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FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - Printable Version

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FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-15-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Being a succubus certainly had its advantages, and that meant that her soul wasn't bound to a specific body. She could hop from body-to-body if she pleased, though that wasn't something she did often. She preferred her birth body, as feeble as it was, mostly because that was the body she was most comfortable with. But that didn't mean Aphra didn't want more. Especially a powerful body, one she could use to defend herself if the need arose.

It was going to be awkward for her to just... unpossess a body in front of everyone, so the Espionage went off towards Leviathan's Trench in order to scout out for a new body to possess. Settling down, Aphra closed her eyes and allowed her mind to wander, an image of the creature she was searching for in mind. And whenever she opened her eyes, Aphra found herself in flight, staggering for a moment as she gained control of the creature.

Aphra was possessing the body of a small dragoness, the scales almost a pure white. There was a long marking, going from the bottom of her neck to the end of her tail, that was slightly more pink-ish in color. Her wings were half-feathered and half-leather, almost sporting a pink color. Aphra let out a triumphant roar as she landed nearby camp, stretching out her wings as if she was trying to show off the new body she took.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - angelembrace - 04-16-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Angelembrace's opinion on his mother was...complicated. Obviously, yes, he was not a fan of her parenting style, or lack thereof, but Angel gave credit where credit was due. Aphra may have been a rather piss-poor mother, but if he could give her anything, he would have to admit that her many forms always came out rather objectively majestic, nice to look at he assumed. Perhaps he was genuine about his compliment, or perhaps he was just hoping the genetics passed down onto him.

Actually, he was in the middle of trying to desperately clean some excess mud off his fur by the time Aphra returned in a brand new form, eyes looking up as the roar beat the everloving hell out of his eardrums. She wasn't the largest dragon, though he couldn't be totally sure, he wasn't exactly an expert on dragons, but the presentation of the white and pink lead him to believe it was mostly for looks before, say, offense. "That's quite nice." Angelembrace mewed simply, lacking the usual malice or snark he often had while speaking directly to his mother. He didn't feel any need at the moment. "The pink is charming."

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
The fact that Possession and Shapeshifting existed wasn't a secret to Astraea, considering both of her parents didn't tend to stay in the forms that gave her life. Aphra had went back to her main body pretty soon after she and Katsuki were weaned, and Devraj didn't tend to stay in one form for long. In the back of her mind, Astraea wondered if she had the ability to shapeshift or possess other bodies, but for the time being, it didn't seem she had the ability to.

So when Aphra returned with yet another form, like Angelembrace, Astraea was not surprised but she was impressed with the body. It was pretty. Majestic. Astraea couldn't help but wonder if Aphra was going to go out and get laid with this body too, and have more children she didn't want. "It is pretty." She agreed with Angelembrace's compliment, sitting down next to him, pushing back the thought she had before.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - ARVID R. - 04-16-2021

Well, well, well. It seemed that somebody else was showing off a brand new form, just as Byriath had shown off his – somewhat intimidating – war pig form. This time, however, the body was as a result of possession, rather than shape-shifting. Arvid wasn't able to tell the difference as he approached, however. The only possible hint he could've grabbed onto was the fact that Aphra's new dragon form didn't have the same strong scent of The Coalition on it. He wasn't really focused on the dragoness's smell, however. Instead, he was just staring up at her with a bit of wonder, his mind racing as he thought about how, well, everything about her worked. He had been aware that dragons existed ever since he had first been dropped off on the island, but he had only ever really seen them from afar before. And before even that? He had thought of them only as nonexistent mythical beasts. So, it was certainly a surprise to get to see one quite so up close and personal.

Speaking of personal – Arvid had evidently forgotten all about personal space due to the presence of a dragon. The dire wolf moved forward slowly, pressing his brighter paw against Aphra's scales as he spoke, "Huh. You almost actually look kind of impressive in this body." It was a backhanded "compliment," but it didn't have the usual humorous or cynical edge that the canine's comments possessed. He seemed too fascinated by the actual living, breathing dragon in front of him to be too focused on insults. When he finally did step back from Aphra's side, he questioned casually, "How far do you think you could fly in this body? I wonder if you could make it around the whole island..." How much energy did dragons have, anyways? It was a fascinating subject, but not exactly one he could study in depth – it wasn't as if Aphra would let him run tests on her.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-17-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Her children were the last people she wanted to see, but Aphra did appreciate their compliments. Her feathers fluffed up at their words as well as Arvid's. She didn't have much to say to her children, but Arvid did bring up a question. "The whole island? It's possible, but I would need to stop." She rumbled. "This dragon body isn't very large, at least in terms of dragons. I'm sure others could make it around the island without making multiple stops."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-18-2021

Initially, Anthem figured that he was walking up to a brand new face. A bird-lizard? Feathers, yet scales; parts both reptile and avian. It was confusing, and Anthemtalon allowed for that thought to slowly sink away into the mushy muck of the void of his brain when he heard the roar. It warranted him to stand up and walk over at his normal and repulsively slow pace.

