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BEATS LIKE A DRUM ✿ OPEN; INTRO - Printable Version

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BEATS LIKE A DRUM ✿ OPEN; INTRO - sunsetkisses - 04-13-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Hoo boy, there was a lot to take in. She'd been here for....a few days or so? Something like that? It was hard to recall. Not because it was boring or because too much had happened, she was just inattentive. Most of time was spent hunting to satiate her unusual appetite, finally learning how to open crabs on her own, until the smell of sea salt was commonplace upon her fur. It wasn't until now she figured she ought to actually get to know the people she would be staying with, feeling like the new kid wasn't exactly something people fantasized about, huh?

These were the things Sunsetpaw thought about, laying in the sand with a look somewhere between a pout and a frown, fluffy tail thunking against the ground. Perhaps it wasn't too much of a burden for someone else, but she was a very social creature, and not having any friends was a shame. Ah, damn.


Winterhymns had been busy to say the least but he member did hesitate in meeting anyone else, he was rather social himself and could talk for quite some time. A soft sigh would leave his maw as he left his home that morning, he would adjust the bow that was on his chest only to shake himself out. It was another lovely morning and Winnie couldn't have asked for more, his ears twitched lightly as he stepped down from his porch before making his way down the Tiger's boardwalk to the beach where he spotted Sunsetpaw. Oh, he must have missed her arrival. How absentminded of him. His tail flicked back and forth behind him as he decided to approach with a slow nod.

"Why hello there. I do not believe that we've met. I am Winterhymns Pendragon, I'm the legate of Palm Glades." His whiskers would twitch lightly as he introduced himself with a warm smile present on his maw. "Are you enjoying the beach? I hope that you're settling in well,"


| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman was a friendly individual -- not nearly as kind as his twin, but just as sociable.  He lingered in the more popular places around camp whenever he was not keeping an eye on his daughter (although that was the majority of his day).  Of course, the small wildcat had a habit of lingering in the shadows rather than directly engaging in chatter, observing things in silence.

Enjoying a walk down the beach, Séamus caught the legate's voice with perked ears.  A friendly grin in place, the pirate bounded over to catch up, tail waving in greetings to the duo.  "How ya?"

Re: BEATS LIKE A DRUM ✿ OPEN; INTRO - rhosmari - 04-14-2021

Since his weird fall from the sky, the kid has been rather tired. His energy levels were kind of low. But he had never really been the rowdy type to begin with. He was left to sleep some things off and pretend like none of it had happened. Though it was hard to forget the bright shine of lightning as it struck the bird that had trued to take him and the crown with it. On days like this he would often find himself alone, watching the waves and hoping for maybe something to happen to keep him distracted. He flicked his straight ear, feeling the weight of the crown on his head before he rose to his paws and began to scuttle his way closer to the ocean waves. That was when he saw her. His eyes narrowed as if looking at something bright and to him she was like a golden sunshine. His tummy ached like something was bumbling in the inside. Was he getting sick? Maybe. Yet he ignored the feeling and scampered his way over, short tail flicking back and forth. His good purple eye rested on the girl as he closed the blind golden one.

"Hey Sunsetpaw...." He spoke gently as he wiggled his way between his Mapa's paws. Would she like his crown? She hoped that she would for some reason. He wanted to impress her, didn't really know why he just wanted to.


[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
If Drayden could hear Sunsetpaw's thoughts, he might have been a little offended and upset that she didn't consider him a friend. But then again, did she really have a reason to? They had only met once whenever she decided to join the Glades after finding out she was on their territory. Seeing her lay around though was a little concerning, since she seemed like the type that enjoyed being around others or doing some busy work. Drayden made his way over, quiet at first and a small smile forming on his face as he saw Goldenkit between his Mapa's paws. I'm glad he's doing better. The cub thought to himself before his gaze flickered back over to Sunsetpaw.

