Beasts of Beyond
The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Printable Version

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The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Casphian - 04-13-2021

The night was still young but many were asleep by now and once again sleep was just out of reach for the leopard. It didn’t take much debating for them to finally decide to just get up and head out from the camp, it seemed so scary to them just how easily they could slip from the camp without anyone really noticing. But honestly maybe that was a good thing. Their paws sluggishly carried them through the territory, their tail dragging along the ground and their mind completely drawn elsewhere.

Almost automatically they made their way towards the flower garden they had started planting, settling back in their haunches and head tilting up so their blank gaze could stare up at the stars rhey so longed to be able to see. Pain shot through their chest and gripping their heart and the thought of being able to see the stars, oh how they so despised the scars that stretched across his face. If it weren’t for them he would still be able to see the world in all its beauty. As these angry thoughts swirled into a raging storm he was quickly thrown into memories he tried so hard to shove down.

”Saturn!” Boomed a harsh and deep voice, drawing a skittish feline out from their hiding spot. Their belly drug the ground as the slowly made their way to the middle, their terrified gaze sweeping across the crowd that had formed. Their icy orbs landed on a smirking cheetah, Saturn’s expression turning pleading, begging the cheetah to own up to what they had done instead of forcing the blame onto them. But alas Saturn wouldn’t get that luxury and instead would have to turn their attention to the leader of their pride, a plead for them to see what they had seen dying within their throat.

“You have been caught at the scene of Jakiva’s murder with her blood on your paws, we have heard your side of the story and have come to a conclusion,” their leader called out, sending waves of panic through the feline. “You are hereby exiled from the pride and your eyesight will be traded for the life of the elder you murdered,” he called out. Saturn’s ears flattened against his cranium, please tumbling from his muzzle as he started to back up, tail curling around him. Their leader leapt from his perch on a rock, stalking towards Saturn before lunging at him with claws extended.

Saturn startled out of his trance, body shaking as tears fell from his eyes. He lowered his head to gaze down at the ground, his body still shivering as the pain and sadness raked through him.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Byriath - 04-13-2021

As a god of war, Byriath knew of times when he was treated unfairly, kicked and shoved around. A war criminal he was once, and they spared no details in giving him enough pain that his mortal body had ceased. Though he was a god, he could still be scarred. Him, he could go back into fighting no problem. But mortals couldn't come back. They couldn't heal like him. That, he always knew. And if he knew what injustices had happened to mortals around him, the people he unintentionally began to see as someone significant, someone important in a way, hell would break loose.

On another night patrol he was a little late to Saturn's departure, but he caught the snow leopard's scent with ease and had begun to follow. Slowly he walked, careful to make sure it was actually Saturn he was tracking. Why? he didn't know. He was really acting unlike himself now. He halted as he saw Saturn, gaze set to the stars. Blank. God, if he just now found out that Saturn was blind...

Then he saw the leopard shake, and his paws moved instantly. He wanted to stop but at this point his body knew more than he did. The wanderer needed comfort. But Byriath was shit at being a comforting person. He stopped a few feet so the other wouldn't be too startled. "Hey.. Saturn, what happened? You want some help?" He inwardly cursed. He was so shit at trying to comfort.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Cosmic - 04-13-2021

Devraj was all too familiar with flashbacks, having grown a little more detached over the years towards his, and each time he just pushed down the pain to focus on the things he needed to do. With the birth of his cubs came a duty to be the best parent he could be, and offer support to those who needed it. In a way, it opened up the dragon-kitsune hybrid to being vulnerable again, but with a much better understanding of the balance between such vulnerability and understanding that not everything was his fault. To have empathy, but not destroy himself in the process of helping others.

He had been in deep thought as he approached the big cat, and his eyes turned to focus on Saturn’s face when he saw that tears were rolling down their cheeks. His fatherly instincts kicked in along with his empathetic nature, and he got closer, but was slow to come close as to not spook them.

Are you okay?” Devraj’s voice was much softer than usual, concern evident in both his tone and his face. He slowly sat down, reaching out a paw as he hopefully had gotten close enough, and tried to gently touch Saturn’s shoulder.

He didn’t know if he should pull them in for a hug or not, but hopefully they accepted his attempt at physical affection.

Whatever you’re feeling, or perhaps going through, I’m here. And if you need a hug... you can always ask.

The last part left him feeling a little weird, but he hoped he got the point across and Saturn would accept his offer, or maybe just the paw that had hopefully been able to be planted on their shoulder.

The feeling of being soft was something he was still getting used to- relearning how to be vulnerable and soothe others. From being so angry, to allowing others into his heart once more, despite how hardened yet broken he was.

