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EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - Printable Version

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EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - ARVID R. - 04-16-2021

Science was a topic that thoroughly intrigued Arvid. While he wouldn't consider himself a scientist – he didn't have enough experience for such a title – he did like figuring out how the world around him worked. This extended to wondering about creatures he had never seen before, or even just wondering how certain plants reacted with outside stimuli. However, he'd never really had a chance to stretch his metaphorical scientific muscles. That is, until now. He had been wandering around the still somewhat wrecked mountain town, checking inside various buildings – the ones he could actually get inside, anyways – for anything salvageable. Most of the homes were unimpressive, either still filled with mud and debris, or empty of anything worthwhile. There was something of interest in one of the houses, though – a chemistry set, meant for children. It was hardly the most advanced thing in the world, but Arvid was immediately fascinated by it, gripping it in his jaws and heading out to find a place to work.

Eventually, the canine settled down in a dry section of the camp, setting out the various supplies that he would need for one of the experiments. As he did so, he muttered softly to himself, "Sodium alginate, calcium chloride, some juice, and a syringe..." He had a glass bowl sitting in front of him, which he soon filled with juice, and then added a bit of sodium alginate into it. Glancing back at the instructions, a frown curled on Arvid's muzzle as he saw that he needed to wait for an entire hour before he could continue on. With a soft groan, the male flopped down onto his belly, closing his eyes and allowing himself to doze off for the moment. He figured it wouldn't be all that big of a deal to leave the bowl in front of him. If anyone tried to drink the juice and sodium combination... well, they'd be responsible for whatever happened, he supposed. He'd also be pretty pissed at them, since he wanted his experiment to actually work.

Once the hour had passed, Arvid awakened from his slumber, stretching out and glancing back at the bowl, now devoid of bubbles. With the waiting done... well, he needed a couple more supplies. He left to grab another bowl and a tray, having to spend quite a bit of time digging around the various houses for them. Perhaps someone would be irritated with him for just grabbing things from the empty homes, but if they approached him about it, he probably wouldn't care all that much. He was too focused, pouring water and the calcium chloride into the tray. He then filled the syringe with the juice and sodium combination, about to inject it into the tray. He paused, however, glancing around briefly. Perhaps the experiment would be a bit more fun if he got others involved? With a brief sigh, Arvid soon called out to those wandering around camp, "Hey, does anybody want to see a little experiment that I'm doing? It's nothing all too impressive, but... it's interesting. Plus we'll get something to snack on once it's all done." He was right, although he was fairly sure a few people wouldn't be interested in little fruit snacks.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Being so young, Astraea didn't have a lot of science to experience. While yes, science existed all around her, she wasn't really interested in the science of nature as opposed to the beauty of it. That being said, she was curious about what Arvid was doing - especially when the direwolf pup mentioned maybe getting a snack out of his little idea. "What's an experiment?" The liliger asked as she came over, head tilted.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-18-2021

Anthemtalon was probably a bit too simple for science. One complex word over his head would likely be enough for the lizard's intrigue to sputter into confusion and laziness. He'd never done anything scientific unless one somehow could consider scraping the ground for wormy snacks to be a form of science. Eat, sleep, shuffle around, chat, and repeat was good for a simple lizard such as he.

"Snack?" Drowsy was the mutter from the lizard as he stalked over. Tongue flickering and face scrunching at the odd scents of a fruit snack being created. Foreign to him, and it warranted confusion and interest to present themselves on his face. "Food? Interesting smell. Will try," Anthem rumbled, nodding his head as he flopped down to rest.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - angelembrace - 04-18-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Science was not a foreign aspect to the jaguar, he had his own interests in it as well, though not chemistry. Angel was more into biology, anatomy, the drill. However, that didn't mean he didn't find what Arvid was up to just as interesting as his own habits. Not to mention, this looked much cuter than simply playing with the wing mechanisms of a dead moth.

Angelembrace arrived soon after the call, politely casting his eyes down at the little experiment with a curl of his spotted tail. "Nonsense, it's plenty impressive." He murmured, glancing between Astraea and Anthemtalon with a frinedly smile upon his face. Amused by the reptile's interest in potential food, Angel was admittedly also curious to an extent how this little experiment would turn out, what it would taste like and whatnot. He had plenty of faith in the dire wolf to use the little children's kit effectively, no doubt there, but all the same, it was in the back of his head. "Mind if I watch  what's left, esteemed scientist Arvid?"