"Sunset cloud feathers," Anthemtalon commented with a small snap of his jaws afterwards, flicking his head around as if somehow he'd be able to properly make a gesture to add to his words. Pink, not a descriptive term easily accessed within his mind - far easier it was to compare to something that he saw daily instead. Was this someone he'd met before? Anthemtalon squinted, before decided that he'd probably get a name later. "Should sunbathe, if part lizard. Sun good. Sun warm. Mhm."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-18-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
At first, Aphra thought that Anthemtalon's 'sunset cloud feathers' comment was a nickname and she definitely wouldn't be having that. But in a way, it was comparing her to a sunset - which meant she was pretty, in the lizard's eyes )(that's what she told herself, anyway), so she accepted it as a compliment. Aphra was amused by Anthemtalon's comments about the sun, something she could - for once - agree with. "Sun is good. Warm, feels good." She agreed, thinking that speaking like him would make her easier to understand.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - ARVID R. - 04-19-2021

She couldn't manage the whole island, huh? That was too bad, but Arvid wasn't about to complain too much. After all, Aphra had a point about the body being smaller than most other dragons. The small canine found himself nodding before he muttered, his tail wagging behind him as he spoke, "I see... still, that's pretty impressive. I have to admit that ever since I found out about dragons being real, I was fascinated by the physicality of them. Other mythical beasts, too. I wonder if I could find others in the Coalition... Like a griffin, or a manticore. Hell, pretty much anything qualified as mythical would be an interesting case study. He could make incredible discoveries, considering he hadn't stumbled across any published hard research on such things during his travels.

Anthem's arrival brought with it another interesting question, at least in Arvid's opinion. Although the male's words were simple, they did cause the dire wolf's multicolored gaze to light up. Turning back towards Aphra, the boy questioned curiously, "Oh, the sun! That reminds me... do you think that you're cold-blooded now? I'd assume dragons would work off of the same rules as other reptile creatures, but then again, dragons can breathe fire... although, can you breathe fire?" He didn't know whether Aphra breathing fire would be as a result of simply being a dragon, or having some kind of fire elemental. He had to wonder if being a dragon and having fire elementals would result in even stronger, more brutal flames. So many questions, and really no way to study or answer them, not without the perfect circumstances... God, that was frustrating.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - rhosmari - 04-20-2021

Disjointed and disconnected. The fact that Aphra had changed shape phased her a bit. She had done the same although it had not been a willful change. It had happened because she had but herself in danger. One body shutting down and her soul had wanted to survive through it. In a different form. So she had taken one and it had been a sharp fight for which soul would win. She had won of course. It had only been natural she supposed. Here the leopardesd stood and stared at Aphra. Trying to piece together the dots. She could do this willingly, she could take whatever and whoever she wanted. A small smile pulled at her muzzle because this mean that so could she. She could take whoever she wanted and she could make sure that their minds belonged to her. It was absolute control at it's finest. And she was pleased to find this out because that meant the same for the Kingpin.

The leopardess has this power and she would damn well use it. To whatever degree she could. Her tail flicked through the air as she made her way over, lifting her head up a bit. "I can agree it is a beautiful body. I simply adore it Aphra." Though a part of her found dragons simply nuisances, not intimidating. She had fought against them too many times to care or feel threatened. When Arvid spoke she chuckled gently. "Dragons are weird. Some breathe fire, lava, electricity, ice.... They are very attuned to elements."

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-20-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Breathing fire was... something Aphra wanted to do, though something told her that, no, she didn't have the ability to breathe fire despite being a dragon now. "I don't think so. Not all dragons breathe fire, like Sojourn said." She replied to Arvid's question, though she pondered herself whether or not she had any sort of elemental abilities that came with this body. She didn't feel like she had control of any of the elements, though maybe it was something that would pop up later. Who knew?

As for the cold-blooded question, Aphra titled her head and thought about that. "I'd think so. Dragons are just... big lizards, right?" She asked, laughing. Though maybe she would be a bit more warmer than most reptiles, considering her feathers - but maybe that wasn't how heat worked. Hell if she knew.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]