Beasts of Beyond
Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Printable Version

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Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Casphian - 04-12-2021

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Placing a TW down for death and small verbal abuse please proceed with caution.

Pink tipped paws pulled a body carefully towards the shore of the waters, finally giving out and letting the body flop to the ground, sand flying out beside them. Ear flattened against the cranium they were attached to, eyes fluttering shut and blocking the emerald orbs from the world. Paradox’s mind raced and their demons clawed at their mind, dragging them further into the fast approaching darkness they so longed to escape from.

Soon enough they lost the battle to their demons and allowed themself to be drug in their memories. It had been years ago now since they last saw their lover and even though the other had died so long ago Paradox still feared that for some reason he would show up. He could almost still picture the day of his death as if it were yesterday, the sky had started crying earlier that morning the clouds angry and at what Paradox would never know. The two were up high on a hill, avoiding the waters that raged below and grew higher and higher. Paradox had turned to speak to his lover but before he even got a chance the other had begun to scream at him, blaming him for the weather and the luck that they had been dealt that day. It was a normal occurrence for their lover to blame them for ever little thing, accusing them of this or that but for the most part Paradox had always shrugged it off and half the time agreed that yea it probably was his fault.

The panther had shrunk down, his body flat to the ground as the rain pelted down onto his green hued fur, his emerald eyes peering up helplessly at his lover. The other had continued on ranting about this and that drawing closer and closer to the edge and before Paradox had gotten the chance to speak up about it his lover slipped and fell off the side.

Emerald orbs snapped open, chest heaving quickly as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes before falling. Paradox soothed his breathing while staring out towards the waters, tears still streaming but now they were silent unlike the tears of the sky on that fateful day.

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
The death of a loved one, particularly a former partner, was something Vigenere knew all too well. Although in contrast to Paradox's former relationship, the relationship Vigenere had with Athena was a healthy one. The two of them loved each other dearly and Vigenere would lay his life down for her - literally. He was bound to, by the laws of being in the King's Guard, but also because she was his girlfriend. But he failed to do exactly what he promised he would do: protect her. Athena had been killed right before Vigenere, in the jaws of his own brother. Of course Vigenere felt guilt over this, especially when he promised to protect her, but not only that... She had been the love of his life at one point. His flower, his diamond. It had been ripped away from him in a matter of two minutes.

"You alright there?" Vigenere asked as he approached Paradox, lowering his head slightly to show that he was no threat. He tried to sit next to the other Tangler, though he was wary in case the guy didn't want to be around anyone. He couldn't blame them, if they were upset over something, but he was just here to lend a shoulder to vent to, if Paradox needed. "We haven't met before. I'm Vigenere Cipher." In the back of his mind, the savannah was hoping that Paradox didn't know he was a former leader - but if he did, then oh well. Not that big of a deal. "If you don't want to talk about what's bothering you, that's fine. I just wanted to offer a listening ear."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Casphian - 04-14-2021

Paradox shifted his head towards Vigenere as the other approached, the panther quickly wiping away the tears that had fallen. "I'm alright just a little caught up in my thoughts," he hummed. The green hued feline pushed themselves up, settling back on their haunches while glancing back out to the waters. "I'm Paradox Kokytos," he returned the greeting, glancing over at the other to offer a small smile. He appreciated Vigenere coming over to sit next to him, welcoming the comfort of having another body nearby.

Lust hadn't been in the group long enough to know the other was a former leader and honestly even if they knew the feline was so oblivious to things half the time they probably wouldn't of realized it. Normally Paradox would be trying to flirt with the other but it seems that all want to do so had been thrown out of him which doesn't come to much of a surprise since they were in a rather vulnerable state right now. A soft sight slipped past the panther's lips before they decided to respond to the last thing Vigenere said. "It's not that big of a deal just thoughts of a past lover long lost the land of the dead," he mused. "Thank you for offering the ear I do appreciate it."

