Beasts of Beyond
They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Printable Version

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They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Byriath - 04-12-2021

The Xenosmilus kicked a stone out of his way as he continued his patrol of the temporary camp's perimeter. The night simply watched as he moved on, his eyes searching for any movement. This was routine, regular. Something from his old life that he could hold onto. Something that reminded him of who he was, when he was helping others and saving weaker beings.

His feet stilled, as did his breath as something within his memories unlocked and then locked again. The faintest hint of something, a scent, a sight, a sound. The sudden clamor of voices, laughter, clinking of mugs of mead. His head reeled to the left so fast and with such force he went down with a heavy whump. "Ah.." Was all he could say. This was different. And as the sounds faded, he found himself able to breath again. But he just stayed there, in the dirt, where a rose crawled from the earth and latched on, a brilliant white in the midnight moon.

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Casphian - 04-12-2021

Sleep had long escaped the feline’s claws, causing the leopard to eventually drag themself out from where they rested. They stretched out their body, chest lowering to the ground and claws stretching out to dig into the soft ground beneath before they straightened their body back out. A soft hum slipped past their maw, tail swaying gently behind them as they finally decided that maybe a walk would help clearing their raging mind.

Paws padded across the land, carrying a gentle soul to a destination just out of reach. It didn’t take long for a scent so close to be familiar drifted across their path, luring the feline to follow it to the owner. Foggy orbs stared at the ground as they moved, ears flicked to the side as their mind drifted through thoughts. Eventually  the scent drew stronger and caused Saturn to draw to a halt, a shiver raging down his spine. “Byraith is that you?” He finally called out, voice soft and curious.

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Byriath - 04-12-2021

He was content to just lay down and think for the rest of the night, but as soon as he heard pawsteps he forced himself to sit up a bit. His body protested and he honestly felt like falling again, but his eyes spotted Saturn and he blinked. "Yeah.. Yeah, it's me." The beginnings of a smile lifted across his face but he stopped it. No. Instead he just rubbed his fur on his right cheek. "What're you doing up?"

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - ARVID R. - 04-12-2021

Arvid was, honestly, a bit of an odd creature when it came to sleep. Some nights he was totally fine, sleeping all the way through until morning without a single issue. Other nights, he got a thought simply stuck in his mind, and he stayed up all night until he was finally able to do something with it. In some cases. He wasn't able to do anything with it, as it would be something ridiculous and mundane. Tonight happened to be one of those nights where he simply couldn't sleep, so he decided to head out for a walk. He couldn't even remember what had started the sleepless hours, but it didn't matter much now. All that mattered now was that he would hopefully be able to wear himself out with a walk and then get at least a couple hours of sleep.

While wandering around the territory, he was surprised to see another pair out late, causing the canine to pause. After a moment of hesitation, he made his way over to where Byriath and Saturn were, his head tilting to one side. He greeted Saturn in a friendly manner, a smile on his face, "Hey, Saturn." He then turned his gaze towards Byriath, pausing before he introduced himself, "Hello. I've seen you around, but I don't think we've met yet. I'm Arvid... what are the both of you doing out so late?" The same could be asked of him, but the answer would be fairly simple. His mind was keeping him awake, so he intended to silence it – with exhaustion, if he had to.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Casphian - 04-13-2021

A sigh of relief slipped past his maw when Byraith confirmed it was him, it would’ve been awkward if he had called out the wrong name. He would’ve replied to his question if another voice hadn’t of spoken up beside Saturn, startling the leopard and causing him to jump away.

Honestly he should’ve been paying attention but sometimes he forgets he has to actually listen to everything. “Hello Arvid,” he hummed in greeting. “I can’t speak for Byraith but personally I’m just having a sleepless night,” he mused. “But what I do know is that young ones such as yourself don’t need to be wondering the camp late at night, you should be tucked away safe and sound inside the camp,” he said, a slightly stern tone lacing his words.

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Byriath - 04-13-2021

Slight glowing eyes focused on Arvid as he approached, snorting gently at Saturn's words. "Hello, boy. I offered you my snake-cat skin when you joined. Byriath's the name." He dipped his head low, flicking his ears to stray memories of greetings and goodbyes. "I don't sleep often. Habitual look out." He hoped that sufficed, shoulders rolling in a shrug. He attempted to speak to Saturn telepathically, 'Not every young child can get good sleep, just so you know.'

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - ARVID R. - 04-15-2021

Ah, so that was his name. Arvid remember the guru offering him the skin when he had initially joined, but he hadn't caught the other's name. He was glad for it now, a brief grin flashing across the canine's muzzle. Although, said smile faltered somewhat as he processed what Saturn had to say. On one hand, the other's stern words were right. Sleep was pretty vital, and even the temporary camps were rather safe and sound. Unfortunately, things weren't so simple for Arvid. He explained this quietly, his ears briefly flicking downwards, "I know, but... I just couldn't sleep, really. I can't explain why, though. My mind just gets buzzing and then I've gotta wear myself out somehow. Walks are how I usually do that." Of course, said walks had been far more harrowing and dangerous when he had been a mere loner, living all on his own.

Turning his attention back to Byriath then, the dire wolf nodded before muttering, "Ah, now I remember! I didn't catch your name back then... I really should've asked. Having a look out sounds like a good idea, though. Have you seen anything cool while out and about at nighttime?" He knew that late nights were usually pretty boring, considering most things were asleep at the time. However, juicy things could also happen at night, as well. Like secret meet-ups, or maybe even spies snooping around. Maybe Byriath had seen something like that before? If he had, Arvid was certainly interested in hearing about it.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Casphian - 04-15-2021

Saturn startled slightly at the voice that rang out through his mind but alas he did not respond to what Byr had said. The feline shifted his foggy orbs towards the Guru before turning his attention back to Arvid. "Ahh I understand that struggle way to well," they mused in response. They lowered their body to the ground, a small smile tugging at their lips as they listened to Arvid chatter away with Byraith, their own curiosity peaking at the thought of hearing interesting stories about whatever happened during the night.

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - Byriath - 04-21-2021

The Guru grinned gently, teeth flashing white in the darkness before he nodded. "I as well. But, I've yet to get tired." He chuckled. Stories? His purple eyes flickered. "Not in this land, no. But before I set foot in this cold land, I had once eavesdropped on traitors. I was, ah, much bigger back then." In fact, he had been in a completely different form. But now those memories were muddled, aside from.. "I had been punished, though, when we lost the war."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: They tell me I'm a god - Night watch - I'm lost in the facade! - ARVID R. - 04-22-2021

Stories from before living in the Coalition, huh? Arvid supposed it made sense that Byriath had lived somewhere before – the dire wolf had as well, after all – but he still found himself pausing momentarily. What had Byriath's old home been like? Was it like the Coalition, or something entirely different, like his own life had been? He kept his mouth shut for now, though, simply listening to what Byriath had to say. Although, his expression faltered slightly at the other's last words. He muttered, a frown pulling at his muzzle, "You guys lost a war to traitors? Well that... sucks. How'd they do it?" He knew that technically wasn't related to old night watch stories anymore, but he couldn't help it. His curiosity was getting the best of him.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass