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Feeling so low | Open, sick - Printable Version

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Feeling so low | Open, sick - Onyxdreams - 04-14-2021

~ ☼ So far in life, Onyx had really been incredibly lucky when it came to her health, in fact the only time she had ever even been sick before had just been a short day or two when she had gotten a mild cold. For the longest time, she had just thought that she had a strong immune system or something along those lines, that she just didn't get sick easily. What she hadn't realized, however, was that she hadn't really had a lot of opportunities to catch something, due to spending most of her early life indoors. Now, with the freedom that Spring brought with its rising temperatures, she had been spending much more of her time outside, playing with Sword and her other friends, and nature had been quick to disprove her theories.

Just last week she had caught something and been confined to the house for a while, just generally feeling not-so-great with a side of coughing, it hadn't been a good time. It hadn't been all that bad either though, and the moment she had started feeling better she had gone straight back to what she had been doing before. Now though, now things were a bit different. The hybrid could already tell that things were going to be rough for the next few days when she woke up feeling like she was simultaneously freezing cold and burning up. Taking a breath in, she immediately winced at the feeling it brought to her chest, and the soft wheeze the action made in general. Groaning, she did her best to slide herself out of bed, slowly slinking down to the floor with her blankets in tow, laying there on the floor for a few moments, pressing her face into the cool floor. Winter...he would know what to do, he had been a medic for a while after all, and he had helped her last time! Plus, he was closer than Ares was right now, and from the sounds coming from her window, he was probably out in the garden at the moment

Finally lifting herself up on limbs that felt far weaker than they should be, she shambled for the door, nosing it open and stepping out into the hallway. As she slowly crept down the stairs, she caught sight of herself in a nearby mirror and grimaced at her own appearance, fur ruffled and unkempt, wrapped up in blankets, she looked...not nearly as bad as she felt, but still not great. Pushing open the front door, she shivered as a breeze passed over her, clutching her blankets tighter to her body as she plopped herself down onto the front porch, unwilling to go any farther "WINTER!" Onyx called out, her voice coming out much weaker and more hoarse than she had thought it would. "WIN-ack!" Her next attempted call was cut short as a cough interrupted her, leaving her bent over and hacking into a paw for several long moments. "AHHH, THIS SUCKS!!"

Re: Feeling so low | Open, sick - sunsetkisses - 04-22-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Sick. Sickness. Getting ill. Sunny also had very good luck when it came to health and her immune system. Which was lucky, because being sickly was often a death sentence out in the wild, unless you had both the knowledge and constant supply of medicinal herbs to keep yourself afloat. If you were going to get sick, save it for when you had the safety and comfort of a medical team, yeah?

Skipping about in the breeze, no particular place to be or thought in her skull, Sunsetpaw happened to stumble upon Onyxpaw by chance and nothing else. Her curiosity won over incredibly quickly, but who wouldn't be at least a little intrigued or concerned by the hybrid hacking her lungs up? That's what the girl told herself anyway, jumping slightly at the gross coughing and mouth forming into a worried frown, an unusual expression and quite honestly something that felt strange upon her face. "What's new, boo?" Sunny asked, hopping up closer to the porch and by extent, the poor sickly discens that was burritoed up in blankets. It didn't take a science degree to figure out that Onyxpaw was obviously sick with something, a cold of rough proportions. "You look like you need a nap, soup and uh....d'you think there's honey anywhere around here?" Her whiskers twitched, voice not any quieter but certainly more gentle than usual.

Re: Feeling so low | Open, sick - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-22-2021

Re: Feeling so low | Open, sick - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-25-2021

Re: Feeling so low | Open, sick - Onyxdreams - 04-26-2021

~ ☼ This just sucked, not only did she feel like utter garbage, but she was about to be stuck inside on top of that for at least the next day or so. It was Spring, her first Spring, it was finally nice and warm outside and instead of getting to go out, play, and make the most of this, she was gonna be stuck inside, again! No playing with Sword, no searching for more things to add to her collection, hell, she wasn't even going to be able to get any training in either, it sucked! Coal colored ears twitched on top of her head as her eyes lifted from glaring holes into the porch to fix Sunsetpaw with a somewhat pitiful look as she approached. "I'm suffering" Onyx replied raspily, a loud cough trailing after the declaration, and a low, drawn out serpentine hiss of irritation followed. Ugh, as much as she hated to admit it, her fellow discens was right, she could have definitely used a nap and some soup. "If we don't I'll fight some bees for some, those greedy yellow jerks...."

The relief the hybrid felt when Winter finally entered her line of sight was almost enough to make her forget about how crappy she felt. She was glad that he had actually been near the house in the first place, otherwise she probably would have just been stuck laying in bed, or worse, had to actually go into camp. As a paw was pressed to her head, she immediately began to pull back from the touch, ears flattening against her head as she sought to escape cold sensation. It was just so strange, how cool Winter had felt for the few seconds that they had been in contact for, that was definitely not a great sign though. At the mention of medicine, her expression immediately souring from that look of hopeful relief to a grimace. Medicine was usually awful, more often than not it was just bitter and straight up nasty to have to take, but...there was a chance that honey would be involved, so...that was a plus at least, right?

'Of course it doesn't sound good...' she thought, though she really wished that they wouldn't point it out like that. At least they sounded concerned though, that...she still didn't really know what they were actually, but if anything, Survivor was definitely firmly in that category of things that looked cat-like but weren't exactly cats. "I...think we're good? We have all the stuff you need, right Winter?" Even if she did utterly despise having to take medicine of any kind, it did help, and not having any right now...that would be pretty concerning. "Besides, I don't think you'd want to pick a fight with any bees to get their honey, they're jerks..."