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stuck in the middle- intro - Printable Version

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stuck in the middle- intro - SANGUINEPAW - 04-17-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #fff; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #e5989b;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - APPRENTICE - TAGS[/color]
A yawn crossed her muzzle as she exited her home, stretching her leg out. Her blue eyes drifted through the camp. It had become busy ever since their current Legate had well, birthed some children. They were a.. well. Not really an annoyance, but that was the best word Sanguine had for them. Her ears twitched, sniffing the air gently, heading for the beach. Slowly, her paws lifted and fell, the fluffy apprentice taking a casual stroll.

She had little thoughts this morning, it seemed. She tilted her head. She had spent the past few months making sure her apprenticing was up to snuff, working on herself, making sure that she had indepth experience hunting and fighting. Perhaps that why she was.. a side character. Her ears flattened, quickly shaking her head, stepping up to the tide washing up on the beach, her nose twitching and ears flicking and rotating.


Re: stuck in the middle- intro - rowena. - 04-17-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Tiny, webbed paws often sank into the sand.  The first place she ever touched ground.  Hues that reflected the sea bright and curious.  Rowena loved the beach.

The ocean too.  Even if the waves were a big too big for the petite tirone.  She had been born to the steady rocking of a pirate ship after all.  So she stayed close.  Often chasing the smallest crabs or digging up seashells, big and small.

Chasing a crab half her size into the tide, Rowena nearly barreled into Sanquinepaw.  Unfamiliar with the apprentice but happy she managed to skid to a halt.  Whiskers twitching idly as she tried to figure out what the larger feline was up to.  "Dia dhuit!" She chirped, grinning.  "Who're you?  I'm Rowena!  What're you doin?"

Re: stuck in the middle- intro - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 04-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Kasper always had this odd obsession with the ocean and it almost felt like it was calling to him. Perhaps it was because his father was a supposed sharkcat, though Kasper had never really met his father to see whether or not that was true. Still, the idea was pretty damn cool and Kasper was kind of disappointed that he wasn't a sharkcat.

"Hi!" The American Curl kitten greeted both Sanguinepaw and Rowena as he came bounding over, ignoring the sand he was kicking up in the process. "Whatcha doin'?" He asked, his question mostly directed towards Sanguinepaw, before he realized that he hadn't met either of these two clanmates before. "My name's Kasper Northwest, sorry, I shoulda said that first."[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: stuck in the middle- intro - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-18-2021

Winterhymns' ear twitched as he left his garden that morning, he had gathered the necessary herbs that he had needed and make sure to keep the stocks up as well as kept. Especially with Ares' disappearance, Winnie found a small frown on his maw at the thought hoping that he hadn't chased off the girl. He did not trust her anymore but that didn't mean that he had not been willing to help her. Regardless, it was something he had taken notice of and if he had to make sure to keep everything at bay then he would, it was just stressful doing it all by himself. Being a parent of twelve, leader, and essentially the healer as well was no easy task sadly. It drained him and often left him exhausted at the mere thought of rising from bed only to head straight off to work.

God, these thoughts exhausted him. He noticed Rowena and Kasper greeting someone that he had not met before or at least, he had no recollection of doing such. Changing the direction of which he was walking did he approach the trio with a smile upon his maw "Well, hello there." He took a seat curling his tail around his forepaws as he offered a tired smile "My names is Winterhymns Pendragon. I don't believe that we've met."

Re: stuck in the middle- intro - SANGUINEPAW - 04-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #fff; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #e5989b;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - APPRENTICE - TAGS[/color]
Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked over her shoulder, tail slowly swaying behind her. Rowena had almost bowled her over, and Sanguine wore a look of delight. She pushed to her paws, stretching before wiggling her toes out. She exhaled gently, before looking towards Rowena with a sharp smile. "Sanguinepaw. And um, just taking a morning walk. My training's almost finished." She said, wiggling her ears a little bit. The person standing in front of her certainly had a little bit of energy to them. "How about you, whaddya doin?"

Kasper came next, surprising Sanguine a little bit. The sand flying everywhere definitely was getting in her thick fur, something she was sure she'd lose her mind over later. She dipped her head to the next arrival as well. "Hi Kasper. Nice to meet you." She responded, before hesitating. She didn't want to repeat herself, and she was left in an awkward state, her eyebrows crinkling a little bit. "I was just ah.. introducing myself to Rowena here! Yes."

Another person came over. Was her morning walk this interesting? Sanguine flushed gently as the Legate himself took a moment in his busy day to step over and investigate. "Hello Mr. Pendragon. I've seen you in meetings, and the like. I'm Sanguinepaw- I'm almost old enough to gain my full name, but I'm not quite there yet."


Re: stuck in the middle- intro - sunsetkisses - 04-22-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
A new face, which in hindsight wasn't too crazy for her, most faces were new. But Sanguinepaw seemed to be new to everyone else too, so she didn't feel as stupid by not knowing the other 'paw. Actually, she was just as curious to get to know the other girl, making sure to introduce herself to as many as possible by the end of the month, though she was starting to realize that there was a lot of youngins here. Not that she wasn't one of them or anything, she was.

Strolling over while being unsubtly nosey, the plethora of voices catching her short attention span, Sunsetpaw tilted her head while glancing Sanguinepaw up and down. "You too, huh? Name's Sunsetpaw, I'm new here, also trying to get my full name." She introduced herself with a bright smile, fluffy tail writhing behind her as if it had a mind of it's own, but she just had a lot of energy. "Sanguinepaw, that's a pretty name. Like, really pretty. People have good names here."

Re: stuck in the middle- intro - SÉAMUS - 04-23-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
Where Rowena scampered off to, the Irishman often followed.  So long as the tiny kit stayed within sight of someone, he did his best not to worry terribly.

Séamus chuckled softly as he caught up to his daughter, pleased to see a fair number of clanmates present.  No surprise.  It was a friendly group.  "Dia dhuit," the pirate grinned.  "Sanquinepaw? Did I 'ear right?  It's nice to meet you -- I'm called Séamus.  Been chasin after little Rowa 'ere."

"'ow's everyone then?"