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DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - Printable Version

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DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - angelembrace - 04-12-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── It had not been too long since his brothers and father had left the Coalition, or so he believed, and despite him staying behind he felt no bitterness or negativity towards his family. He missed them dearly, truly he did, and the very moment he understood why it was Jormungand had to be exiled for the sake of everyone's safety, the leader of Tanglewood threatening to burn down his home if justice was not served, it became imperative to visit his brothers one way or another. Perhaps not Asmodeus so much, the bigger of the three had always unnerved him and Angel would have rather not get caught in potential crossfire of his anger, and Hydrostatic was far easier to speak to. Oh, forgive him for seemingly picking favorites, he didn't mean to. And about his father...Angel was conflicted at best and strained at worst. Luckily, at the very least, he hoped the Pitt did not carry the same hatred of his homeland that many others did, justifiable but all the same a problem, nor did we want to have to carry the burden of his father’s crime on his shoulders and arrive to a place already cleaning up the mess.

The journey was not easy, and although he was somewhat stronger, healthier than he was previously, it was no mundane task. He did have his help, protection and his back watched, which he was eternally grateful for. A joke would have to be made about using such a cute face to his advantage, one perk he could attribute to Aphra if nothing else.

”I’ll try to do most of the talking, this is about my brother, after all.” Angel said cheerfully, a hint of nervousness cutting into his tone. He could handle that, right?

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - teef - 04-12-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] a soft huff would leave the male behind him, back within his serval body to guard the youth. any larger and he would have been at risk of stepping on the child. "just be confident, little one.", was all he could say. he hadn't seen any of his siblings in years, and after the bisbandment of his father's own group, the male had little left in him to look for any blood relations. huffing as he stretched out into a yawn, he would look to the border in front of them, his eyes dull and blank. "hey kid, keep your head up.", he would gruff.

he knew little of bai shi's own history within the pitt, only knowing that his mother, regina, had once lived here. in fact, his egg had been lain here, within the pitt, before his father took the eggs to their new home. a soft croon left him, scenting the air as he padded a distance from the group. he didn't know the child he was escorting, but a child couldn't leave alone, at least not on a treacherous trip. smelling the air, he leaned forward in another stretch, dark ears and eyes surveying the land for threats. -

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - Casphian - 04-12-2021

Saturn had just gotten back from exploring the territory a bit more, his body exhausted but his mind pleased with how much he got covered today. He probably should check on his little meadow he had created but he could do that another time, for now he’d like to go rest a bit or maybe he could find someone to chat with for a while. He was quite surprised by the amount of people who had accepted Saturn into the group regardless of his disability, it was nice to finally have a place where he could interact with other’s and not have to walk around the group like they were walking on eggshells.

The familiar scent of Angelembrace drifted across his path and drew Saturn’s curiosity. With that he padded towards the child, a soft hum slipping past their muzzle. “Angel,” the leopard called out as they drew closer. The unfamiliar scent of someone new mixed in with Angel’s, an ear flicking as he picked up on the sound of someone else speaking. “Where are you going little one? I hope you have company to go with you, if not then I’m going with you,” they mused. “Traveling is not safe to do alone.”

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - aine. - 04-12-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Unfortunately, Aine did not like the Coalition.  Nor did her father.  Nor should many of the Pitt in her opinion... After what they did.  Taking clanmates from them.  Manipulating their minds.  Their memories.  It made her angry.  It made her fur prick.  Ears flat whenever she caught their scent.

... But children... Had nothing to do with it.  She knew what it was like to be judged for the place one lived.  Still.  Her hazel hues were dull as she approached.  Distant.  Hooves sinking into the sand, to establish a close connection to the earth.  Safety.

Aine breathed out softly.  Wings shuffling.  "What- what's your business here?" She inquired, slightly sharper than intended... "The Coalition- you're not exactly welcome."

She maintained her distance on her side of the border.  Head lightly tilted.  She would listen.  After all, this band had a kid in it.  Odds were they had a reason to make this trip.