"You look bored." Drayden commented, trying to make a joke out of the situation.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BEATS LIKE A DRUM ✿ OPEN; INTRO - sunsetkisses - 04-16-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
"Ooh, you're Winterhymns! I've heard about you!" Sunset looked up when the voice of the Legate got her attention, ears perking up in interest. The big man himself, huh? Did she have to like, be overly polite? Say sir? The feline sat up, brushing off some sand from her chest fur with a paw. "I've met a few of your kids already I think, if I remember right. Wyvernkit and Goldenkit, yeah?" Her tongue pressed against the inside of her cheek in thought, she had run into Mazekit indirectly, but only the two mentioned were the kits she talked to face to face, got a name and everything. They were cute.

"I'm good! How ya, my man?" Oooh, an Irishman. Sunsetpaw kneaded at the sand, whiskers twitching in amusement. The accent that the man carried, even if he didn't say much at the moment, was highly interesting to her, and rather fun to listen to. "Your accent is super cool, I like it! What is it?" Sunsetpaw tilted her head to the side as she asked. Oh, actually, there was one of the kits now. Him and the leopard that she had the pleasure of meeting her first day there. Really nice guy. "Hey, Goldenkit! I was just talking about you. I like the crown, it's fitting. And shiny!" Sunny stretched, flopping over on to her back this time, tail curling upward to stay out of the sand. On one hand, it was a bitch to clean off, but the way the sun heated it all was pretty damn nice. "Bored...yeah, just a bit. There's only so much to do in, what, a few days? Although, I finally learned how to crack open those stupid crabs. No more looking stupid over a dead crustacean, Spots."


[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Drayden laughed at Sunsetpaw's response to his question. "Have you thought about starting your Warriors Plight? I know it took me a while to prepare for it." He asked. Maybe that was because he wanted it to be special to him, and he wanted to prepare for it, but hey, at least it might give Sunsetpaw something to do?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]



He blinked a few times when the girl said that she had heard about him and he supposed it was hard not to hear about him given his position within the group, a small smile still present on his maw as he commented with a chuckle "Well, I hope that you heard good things then." A purr slipping from his maw before the girl mentioned meeting two of his children or potentially three, he was happy that she had and glad that she hadn't met all twelve in on sitting as it could be rather overwhelming to say the least. "Yes, Wyvernkit and Goldenkit are my children." Winterhymns said with a soft hum leaving him, he was proud to be their father after all and was happy that they were getting some form of recognition within the group.

His ears twitched ever so slightly when Goldenkit decided to appear and wiggled between one of his paws, the legate unable to hold back a purr when the boy spoke in a gentle manner to the apprentice in front of him. So polite and well mannered as most of his kids were, Winnie lowered his head ever so slightly to nuzzle Goldenkit's forehead gently before lifting it up a bit as he murmured "Such a charming crown, mien liebling." It reminded him of his own although that had been stolen a while ago before the kids had been born, he took a deep breath looking to Séamus and Drayden offering nods in form of greeting only to hear the Keeper mentioning the warriors plight. He still hadn't done that and should probably do it at some point but unfortunately, he had been occupied to say the least.

Re: BEATS LIKE A DRUM ✿ OPEN; INTRO - rhosmari - 04-20-2021

The moment that she acknowledged him he was alert and watching. But as soon as the praise came his fur fluffed up suddenly and he couldn't seem to look at her. He looked down at the ground, shuffling his paws lightly. A nervousness seeped into him and be couldn't help the small wobbly laugh that left him. "T-thanks. I got it from a wall and then an eagle tried to take it, b-but I managed to get it back!" He evidently sounded proud of himself and he gave a small smile but his eyes still kept away from her. For some reason she was just too bright to look at and he lightly brushed a paw against his eye, rubbing gently. He was happy that Sunset seemed to be fitting in well and that was always a good thing. As his Mapa complimented him to he couldn't help but veam, the smile pulling his little maw wide as he looked up at Winterhymns. It was even more impressive than he thought it would be which was the best. "Thanks Mapa!"