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A soft sigh left his maw knowing that he had not seen Ares for quite some time after the attack and he had already warned her for what she had done. With a shake of his head, the man rose to his paws already making his way out of his head finding a place on the beach did he begin to set up. They were low on medics and even if he knew how to heal, he couldn't lead as well as healing. That itself would become an issue. He tried not to think too much on it as he set down a piece of cloth so the herbs wouldn't get sand on them, these herbs being picked fresh from his garden. Once he felt satisfied with his set up would the legate take a seat with a slow nod "Gather around if you are interested in becoming a medici or learning about herbs. It'll be useful knowledge so I reccomend participating." A gentle smile present on his maw as he wrapped his tail neatly over his paws waiting for a few to gather.

Re: AMERICANO ☆ MEDICI TRYOUTS/TRAINING - sunsetkisses - 04-13-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Medicine, huh? Sunsetpaw hadn't given herbs any thought since she finally broke free from living in the wild, she knew they were always important no matter what, but figured that she didn't need to constantly keep an eye out for them just in case. In no-man's land out there, beyond the safety of the Palm Glade's territory, death was around every corner, one unprepared situation could be your downfall. Your demise. That sort of life alone was the only reason she knew anything at all, basics, sure, but better than nothing. However, even though she hadn't been here too long, the call from Winterhymns caught her interest and kept it, the idea of applying what she was forced to learn to survive to keep those amongst the group that had taken her in was a concept she rather liked.

"Medici? That's pretty!" Sunny chirped, skipping over towards the Legate and his little setup. Her little nose twitched, not unlike a rabbit, lowering her head to get a closer look at the herbs on the cloth. "That's like your medic or doc or something, yeah?"


| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman knew his medicine.  Of course, his reasons for being proficient in healing were not necessarily altruistic.  When one studied and laced weapons with poison, it was a precaution.  That being said, knowing how to treat colds and headaches had little to do with poison, but he still knew them -- enough to feel confident on treating himself and those around him without retrieving another medic.

He had not realized the Palm Glades were without many healers.  The wildcat twitched his ear, slowly rising to his paws.  While Séamus felt uncertain about directly pursuing the career (he knew how stressful it could be), he supposed Winterhymns should know.

"Winterhymns," he offered the legate a small smile.  "If you require extra paws, I would willing to assist.  I 'ave a few years in trainin."

Re: AMERICANO ☆ MEDICI TRYOUTS/TRAINING - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

Since his tumble off the cliff two months ago, Mazekit hadn't been able to walk very well. His limbs were steal healing from the whole ordeal and his body still needed the time to heal - time he wasn't giving it - but as time went on, the more the male had thought that he wasn't ever going to be able to become a warrior. He was already limping when he walked, unable to move his legs all the way, and so he wanted to learn how to be helpful in other ways, and with his apprenticeship coming up closer and closer he couldn't help but worry about what it was, exactly that he would do in order to be helpful in his home.

When his father had called for the tryouts though, Mazekit had an idea. Maybe he could learn some medicine, and figure out some fighting on the side. Small things that made it so he could protect himself if need-be, but he wasn't planning on going out into battle any time soon, so he should be fine, right? Coming forward and soon sitting down, the Pendragon child would look over to his father before speaking. "I wanna learn some herbs Mapa." He was fine with herbs, having had the smell of them stuck in his nose for a whole two months. At least he wouldn't gag when he came into contact with them.

Re: AMERICANO ☆ MEDICI TRYOUTS/TRAINING - rhosmari - 04-14-2021

Tired limbs shifted underneath a two toned figure, eyes opening as a yawn split his muzzle wide. Blinking his blurry eyes the young tom would make his way over to where he heard his Mapa calling from. His tail tucked against his body as he sleepily lifted his gaze up and then back down to the plants his Mapa was talking about. Coming to learn herbs? That wasn't really his interests. He didn't want to learn about herbs. He wanted to know more about fighting, about killing things. About sneaking and ambushing. The things a warrior did. Those were the fun things, what he hoped to be one day. A frown crinkled his little muzzle before he shook himself and sat down. His head turned fully to the side so he could see Mazekit for a moment before he looked away. His sibling was on his blind side but that was fine. He wasn't as nervous when he knew the individuals that were around him. Sunset was here too and he looked down at his paws before pulling his straight ear forward to listen to Mapa.

Re: AMERICANO ☆ MEDICI TRYOUTS/TRAINING - rowena. - 04-17-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
With a father skilled in shady businesses and a sea witch for a mother, the tiny hybrid new that herbs existed.  Knew they were important to her parents and some of the work they did.  But truthfully... Little else.

Webbed paws had been digging into the sand, pulling up small shells when she heard Winterhymns' call.  Rounded ears perked.  Sea-green hues blank.  Medici?  She didn't really know what he was talking about... But her father was there!  Offering help.  With what?  The plants...?

She sniffed softly, scrambling over her father's paws.  Peering over at the legate's set up in confusion.  She leaned back, shaking some sand off her snow white fur.  Still lost... But curious.  It had to be important to gather everyone over.  "Dia dhuit, mester Win! What're you talkin about?"


[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
The child, another born of Winterhymns, stepped up after her siblings. The people that lived here knew that she walked around covered in bandages- the wings sprouting from her back were taking their toll on her body. Blood itched and leaked daily, not to mention the gently tearing of her back as the webs split wider down her spine. So, of course, Wyv learned quickly how to apply the salve and bandages herself day in and day out. So, upon hearing her father announce that they needed Medici, Wyvern was quick to approach. She took a seat, quietly, watching her father and observing what he had set out.



Re: AMERICANO ☆ MEDICI TRYOUTS/TRAINING - sunsetkisses - 05-03-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Okay, so admittedly she hadn’t been paying total attention the entire time. Just enough to not miss anything, but the movement of the plants that Winterhymns presented was what dragged her back to reality, having been briefly enamored by a bird flying overhead. Green eyes blinked at the assortment of colored herbs, snickering to herself. ”The yellow one, mari something. I dunno, but I’ve used it. Do not stick your face in a rabbit den, they will cut the hell out of your face. I might still have a tiny scar somewhere.” She scrunched her face up, frowning briefly and rubbing her nose. All she felt was it being somewhat itchy, but no phantom pains. Sunsetpaw twisted her body around, kicking her back legs around the air as her fluffy tail landed squarely on her face. ”Seeds, seeds...for....pbbbt pain. Got no clue about the last one but I did meet a chick who was chewing on them once.”