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did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - Printable Version

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did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - rhosmari - 04-14-2021

Warrior's Plight. The young kit wondered if he could do it. Maybe. He has never tried and he wanted to. It was something that Glades and new comers could do so why not try it for himself. After all he was proud of where he was born and proud to uphold traditions. Just like Drayden he wanted to prove himself and to him the other was amazing. After all he had taken down a whole owl! That had been so cool to see him come back with. If others thought it was cool maybe he could impressive the new molly that was here with his own attempt at catching something. Sunset always made his stomach do flips and turns, he didn't understand it but he knew he liked when she smile. He liked when she so effortlessly seemed at ease with everything. Unlike himself. Change was difficult for him to get used to but he was trying with all the new faces. Puffing up his chest he stretched his limbs, parting his tiny maw in a yawn before he maneuvered his way from the house. This time he would catch something. Something worthy of the Plight.

The young kit hadn't gone out too far, traversing the forest but keeping well away from the odd stone house that was there. He didn't like it. The giant bird had been there and he sniffed at it. Making a face before he went well around the structure. From there he sniffed and tried to find something he was big enough to take down. The trickling of water filled his ears and he waddled his way toward the small river, not realizing he had crossed out of bounds. His good eye gazed down at the trickling water and he saw noodle like shapes. Oh! Oh! Were those eels? Those would do right? He didn't even think twice about the circumstances. Insfead he smashed his paws against the water, going in full and grabbing at the eels. Or at least he was attempting to grab at the eels. They were not running from him and instead he kept feeling agitation in his body. Like...something was happening.

It took him a big longer before he managed to snap one up and pull it out of the water. It was much much bigger than he was that much was certain but he was proud and it showed on his face as he went tottering full speed back to camp with it. Dragging the eel he broke through the treeline and called brightly after he put the eel down on the ground, watching it wiggle and squirm around. "Hey! I did the plight. I caught an eel! Has anyone seen Sunset?" Would she be impressed?

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
The Warriors Plight, from Drayden's understanding, was a right-of-passage for Gladers. There wasn't exactly an age limit, he believed, but he didn't think that Goldenkit would be attempting to do the Plight by himself just yet. Goldenkit was only a kid, far too young for any of the challenges that the Plight had. At least, that's how Drayden felt - worry pricking at him as he heard Goldenkit's excited call.

"You've gotta kill it!" Drayden's voice was panicked, eyes wide as he watched the eel squirm around on the ground. He fluffed his fur out, almost as if he was scared or startled by the creature - and truthfully, he was in a way. Couldn't these things electrocute you?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-15-2021

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - sunsetkisses - 04-16-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Sunsetpaw was still learning about the traditions and whatnot that the Palm Glades boasted, recently taking notes on the Warrior's Plight, something that was both interesting to her and a process she bet she could totally smoke. Not that she was trying to be overly confident, overcompensating or whatnot, but she was pretty tough, how hard could it be? Not that she would say that out loud until her time arrived, of course, wouldn't want to give anyone the wrong idea.

She was trying to hunt, well, fish this time around, when someone approached her and mentioned that Goldenkit was looking for her. Which, of course, made her feel very appreciated to be requested by name. The idea of catching a fish was abandoned, a more important matter to attend to at hand, following behind her new little messenger to locate wherever Goldenkit was. Naturally, she was curious what the deal was, who wouldn't let their mind wander when asked for, right? An eel was not among those thoughts or possibilities. She had never seen an eel before, at least not until now, so it wasn't like she was expecting anything like it.

"Heyoooo Golden Boy! You dare summoneth me- WHOA!" Her cheerful greeting and wave of a white paw was stopped short by the sight of the eel wiggling about on the ground, bigger than the boy who had clearly caught it. Impressive, how'd he even manage to get his paws on that? Her pupils widened as her eyes trailed the movements the eel made, jumping once when the thing flipped around and nearly got too close to her. "How'd you catch that? It's huge, no, gigantic! Bigger than you are!"

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - rhosmari - 04-26-2021

"Have to kill it....?" He echoed Drayden then as he stared at the thing that was flipping and twisting everywhere on the ground. His eyes narrowed a bit as he stared at it more before he glanced at the other once more. Well. There was a problem here. He didn't know who to kill it. This was his first time catching anything on his own that wasn't super slow and had a hard shell he knew how to crack. So he was at a loss but he couldn't let them know that right? He was going to be the strongest warrior that they had here. "I'll kill it in a bit!" The young child finally piped up as he looked back to the eel. Turning away from Drayden he looked at Survivor, wagging his tail a bit back and forth before he then smiled at them. Pleased that he was getting attention. "I think they are really nice to eat. Not really slimy but really chewy."

Then she arrived and immediately his fur puffed up. He felt a little warm under his pelt as he stared at her with his one good eye. But she was here and she seemed impressed. Had he really impressed the walking sunlight in his life? Oh.. that sounded weird didn't it. Still he focused on her and picked the eel up, feeling that weird buzzing in his limbs before he dropped it in front of her. "I grabbed it with my teeth and pulled it out the water! You can have it if you want!" It was like a gift and he really hoped she liked it. And he felt like he was larger than life right now.

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - SirDio - 04-26-2021

"What is going on- oh what the?" The hybrid looked at the eel, tongue flicking out gently. "Gotta... gotta admit - that's pretty darn cool. I don't think I'll ever get a catch like that." She drew her paw to her mouth, tongue flicking out and touching it before she let it drop to the ground again.

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh. Oh. So that was why Goldenpaw had done this. It was cute, really, to see that he was trying to impress Sunsetpaw. Drayden relaxed, forcing himself not to reveal what he realized. That would be embarrassing; or at the very least, Drayden knew he would be embarrassed. "You can kill it later, but its always best to kill your prey before you bring it back to someone." He spoke up, tail tip flicking.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: did you see me? - open; mimicking warrior plight - sunsetkisses - 04-30-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
”For me? Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing!” She assumed that he would have wanted to keep a catch like that, but Sunset wasn’t opposed to accepting such a gift, and it wasn’t like she was the type to take the attention of Golden’s catch. If anyone asked, she’d just direct them to the resident eel-killer. Of course, with her high levels of excitement and attention span of a goldfish, she didn’t stop and think what kind of eel this could have been, nor did she think about asking in case anyone knew. Then again, no one else seemed to either.

She pressed a tiny white paw to the surface of the writhing creature, before the absolute strangest feeling rippled through her limb, upwards into her shoulder. Not what she was expecting, a quick yelp escaping from her subconsciously, not intentional but neither was getting shocked. Green eyes blinked a few times, like her brain had shut off momentarily, before shaking her head and smoothing her tail fur down with a frown at the extremity. ”Hey, Golden Boy, I think you might’ve yanked out an electric eel. That’s what those are called, right?” She said with a amused giggle, amused by her own moment of being a living battery. ”Are you okay? Shouldn’t you be like, sparking?”