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all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - Printable Version

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all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - teef - 04-14-2021

Heavy and hot the breath, land disappearing under paws as the beast of an akhlut would race to his borders, long the limbs that allowed the Sage to cross many miles in short hours. He still felt the guilt in his chest for kidnapping her, though that guilt was made small. She could hate him for this, he didn't care about that. His biggest concern was the state of Margaret, the she wolf had been comatose for days. It was now well past a month from the time she'd become injured on the border, and she still hadn't shown signs of waking.

The valkyrie had daughters, two of them, old enough to not need her milk, but old enough to need a mother's love, even with their adopted father's presence. Shuddering as he watched the carnage left behind by the flashflood appear with each quick step, agitated the growl that ripped out of him. There was still so much to do to clean the territory, dead to bury and injuries to dress. His mind was muddled by many things, but his pace slowed as he approached home, rumbling greetings to the few knights and corps members he passed out with their greenhorns, to clean up, locate, or train.

The air still held a chill, though the promise of spring and summer was quickly approaching the mountain homestead, the Five Sisters towering over head in silent guard of the group. None stopped them, though curious the gaze sent towards the island fox held in Auberon's jaws, various the reactions. The group had no active enemies at the time of the capture, he could practically feel the electric excitement spreading like wildfire among the bodies that soon followed after him.

Trotting into the main camp, surveying the damage, he would carry Moth over to a boulder that had survived most of the flashflood, though mud covered a good portion of it and splintered wood sat at the bottom. He had run through a day and a night to bring her here, his muscles screaming as he finally allowed himself to rest. "Everyone! Get your fuzzy asses over here!", he barked out with a dry cough, gaze on Moth. She was a long way from her own home, and he wanted to impress on everyone that she was not to be harmed.

[member=17067]ONEHEART[/member] [member=17611]moth[/member] //
Please wait for moth to respond!

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

Normally an adventure such as the one that she had just been forced upon would cause her to be unable to sleep, forced to be awake from fear, but this time it had been different. The size difference between the two creatures had caused Moth to be carried like a child, hanging there and unable to move, and due to her illness that she had the past few days, exhaustion nipped at her the more they walked, and despite the island fox's best efforts, she had eventually fallen asleep in the maw of Auberon, waking up in a new place as the growl and mumbles towards the other members of the Frostblown had reached her ears, unaware of where, exactly she was. For all she knew she was no longer on the main island that she and other various groups had called home their whole lives. She didn't even know how many days had passed, all she knew was that she was still oh so tired, and oh so scared.

Being put down upon the mud covered stone, she would simply look around, ears pinned to her head as she looked around with widened eyes, trying to find something, anything, that would give away to her where she was. When she realized there was no use, she let out a small sigh before jumping at the call from her captor, waiting for those that he had called to come over to them.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - SirDio - 04-14-2021

[b]"Who's the pretty Vixen, Aub?" The demon snipped, voice just tired at this point as they dragged themselves to the rock. They stood at a distance, looking at Moth with stern eyes. then they turned their eyes to Aub for an answer. Anything would suffice for now. The group was hurting, Oneheart needed help with healing, Margaret was in comatose, her daughters suffering from that. Maybe Aub went looking for someone to help.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - wifewoof - 04-14-2021

I just wanna leave this place behind
Every time I see your face in mine
One raced out, his chest heaving as he scented Moth. His bright purple eyes took in the island fox, his body relaxing as he recognized the healer from word of mouth. One looked up at Aub, carefully edging closer to the female as he was unsure if he could check on her yet to make sure she was not hurt from the trip.

"Aub...did you..." One hoarsely rumbled, his nerves shot all ready. He could hardly believe this! Or maybe he could, Auberon had been acting skittish and very closed off for the past while. The black jaguar mourned how he might've been able to have helped do this diplomicaliy if he hadn't been so busy with caring for Margo and all the injured in the flood.

One ignored the relief of not having to wear himelf ragged with everything. He would never admit it.

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
There was mostly curiosity in Horizon's gaze as he made his way over at Auberon's call, the strange scent of Tanglewood washing over him as he neared the scene. The devil raised his invisible eyebrows at the sight of Moth before he cast a glance over at Auberon, as if asking the leader if what he's done was a good idea. Horizon said nothing out loud of course and instead just sat down, wanting to watch what was going to happen.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - teef - 04-21-2021

A grunt would escape the akhlut, standing by the boulder, Sebastian's voice washing over the Sage, followed by One's own. The quiet presences of his groupmates were enough to tell him they were all re-living the flashflood that had wreaked havoc upon their home. The subdued air around them .... he did not like this. The capture might bring morale to some of the more blood thirsty, few that they were, but the aid of another healer was necessary in this situation.

Clearing his throat as he looked to the clearly exhausted Moth, his gaze softened in slight sympathy before it was gone, "This is Moth, a woman with great medical skill. She is not to be harmed - in fact, she is to be treated with respect and dignity. She has been brought here to help us with Margaret's injuries. If you harm a hair upon her, there will be punishment for going against my rules. Moth is a capture, until the time that Margaret's eye has been attended, and if Oneheart needs the aid, until everyone's injuries are looked after.", he would speak in a solemn voice, gaze cutting over everyone. "We are far from the other groups - she is far from home, and I have promised her that she will be taken back home once her work is done here.", he would continue to speak.

"Moth is allowed free reign of our camp and territory, and is to be treated as one of us until it is time for her to go home.", he barked, "I entrust Moth to you, Oneheart, do as you need and help her get settled in. Horizon and Sebastian, I expect you to pass the information along to those you see who are not in attendance now.", he would gruff, nodding his head to the Knight and Greenhorn.

Re: all my life i've been heading for hell ❂ tangle capture, open - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-22-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
Well, it was good to note that Moth wasn't going to be harmed, but Horizon wasn't too sure if he liked the idea of kidnapping another group's medic. Couldn't we just ask for help? He knew that The Frostblown didn't have allies right now, but this certainly wouldn't help with things, at least that's what he thought. "Uh-d-uh, yea. Alright." Horizon stammered his words, blinked at the Sage for a moment before giving a nod. Yeah, yeah. He understood. No worries.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts