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IT'S A DUD ☆ o, power discovery - Printable Version

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IT'S A DUD ☆ o, power discovery - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-14-2021

It was a nice day, at least in Fragglerock's opinion. The sun was high in the sky above, and the air was warm, but not too humid or scorching. It was the perfect weather for a walk, so that was exactly what the rabbit had decided he was going to do. He liked exploring the territory when he had a chance, as the activity helped to clear his mind and make him feel relaxed. It had also gotten him into trouble at least once in the past — like with the ziplines – but he was more careful now. He knew better than to put himself in harm's way, and all he wanted to do was explore his home. He figured it could be a useful activity, too. He might be able to find some flowers for Aesior's little garden, or perhaps some stray herbs or vegetables for the farm. There was always the chance he'd get hungry enough to eat some of the vegetables before he got back to the main camp, but he'd always keep at least something. Either way, he found himself content as he hopped through the territory, finding himself close to the border.

Usually when he reached one of the several borders of The Golden Eye's territory, he would immediately turn and head back, having no interest in venturing outwards. However, this time, he stopped. Not because he wanted to move beyond the border, but because there was a strange scent on the air. It certainly wasn't of The Golden Eye, whatever it was. There was a chance that it could've been the smell of one of the other groups, but it wasn't as if he would know that. He hadn't even met anyone from those groups yet. Admittedly, the smell did put him on edge, but he didn't want to just turn and bolt. There was the possibility that, whoever the scent was coming from could be a potential joiner. If they were, then he didn't want to leave and have them be alone, potentially lost and confused when all they wanted was a home. So, he raised his voice a little, calling out over the border, "Hello? Is anybody there? If you're here to join The Golden Eye, then I can help you! I'm sure Arlo and everybody else will be glad to have you."

Unbeknownst to Fraggle, however, he was currently in the gaze of a dangerous predator. One that didn't really see him as the member of The Golden Eye. Instead, they saw him merely as a small rabbit, all alone and perfect for picking off.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: IT'S A DUD ☆ temp private - teef - 04-14-2021

  -- The scent he wore was long lost to time, his personal scent the one that the child was picking up on. It was nearly as rusty and bloody as he had been years past, the reincarnated warrior treading across the lands, searching out scents. For the plains and craggy peaks, there were few scents of prey, and behind had he left a youth similar to the one he was coming upon. He didn't know if the one he had begrudgingly taken under his wing would even eat the rabbit's meat, but although the young sphinx hybrid could hunt, he'd yet to see anything made of those 'hunts'. And so, it was, as always, left to the adult to hunt.

He bore little shame inside of him, his gods knew he was not a good man. At one time, he had been called The Mad Dog, such a thing he still was. Many the women and children that he had killed, he felt little regret over killing another child, even though this rabbit was surprisingly sentient. Well, what had he come across that wasn't sentient? Starved was the growl that erupted from the epicyon haydeni as he eyes locked firmly on the rabbit.

Dropping his body to the ground, darker colored fur and bright mane of blue a possibility to cause him to stand out. He'd left The Enigma in its silence, taking with him the orphan child that insisted he was perfectly fine. Now, back at their small camp, he'd left the youth and his spear. Creeping closer, he would give a deep growl, careless of the names the child had said. Merely another life's blood upon his already stained paws, such sins would not easily be wiped from The Mad Dog. Violent the eruption of brush and bush as he exploded forth, jaws spread as he lunged at the rabbit in an attempted to bowl the rabbit over and pin it to the ground, hoping to give it a quick death. Little did he know what the child would do in turn to he, the hungry predator. Sad that he had to pick off smaller animals, he much preferred the challenge laid before him by a bigger prey animal. The rabbit would suffice.
-- speaks in #03254C -- the mad dog

Re: IT'S A DUD ☆ temp private - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-18-2021

Fear. It was not an emotion that was foreign to Fragglerock, considering his status as a prey animal. Many a creature had threatened him or tried to hunt him, some of them even within the group that he now called home. Still, until now, none of them had gotten quite so close. He'd always been able to bolt back to somewhere safe before anything happened, his heart thundering and his body shaking. In this case, though, he had made a mistake. He had decided to stay, all so that he could help a potential joiner. His voice was still ringing out as he tried to call once more, short claws curling against the earth, "Hello? Like I said, I can help y—" That was as far as he managed to get, however. The growl that echoed through the air was his only warning, before Vaughn came bursting forth through the darkness, fangs first. For a moment, Fraggle found himself frozen in place, merely staring up into the jaws of his inevitable demise. He wanted to run, but he just couldn't. He was going to die.

His body was slammed against the ground roughly, and he had no idea what was going to happen. He felt utterly powerless, and he considered calling for help, but his vocal chords refused to cooperate. Unbeknownst to him – but clear to anyone who approached that was able to see them – his aura was wildly fluctuating around him, turning from a calm blue to a furious red, morphing and shifting as if to take on the form of a roaring lion. Within that moment, he suddenly found the will to speak again. His next words came out as a frantic and panicked shout, backed up with a feeling of rage and confusion, "Get... GET AWAY FROM ME!" Suddenly, the power inside him seemed to flare to life, and his chest was filled with warmth. His body was small, but it was also frightening as his paws, legs, and chest were engulfed in his own flames, brought on by fire elementals. With another cry of anguish and anger, the young rabbit lashed out with his new elementals, aiming for any part of Vaughn's shoulder or face that he could reach. If he were successful, it would be clear he was merely trying to lightly scorch the other and drive him away, rather than seriously maim him or kill him entirely.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: IT'S A DUD ☆ temp private - teef - 04-25-2021

  -- A confused growl would erupt from him as he pinned the child down, ears swept forward as he snarled down at the small lifeform. Things moved too quickly for him to think, and there was a feeling of heat coming from him, far too hot to be body heat. Quick came the vicious snarl as fire burst into life upon the rabbit, enough to make the dire wold regret the action of leaping without checking. Heat flashed by his face and shoulder, scorching off fur and cutting close to the skin. He couldn't feel any pain from it, not that he would have been able to anyways.

"Brave child!", he barked, having leapt back in a half-hearted attempt to escape the flames. Lips curled back to show his teeth, he circled Fragglerock with a few curious sniffs from where he was, though the scent of his own burnt fur filled his senses. Coughing faintly, he grinned wickedly at the child. Hunger coursed through his stomach, it's growls fainter and quieter than his own. He hadn't eaten a good meal in a fair time, he had been hunting mainly for the orphan he was looking after. "You are a brave herbivore. Flames ... how strange for one who eats plants.", he would growl as he circled Fraggle before lifting his head.

New scents were on the air, causing his ears to flick. This child alone had been a surprise - he had no wish to encounter others who had use of an elemental. Accident or not, he didn't care to continue tarrying with this flame covered creature. Licking his teeth as he circled again, his ears perked up and tail swinging behind his form. "Keep your head up child. This world is a cruel one. Don't stay ignorant and grow up well. I'll see you again when you're strong enough to knock me on my ass.", he would bark in laughter before he turned on his heel. If the child was strong, he could only imagine the adults, even though this child still needed time to grow into more strength. Perhaps the orphan he looked after would be best situated here ...

-- speaks in #03254C -- the mad dog

Re: IT'S A DUD ☆ temp private - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-28-2021

He was... alive. Relief and confusion flooded the boy as he came to that conclusion, his blue eyes briefly widening as he stared up at Vaughn. It certainly seemed as though he had driven the canine back, although he didn't see any signs of serious injur. Honestly, Fragglerock was grateful for that. Even if he didn't want to be killed, he didn't want to seriously injured someone, either. The way that Vaughn was talking, however, confused the tiny herbivore. He had expected the other to grow even angrier, and lash out to his full extent, instead, he merely seemed impressed by what Frag was able to do. Honestly, Fraggle was impressed with what he was able to do. He had never experienced such a rush of power before, and the flames that still licked at the edges of his fur and paws would not let him forget what had happened. With his feathered ears pinning back against his skull, the boy managed to grit out to Vaughn, "Please... please go. I don't want to hurt you. I just don't want to get hurt, either." His voice wasn't weak, or afraid. Rather he just seemed... tired. Thankfully, Vaughn seemed to get the message, especially when the scent of others began to drift through the air.

A heavy sigh left Fragglerock as Vaughn disappeared once more into the trees, and he was left alone. His elementals didn't seem keen on settled just yet, flames still gripping at his paws and front legs, scorching the ground beneath him. Anyone who approached that had the ability to see auras will be able to see the lingering lion figure still looming over Frag. It seemed to fluctuate as he stared downwards at himself, moving as if his very aura was formed from flames as well. As he heard approaching footsteps, Fraggle found himself flopping down onto his belly, feeling very tired even as the flames refused to cease just yet. There was no doubt that the use of his new elementals had taken a toll on him, and it was now setting in with the adrenaline having drained from his body. He just hoped that whoever was approaching was one of his groupmates, considering he wasn't sure he'd be able to make it back to the caverns on his own.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?