[ Mobile ]

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-12-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante's opinion on the Coalition was neutral, though they didn't necessarily mean he liked them. They were an enemy and he wasn't too happy to get a whiff of them so close to their borders. Fortunately - or unfortunately, depending on who you are - Aine was the first to greet the small patrol. Dante had a harsh gaze as he approached, clearly not too pleased about the idea of Coalition visitors. He said nothing however, as he stood next to the Fleshweaver, his cold gaze soon falling on Angelembrace. A jaguar cub.

One who looked similar to Asmodeus and Hydrostatic. Dante recalled that Jormungand mentioned that he had three cubs, but one had decided to stay back in the Coalition. He kept his gaze on the child but offered no words, instead just puffing out smoke from the cigarette he had in his mouth.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - angelembrace - 04-13-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Ah, right. Saturn had not been here. Wouldn't hurt to fill him in, no? "A lot went down before you showed up, I used to have two brothers with me in the Coalition, but they left with my father when he was...well, exiled." Angel said with a small frown, not angry but visibly disappointed. The cub inhaled sharply, hoping he didn't have to explain why he chose to stay. That wasn't something he was fond of confessing. Weakness, cowardice, whatever else. Left a bitter taste in his mouth even if he still would not have changed his mind or traded his decision. He wouldn't have met Saturn then, after all, or Byriath or Ruven. Though he would have sold Aphra to Satan for a single corn chip.

The cub looked up once an unfamiliar voice caught his attention, swallowing nervously when actually face to face with a member of the Pitt. What should he do? Apologize first? Act blunt? "I..." He straightened up, sitting and curling his tail around his small paws. No, he didn't come this far for nothing, he wanted to see his family, and that's exactly what he would do. "I'm somewhat aware. Forgive me, I don't bring trouble. I don't even come here representing the...Coalition. I came here as family." Angel brushed off some dirt and sand from the way over, making an attempt to come off as more presentable, not that he assumed it would do anything to help himself. It was more for himself, for stress relief and to manage the anxiety bubbling in his chest. "My father-" He paused for a brief moment. "Jormungand was said to have returned home, and my brothers went with him. I just want to see them, make sure they're alright after everything that's happened."

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - Casphian - 04-13-2021

Head tilted to the side, Saturn patiently listened to Angel before letting out a soft sigh. They had nothing to say to what they had been told and so they chose to just stand beside Angel, ears flicking towards the sounds of other approaching. Foggy orbs turned towards the ones who appeared and spoke their questions.

They were rather proud of their little cub when he spoke to the other two. Saturn drifted their orbs over the direction the new voices had come from, curious to know what the two looked like but alas that was a luxury they weren’t able to have.

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - gael - 04-13-2021

The Coalition was an unwelcome presence.  As such the vulpine frowned as he approached, but he took immediate note of the youthfulness of the speaking visitor.  A young jaguar looking to visit their siblings; Gael saw no cause to dismiss him -- he had never dismissed familial visits before.

The Ardent regarded the group, hazel gaze studying each wanderer in turn.  He recognized Laeglin but offered nothing but a short incline of his head to the trio as a whole before addressing the cub.  "We can send for your brothers, but I will not permit a Coalition patrol into our home." Curt but not directly unkind -- Gael saw no reason to mince the truth.

Straightforward, he would continue with a light frown, "however, your father is not here currently.  He is facing the consequences of his actions in Tanglewood."  If the cub desired to see his father, he would have to wait until his sentence had been served.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-14-2021

Re: DANSE MACABRE ★ open; visitor - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-14-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── he had accepted that his father was presumed dead. best not hope that he's still alive only to  figure out in the end that he truly was gone. commotion, where he was going. noise made him follow it and a familiar scent met him. his brother was here. their youngest brother was here. asmodeus' jaws parted in part shock part happiness as he trotted towards angel and attempted to embraced him, careful not to use too much force should he knock the weaker one down. he didn't like admitting anything but he did miss angel. "dad's not here anymore. they took him away." he straightened his back, a trait taken after their father, shook out the fur around his neck and stepped back slightly, letting hydro have a word and ask if he came to stay. this was interesting, could change many things if their brother was going to stay. at least their mother-his nose wrinkled at the thought of her- had her other daughter.