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - trojan g. - 04-18-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Children. Ruven found himself gravitating towards the other children of the Coalition, curious about what they were doing at all times, wondering if they'd be friends and if they would allow him to join in on their fun. He'd never been around other children before coming to the cold mountains where they all were now, always the single child of the two lions that had birthed him, so it was an interesting thing to him to have friends, especially when they were friends around his own age instead of just his parents. Hearing the words of the children - and that of one adult - Ruven had started making his way over, but upon hearing about snacks his feet moved quicker before he came to a stop beside Angelembrace, looking over towards his friend before looking back at the bowl with the fruit juice and alginate in it.

"What is it?" Ruven would ask simply as he lowered his head to look closely at the bowl, sniffing the air around it but careful not to disturb it - something told him there would be hell to raise if he even so much as touched the bowl - but it smelled odd. Fruit was something he liked the smell of - who wouldn't - but there was something else in there that caused the back of the child's mind to itch as he tried to figure out what it was.

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - ARVID R. - 04-19-2021

Oh, quite a few people had come over to see what he was doing, huh? He supposed he had asked for it, but he still couldn't help feeling momentarily overwhelmed, simply staring at those that crowded around him. After taking in a deep breath, however, he seemed to calm. He focused on Astraea first, his tail wagging behind him as he answered, "An experiment is something you do to test a hypothesis. Basically, I'm doing this in order to see if what I think will happen actually happens. For example, what's supposed to happen here is that I will be able to form small gel... well, gummy worms, essentially. The mixture I have here is a mixture of fruit juice and sodium alginate. And sodium alginate is a substance that will react with the calcium in the solution in front of me." He gestured at the small tray in front of him, his gaze moving between the syringe he held and the tray. "It's a bit hard to explain what will happen, but... just watch." His last words were directed at the entire group, rather than just Astraea.

Carefully holding the syringe in his maw, Arvid lowered his head to inject the fruit juice mixture into the calcium water, watching as the juice slowly solidified. Some of the fruit juice became like long gummy worms, while some simply formed small edible "orbs" of juice within the water. As he placed the syringe aside, the dire wolf said with a grin, "It worked! See how the juice isn't liquid anymore? It's more like a gummy. And since none of the things involved here are inedible, we get a little snack out of it..." He carefully reached a paw into the tray, pulling out the gummy strings and putting them carefully down on the platter nearby. He pushed the platter forward, towards the others, before he continued, "Here, all of you can try it. And don't worry, the sodium alginate didn't do anything to the juice except make it firm up like that. So, no worries about getting sick or anything." That was said specifically towards Ruven, considering the other had been asking about what was involved in the various mixtures.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-19-2021

Big words. That was a lot of big words. And like Anthemtalon usually did when there were big words he ignored them and focused on what he did understand. Fruit juice, reactions, front... so many words, and the lizard's expression blanked. He settled for letting it register as noise, then, and just observing what was being performed. Interesting stuff, not that Anthem understood a lick of it. He settled against the ground to watch, absently grumbling as he wasn't too sure what exactly was happening.

Snack. Anthem heard the word snack and near immediately jumped to attention. Likely the fastest movement anyone would get out of him all week, and his tongue flicked when his head raised up. "Snack," the komodo monitor greedily commented as he watched the platter be pushed forward. Something about not needing to worry about getting sick was said, but Anthemtalon was too busy snagging two of the worms in his jaws and shuffling away to chow on them. Eating the whole platter had certainly crossed his mind, but had been pushed aside when he only comfortably had been able to pick up two. Definitely not like any food he'd ever had before both in texture and flavor, and he seemed baffled by it. "Worms," he rumbled with a flick of his tail. "Good snack. Should make more. Would eat them."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: EVERYTIME THAT I SPEAK ☆ science time - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-21-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
The big words that Arvid spoke of completely went over Astraea's head, but the cub did understand that the direwolf was basically trying something he thought would happen. He thought mixing whatever sodium substance or whatever with the juice and get what was essentially gummy worms. Astraea was skeptical at the idea that Arvid had, not liking the big words that the pup said, but upon watching Anthemtalon eat one and not get ill from it, Astraea's eyes lit up and she quickly looked back over at Arvid. "I wanna try one!" She squeaked, holding out her front paws and making a 'grabby' motion with them.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]