon the lizard when he had slowly trudged into the lands of the Coalition holding fast to a piece of meat, Angelembrace had found a fascination in the giant lazy reptile and his rather different lifestyle compared to the others. The jaguar cub hadn't even seen much of any type of reptile, living in the cold wasn't exactly compatible with a cold-blooded creature of any kid, and so understandably Anthemtalon stood out among his mammalian groupmates. Hunted quite differently too, and the habit of feasting upon rotten meat was arguably one of the more interesting aspects that Angel studied subtly.

After a not so quick nap, Angel had taken a few moments to stretch until his joints cracked and his stomach rumbled, aware of how he could use a bite to eat after some hours of eating nothing. Something small, perhaps, he didn't fare well with eating a lot at once. Amidst his drowsiness, the smell of rotting flesh nearly woke him up completely, as well as almost knocked him off his paws. It wasn't a friendly scent when you weren't prepared. Now, it wouldn't have been very polite to insult the komodo monitor's choice in meat, and the placement implied he wanted to share with everyone, participate in hunting for the group. Which was...kind. A single paw prodded gingerly at the half-eaten corpse, swallowing thickly. Ah, wonderful. "It's a very nice catch." Was what Angel offered as a compliment, which wasn't a lie, so he wasn't being cruel.

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-18-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra knew that reptiles were cold-blooded, though she didn't really realize what exactly that meant. She didn't realize that the cold was what made Anthemtalon so lazy, something she clearly despised and was irritated about. In her eyes, Anthemtalon was just some lazy fucker who was trying to fit in and miserably failing. She didn't like it when the lizard had offered Ruven some rotten food, and she certainly wouldn't enjoy it today.

"Don't encourage him." Aphra hissed towards Angelembrace, casting a glare at her son for a brief moment before her icy gaze slithered over to Anthemtalon. "Listen, I don't care how you eat your food, but do not put it with the rest of ours. That rotting pile of bones will ruin our fresh prey." Okay, that's not exactly how that worked but she didn't care. She wanted Anthemtalon to realize he had done something wrong. "Get it out of here, it fucking stinks." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-19-2021

Anthemtalon's head lifted lazily when he first noticed movement. Angelembrace, if he remembered correctly. He hadn't seen another lizard since his joining; one like him, at least. Being amongst mammals, things that he could consider prey, it was confusing to him at times. If it spoke, it wasn't food, was his simple way of determining who he was to live amongst and who was good to eat. And smell, smell helped quite a bit in order to figure out what could and could not be munched. He blinked and watched as the rotten goat was prodded at; not that he quite understood the undertone of the gesture.

"Thank you," Anthemtalon garbled when the compliment finally registered in his head. Proud he was of his catch, even if most of it had been munched by himself during the process of dragging it back to the pile of food. As much as a smile as a lizard could manage was presented on his face, and his tongue flickered.

More movement caught his attention, and his head sluggishly turned towards Aphra. Another flick of the tongue, another blink as his face swiftly went blank once again. Realizing that he was being spoken to, being looked at, he pushed himself a little more upright. Not with the rest of the food? Ruin? Get out? Tongue flickered again as Anthemtalon hauled himself onto his talons. "Mmm." The komodo monitor huffed, and shuffled on over to his catch. Jaws settled around a leg of the goat, and he tugged it about half his own body length from the pile. There it was dropped again. "Helped. Am helping. Mhm."

He couldn't think of anything to do about the smell, and his maw snapped and his tongue flicked to settle again after moving the rotten meal. "Very tasty. Should eat. Helpful. Good. Smell nice? Don't understand." It smelled nice to Anthemtalon, at least, and the lizard began to settle again on the ground as he spoke.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - ARVID R. - 04-19-2021

Ah, hells. Didn't the creature know that what he brought back wasn't suitable for the rest of them? Well, the answer to that question was obviously no, but Arvid couldn't help feeling frustrated. Rotten food could easily lead to diseases and pests that could end up ruining the rest of the food. It wouldn't be an instantaneous effect, obviously, but still, having it around wasn't a good idea. Anthemtalon was more than welcome to eat it himself, considering the digestive system of a komodo could handle such a thing – but it was best not to offer such a thing to the rest of them. As he moved over with a bit of a grimace on his face, Arvid shook his head from side to side, "We... we can't eat that, Anthemtalon. Our digestive systems aren't able to handle something so rotten and full of... ah." It occurred to him, rather quickly, that Anthem wouldn't be able to understand him if he continued on with a scientific explanation. The other was rather simple, and more than likely if Arvid made his explanation too overly complicated, Anthem would probably just continue on his quest to try and share. Just looking at the slowly rotting goat caused a shiver to run down the dire wolf's spine, the male not even liking being close to it. He'd never think about eating such a thing.