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Vigenere had no idea of Paradox's tendency to flirt, but he likely wouldn't have been too amused by it. Fortunately though, Paradox didn't try anything and instead, allowed themselves to vent to Vigenere. "I know how you feel." The savannah began, taking in a breath before exhaling it slowly. "I had lost my fiancé before coming here. I wish I could have done something to protect her, but what can you do when the murderer is your own brother?" Sure, there was attacking his brother for attacking his fiancé but things would have been worse if that happened. Caesar had gotten a grip on Athena's throat... either way, Athena wouldn't have survived no matter what he had done. Vigenere shook his head as he went on, "If I had attacked him, she wouldn't have survived either. I wish there had been more I could do, I miss her very much, but..." Another sigh before he looked back over at Paradox, a soft smile on face. "I found love again, though both my partner and I have since parted ways. I'm sure you will find someone again, eventually, if that's what you desire."

Obviously not everyone was going to get over a past lover and Vigenere didn't want Paradox thinking that was the only solution. But the truth of the matter was, not everyone could come back after death.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Casphian - 04-19-2021

"You're brother sounds like an asshole if I am to be blunt," they stated, with a slight huff. Paradox shifted their head and gaze towards the other, an ear flicking softly at what he said. "Honestly I don't know if I'll ever want to find another love but it's nice to know that someone believes I'll find it again even if I don't quite believe that myself," they mused, tilting their head to the side only slightly. They appreciated the kind words that Vigenere said to them and the trust that was put in them to reveal what had happened to his past love, who knew stranger's could be so kind. "I do hope that one day you'll find someone to love again and hopefully this time they'll last," they hummed, sincere lacing their words as they spoke.

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Kiara Kokytos - 04-20-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

sensing something wasn't quite right she padded towards her technically brother, Lust. Greed tilted her head at the man who introduced himself as vignere as the other approached paradox, she shrugged and sat on the panthers' other side. "kiara kokytos." slow to the former leader- she caught information fast. a polite introduction, optics scanning him for anything she could take. her mood sobered down surprisingly quick as she heard the topic. gently touching paradox' shoulder with a paw. the coyote would offer a small smile. she hadn't yet experienced love, not even her time as a Sin,  but hey, not like she was actively searching. she was greedy for... other things.

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Vigenere chuckled at Paradox's comment about his brother. "Yeah, he's an ass, to say the least." It was amusing to hear other's opinions of Caesar, even when they hadn't met him. Caesar deserved the reputation he was receiving around the groups. Knowing him, Vigenere mused to himself. He's probably incredibly angry no one will accept him into their group. That had been the whole reason Caesar had destroyed their Home Dimension, ironically enough, though Vigenere knew that the other demon didn't have nearly as power here as he did there. Of course, that meant Vigenere didn't have that much power either, but he didn't mind. Using his abilities wasn't something he preferred, using his actual strength was his go-to.

Vigenere had grown to love a couple others since Athena's death - Morgan and Aurum, though he hadn't confessed his feelings to the latter before either of them were killed. His and Morgan's relationship had quickly dwindled, but the savannah still appreciated the memories they had together. Hell, he and Morgan even had a son, even if Alan didn't stay around Tanglewood and chose to be with Morgan instead. At least with Alan being with Morgan, Vigenere knew he would be safe. "Only time will tell. Time heals, believe it or not." Vigenere was still speaking to Paradox, briefly looking over and dipping his head in greeting to Kiara. "Even if you don't find love again, I hope you heal from your past nonetheless."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Paradox glanced over when they heard their sister speak up in a greeting, head tilting slightly. They were a bit surprised to see the other here but welcomed the comforting presence of their sister. They attempted to gently bump their head against the coyotes shoulder when Greed settled down beside them, a bit of affection towards the other. Lust would then turn their attention back to the other who was with them, listening to what he had to say. "I appreciate the kind words Vigenere, it was nice to hear them and I do so hope that time will heal what hurts," they mused. "As for your brother I have a brother who I'm sure would get a rise out of messing with him so if you ever need him dealt with just lemme know and I'll see what I can do," they said with a chuckle.

Re: Won’t you save me from myself? + at the shore/small flashback - Kiara Kokytos - 04-21-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she didn't need to say much really, no words were important coming from her end. a comforting bump from paradox made her crooked smile appear slightly, directed towards them. being a big taller than her brother she'd create sort of a shell with the side of her body, position curving slightly, for her brother to lean in should they want to. at the mention of Wraith a huffed laugh left the female- she wasn't on the best of terms with the other Sin but they were pretty peaceful with each other, all-in-all.