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i miss you // o, nightmare - Printable Version

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i miss you // o, nightmare - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-15-2021



her laugh. haunting, sharp like a spike aimed straight for his heart. he cast his gaze upon her face, her beautiful face, her sparkling optics, crystal clear like minty amber. he reached out to touch her face, paw drawing a trail down her soft cheek. "oh motek, i really need you here..." his voice turned sad, matching the mood that dimmed her eyes.
"i miss you too, maverick." came the returned murmur, he could smell the salty tang of tears, unsure whether they were his or hers. Sofiya sighed, sweet breath fanning his face. he buried his muzzle into her shoulder with a sob but felt it morph, the white reflections turning black, soft fur spiking to jab him in the chin, pierce his skin and bones. his eyes shot open to watch the red ones of his father glare back into him. talons brushed his fur, he screamed and lurched back, crashing into more fur behind him-the stone back of his house but he was still asleep- turned, venom spitting from his jaws, eyes gleaming in the dark, the scent of blood in his nostrils.
well, not like blood wasn't normally spread on his walls anyways- the sole reason he didn't like visitors. but he was making a commotion in his dreamlike state that someone might as well  come save him. a noise at the door made him arch his back, turning towards it, an eerie glow on his face.


motek = Israeli for sweetheart


Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-16-2021

Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-19-2021

Much like Cleopatra, nightmares weren't something that Fraggle often had to deal with. Even on the nights where he wasn't able to sleep soundly, it wasn't really as a result of nightmares. Rather, his mind was just too cluttered with thoughts, keeping him awake until he finally forced himself to wander and tire himself out. The closest he had ever gotten to a true nightmare wasn't really negative, or unpleasant. Instead, they were usually just odd dreams, where he didn't feel like himself for some reason. His surroundings were never that of The Golden Eye's territory. Instead, the air felt thick and humid, and there was always muck beneath his paws. The dreams were always so fuzzy, however, that he had no idea of where he could be, or what the context was. Still, they were just dreams, so the rabbit often thought little of them, figuring it was just his mind tossing random passing thoughts together into a confusing jumble.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though Damion got to be quite so relaxed. Fraggle had bee out on one of his late night walks when he heard the other's shout, his feathered ears twitching as his gaze snapped over to the other's home. He was initially hesitant to go over, not wanting to interrupt if Damion was doing something less than savory. Cleo's approach was what eventually drove him to head over, however. While the feline's presence did absolutely nothing to soothe him – quite the opposite, in fact – her asking about things first filled him with a sense of confidence. So, once he had hopped over in front of the other's door, he called out, "Damion? Is it alright if I come in? I heard the shouting too..." He didn't just head in like Cleopatra had, not wanting to be rude. If Damion just wanted to be left alone, then Fraggle would be glad to allow him that.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-19-2021



a voice, her voice. no, a different voice this time, reached his ears. talons out, raked against wooden posts that were already destroyed beyond recognition. anger, fury, pain were the root causes of destruction. "i hear you. who is this?" he was barely awake, shivers holding him up only. another voice, younger, softer, asking to come in. he chuckled. it was not a nice sound. "sure. come right on in." deep intent hidden beneath casual words.



Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-21-2021

Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-21-2021

Cautious. Fraggle liked being cautious. It was pretty much a necessity of his life, considering how small and vulnerable he was in pretty much... all cases. This time was no different. Although the boy would've liked to just trust that Damion had no ill-intent, he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. The dark chuckling, and the odd, stilted way the other was speaking... it all just screamed threat to Fragglerock. So much so that he even glanced over at Cleopatra to see if she perhaps felt the same. He knew the other disliked him – hated him, really – but even she had to see that something was wrong, right? However, she seemed to be ignoring him, something which wasn't exactly unusual. Part of him almost hoped Damion attacked her, but he shoved that part down, not liking that particular line of thinking. He wasn't a mean-spirited person like that. Not like her.

Taking a particularly shaky breath inwards, the young rabbit moved to hop inside, glancing around momentarily before he spoke, "Uh... like I said, I heard the shouting too. Is something wrong? You're not hurt, right?" His entire body was tense as he spoke, ready to cut and run at the very first sign of danger that arose. At least if Damion was hurt, that would mean Fraggle would have an excuse to dart off and go grab someone with medical knowledge, like Aesior. Anything to get away from this dangerous situation, really.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-21-2021



cleopatra was her name? not sofiya? what a disappointment. still half in-touch with reality he straightened his back, a sinister smile on his face. "cleopatra?" honeyed voice would coon, grin widening, bloodstained teeth gleaming, green optics glowing even brighter. "i'm fine. absolutely, why would you ask that?" the scent of blood touched his nose, he inhaled with a small content sigh, then the stink of a rabbit tickled the senses. he stifled an eyeroll, turning his head in fraggle's direction. smell mixed with blood did not scare the youngster? well that didn't matter to damion, he didn't care. let him approach, let him touch the israeli, let him see what was going to happen to him. "i'm not hurt. why would i be hurt?"



Re: i miss you // o, nightmare - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-24-2021