Heh, God of Destruction trying to comfort someone? It was ironic, really, but he had been told he was decent with providing support and a shoulder to lean on should someone need it.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Casphian - 04-13-2021

Saturn hadn’t heard anyone approach until the voices spoke up beside him, sending a startled shiver through his body as their head snapped towards Devraj before his blank gaze settled onto Byraith, tears still streaming from his eyes. The feline harshly flinched from the touch he felt on his shoulder, his body instinctively moving away from the paw that only sought to comfort not harm but that was something lost to the feline at the moment. The memories still dug their claws deep in Saturn, making it rather difficult for the other to tell comfort from harm.

“I-I-“ they stammered out, confusion racing through them as they struggled to figure out what to say or do. “I’m okay, I’m fine just a little dust in my eyes,” they finally said, letting their gaze fall back to the ground. “I’m sorry if I worried you both but there is nothing to be worried about,” they mumbled softly, rubbing their cheeks on their shoulder, trying to wipe the tears away.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Cosmic - 04-13-2021

The flinch shouldn’t have startled him as much as it did, and he instinctively wanted to try again, but knew better than to do that if Saturn was going through what he suspected. Putting his paw back down at a resting position, he turned to look at Byriath, then back at the snow leopard.

I’m sorry for startling you. I mean no harm, I promise.” He remained as calm as he could, though he felt a tug at his heart strings when remembering how they reacted to his touch. It just didn’t seem right. He didn’t trust that they were ‘okay’. He knew signs of trauma like the back of his paw, having been subjected to it himself, and seeing others go through it.

It’s okay to not be okay. I just want you to know that. And we’re here for you. I know pain when I see it, you don’t have to hide.” He half said that for himself too- he rejected help and hid his feelings, but realized that it didn’t always need to be that way.

I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but if at any point you feel the need to talk to someone, I’m sure myself or Byriath would be willing to do our best to help.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Byriath - 04-13-2021

Oh.. dear god, the look. he gritted his teeth and tried not to look concerned. Byriath spared a glance to Devraj, before forcing himself to look back at Saturn. Dust in his eyes? That was a little difficult to believe. He clicked his tongue gently. "Dust doesn't cause someone to shake, as far as I know." He softened his voice and stepped closer, hesitant, scared, for once. What if Byriath fucked up? In a nervous attempt to comfort, the god tried to place a paw on top the paw of the snow leopard.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Casphian - 04-13-2021

What happened next honestly shouldn’t of come to a surprise to anyone. Between the comforting words and the soft touches it didn’t take much to break the snow leopard. And so when Byraith placed his paw on top of theirs Saturn just seemed to completely crumble. His forehead was shoved into Byr’s chest, a pitiful and broken cry ripping through their chest and past their muzzle. His tail attempted to curl around Dev’s leg, clinging to anything that would ground him to the reality that he was in as his world came crashing down all over again. His body trembled as the cries racked through him, his eyes clamped shit as the tears escaped past.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Cosmic - 04-13-2021

When he noticed their tail wrapping around his foreleg, that’s when he knew that he had said something that struck a chord within Saturn, and those pain-filled cries drove him to attempt to give the snow leopard a gentle hug with his gigantic paws, careful to not touch any of the dangerous spines or claws on them. He hopefully got a good grasp on them enough to hold them steady, and if they wished to they could lean against him for comfort. Should Byriath wish to join in, he would be more than positive that Saturn would appreciate that.

He allowed his fellow wanderer’s tail to wrap around his leg, and felt his heart beat against his chest as he unintentionally let his empathy get to him, but he balanced that with being a steady shoulder to lean on if Saturn decided that’s what they wanted him to be.

He didn’t know what to say, but hopefully his actions would suffice for the words he didn’t have at that time.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Byriath - 04-13-2021

There was once a time where Byriath thought he was incapable of being shocked by the emotions of mortals. As soon as Saturn practically headbutted him in the chest, the Xeno let out a soft huff in shock. His eyes went wide and he froze. Something slammed against his ribcage, a feeling so volatile in reaction he wanted to scream. But he just breathed, lowering his head a bit so his chin brushed against Saturn's head. He looked at Devraj with a grateful look before he smiled. A full, but broken, smile.

Saturn had been hurt before, that was certain. And a rage bubbled within him. Who dared hurt Saturn? Who hurt him so badly? His muzzle rested on Saturn's head, fuming a little now. He wanted to pull Saturn closer, but he also didn't want him to get uncomfortable. The god was more than willing to, along with Devraj, be a sort of corner stone right now. 

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Casphian - 04-13-2021

His broken cries only seem to grow louder to fill the silent night when Byraith rests his head on top of his and when he felt the warmth of Dev’s paws wrapping around him. Honestly what he wouldn’t do to keep these gentle embraces forever but all good things must come to an end. And so after some time his broken cries slowly began to quieten down, the tears still filling but silently now. The trembles that shook his body lessened to be not nearly as violent.

“I-I’m sorry,” they finally croaked out, his tone full of pain and sadness. “I wasn’t supposed to be found tonight much less cause you two to have to comfort me like this,” he softly said.