Knowing that he needed to dumb it down a bit, Arvid sat silently for a moment, evidently thinking. Eventually he spoke up once more, although his tone was softer, and his words came out more slowly, "We can't eat that, Anthem. If we eat that? We'll end up getting sick." He pointed his paw towards the rotting body, actively trying to stop himself from moving away. He then moved on, sighing, "Us and you? We're not the same. You can eat that, but we can't. So thank you, but you'll have to keep that to yourself... okay?" Hopefully that was simple enough for the lazy lizard to understand and process. He didn't want Aphra to end up blowing up at Anthemtalon even further, so this seemed like the most diplomatic way to go about things. Just tell Anthem what was wrong, and then hopefully the rotting goat would be scared down by the other, and none of the rest of them would have to worry about it. No other prey getting ruined, and nobody getting violently sick because they decided to take his offering. Win win, right?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-20-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra's tail started to flick, showing her growing irritation and frustration at Anthemtalon. Fortunately though, scientist Arvid came over and was able to explain things a lot better (and calmer) than she ever could. Though that didn't stop her from being frustrated over Anthemtalon's lack of awareness about mammals. "Not good. Disgusting. Keep that shit to yourself." She growled, not having anything else to offer right now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - angelembrace - 04-21-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Despite how perhaps...immature it may have been, all the other voices that came after the hiss from Aphra began to drown themselves out into white noise as Angel's irritation festered quietly until there was a dull pressure in his skull. He flinched briefly, if only because he was unprepared for the snap of his mother, having been too preoccupied with the carrion rather than not expecting her to be so harsh. Trust him, he was not surprised by that in the slightest. And while he couldn't say she was entirely wrong about wanting a rotting piece of meat away from the fresh prey everyone else brought in, the idea that she would only proceed to talk to him and acknowledge his existence when he had done something wrong in her eyes was quite frustrating. Once again, perhaps life would have been easier had he braved the journey through the desert with his brothers, but lord knows this only fueled his pettiness.

"Fascinating, coming from the queen of things that shouldn't be encouraged." Angelembrace snorted with a mock-pout, raising his brow while light yellow eyes locked with icy blue when she blessed him with the split second of eye contact, before also switching his visual target to the giant lizard. "More for you, yes?"

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-21-2021

Sick is something Anthemtalon can understand, if only barely. A flicker of something in his mind, something he should recall but is unable to. Something important. Does he not make his prey sick before they die? A slow death, one that he does not have to be present for? Had he ever been sick before? Unable to recall any of it, frozen over and locked away somewhere in the simplistic lizard's head. The initial explanation given by Arvid is met with a glassy eyed look, one that clearly demonstrated that none of the talk of digestive systems and rot were clicking in his head. "Are same. Speak, breathe, walk. Same. Small, not prey. Eat grow big. Mhm." Tongue flickered, talons hooking the carcass and pulled it closer. "Already ate fill. Share. Helping." The lizard would insist, tugging at rotten flesh with his claws.

Disgusting? A complex word, one that took a couple seconds to properly settle in Anthemtalon's head. "Tasty," the komodo monitor persisted. It smelled great, and tasted even better to him. But... if it would make his peers sick? Sick wasn't good, he knew that much. The exact reasoning for why was lost to him, and the lizard made a garbled noise as if that would happen to properly demonstrate that he was, for once, trying to think. "What not same between this that?" His tail flicked over to the pile of acceptable food. What was different between his catch, and the ones others brought in?

The species, his mind settled on. It was probably the species. A flicker of tongue and his expression eased again, no longer struggling with mental gymnastics. "More me. Mhm. Bring tastier next time. Ate fill already. Where keep? For later?" The lizard then asked, tugging his talons free of the goat's rotten fur and flesh. The complex words that Angelembrace had directed towards the other adult present went over his head, and so he decided to settle on the words that he did know, did comprehend, and were meant for him.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - Cosmic - 04-21-2021

Devraj approaches without a single word to the group, just giving a nod to Anthemtalon. He could at least appreciate the effort the other gave to hunt for the group, but the others were right- they weren’t like them. They couldn’t digest ‘rotten’ food, but thankfully, the hybrid was able to with his mutated digestive system. He could handle it, no problem. Why waste a perfectly good meal if there’s someone else in the room who can enjoy it?

That being said, the dragon-kitsune sniffed the goat corpse, giving a nod of approval. Removing his mask, Devraj unhinged his jaws, picking up the corpse into his mouth and started to simply swallow it whole. It wasn’t exactly the best thing to do in front of the children, but hell, this was a group known for being weird, obsessed with violence, and being cursed, right? Time to be cursed.

Licking his lips with his monitor tongue a few times, he looked over at the others finally. “It’s best to not waste it, I suppose. Glad I got here when I could.” He simply shrugged, close to giving them a chuckle before turning to address Anthemtalon.

Tastes good. For them,” he pointed a paw in the other’s directions, “not good. Can become sick. Can’t eat.” Devraj hoped that would get through to the monitor. “Need fresh.

Re: may nothing get rejected ._. rotten food ._. may nothing get infected - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-21-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
"I have standards." Aphra shot back to Angelembrace, glaring over at her son as he dared make that comment towards her. Anthemtalon began to insist that his prey was good, and once again Aphra was going angry - that is, until Devraj literally came over and swallowed the damn thing whole. What the fuck. Aphra stared at the hybrid in disgust for a moment, her mouth agape as if she was shocked he did such a thing.

Well. At least that got rid of this particular problem, she supposed. But that certainly wasn't something she wanted to see. "Keep outside. Bury it if need be." Aphra replied to Anthemtalon's question about where he should keep his kills. Honestly, she didn't care so long as she couldn't see or smell it. God damn.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]