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we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - Printable Version

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we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - teef - 04-12-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Quiet came his steps, gaze quiet, his head lifted to bring in scents and sounds from around himself. He had been traveling for long enough, that most of the scent of the Palm Glades would have washed away, more recent the scent of Tanglewood from his stop there on the way here. He had left the Palm Glades, in search of a place where he might better fit in. He felt like a strangely shaped puzzle piece, bizarre his shape and hard to stick into one place. Ever constant was change, but it could only do so much for the vagabonds.

He wasn't running from any crime, unless one could count his accidental death as a crime he bore. Exhale would come heavily, his gaze on the dark night sky over his head, eyes sliding closed as he sat down to take a break. He remembered the Coalition, from when his father's group, Alithís Evgenis had allied themselves with them. He didn't know what had happened after the disbandment of his home, he'd stayed with the Palm Glades with the younger children until they too had disappeared to the arms of time.

Now upon their borders he sat, strawberry-blond pelt showing his identity for those who might have seen him so long ago. No longer captured in his disabled and half-broken body, he was within a functioning body, one he was more at ease with than the tiger's skin he had worn when he had been reborn in the sea. Gaze opening to the sky, he would sit in solemn silence as meteors rained and danced across the sky, his ears standing up, mind captured in thoughts of his family and amused thoughts of what his worshippers and followers would think of when they saw this same meteor shower, wherever they may be in their own rights.  -

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-12-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
The scent of Tanglewood was irritating to Aphra, with the recent visit by Elsweyr still fresh in her mind. What the fuck do they want now? The thought was harsh in her mind, anger pulsing through her as she followed the scent to where it started to get stronger, soon revealing Laeglin. "Are you from Tanglewood?" Aphra asked him as she approached, her ears slightly pinned back as she spoke. Her words were cold, possibly revealing her anger at the idea of a Tangler being here - but she did note that while this stranger had the scent of Tanglewood, it wasn't extremely strong, as if the guy hadn't been there for very long. "What do you want with us?" She asked next, already assuming Laeglin knew of the Coalition due to his apparent alliance with Tanglewood - which, ironically, Laeglin likely did know the Coalition, but not for the reason she was thinking.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - ARVID R. - 04-12-2021

Tanglewood. It wasn't really a group that Arvid knew much about, outside of just knowing the name from his travels. So, as he approached the border and stopped alongside Aphra, he didn't find himself reacting in such a volatile way. Instead, he just wrinkled his nose slightly at the scent of the swamp, finding himself far preferring the smell of the Coalition already. Still, he didn't really think that it warranted Aphra's rather sharp reaction – not much did, honestly. So, he used his paw to flick a bit of dirt in her direction, muttering softly as he rolled his eyes, "Geez, give the guy a chance to explain himself. Maybe he was just wandering... from what I've heard about you, you should certainly know a thing or two about getting around." Jokes about Aphra's sleeping around weren't exactly hard to come by, especially after Arvid had kicked dirt and mud up at her. Evidently others thought he had some kind of grudge against her – he didn't, really, he just wanted her to loosen up a little.

Turning his attention towards Laeglin, the dire wolf then found himself smiling casually. He couldn't help but feel nerves getting to him already because of the presence of someone new, but he ignored that crawling itch running up his spine. He had already met plenty of new people while in the Coalition – he could handle someone entirely new. So, he gave the other a bit of a forced smile, his tail wagging slowly behind him. He spoke cheerfully, shaking his head briefly from side to side, "Don't mind her, she's pretty much always like this, from what I've picked up. My name's Arvid, what's yours?" That seemed like a simple enough way to start things off, at least to the young canine. Laeglin didn't seem like he was a threat, especially considering he had decided to just stop and sit at the border, so casually. If he was some angry member of another group, wouldn't he be stomping in regardless of borders?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - teef - 04-13-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] gaze cutting to the two that approached the border, anger rolling off the she-cat in waves. he would give a soft breath, blinking as he changed his position to face her, and the dire wolf that appeared soon behind her. the way she spoke gave him a clue as to how things were with tanglewood, the name an irritation to the molly. amused came his expression, he'd been threatened by far worse of an enemy. inhale, exhale, "i'm not from tanglewood, i merely stopped there on my way here", he would murmur to abate aphra, tails flicking softly.

his eyes would light in some fashion of amusement as arvid flicked dirt towards aphra, eyes sparkling with humor at the tone the dire wolf took with her. "my name is laeglin, a pleasure to meet you, arvid. i'm here with the hopes of joining - if not, i'll keep upon my travels.", came the soft rumble from the serval, eyes caught by the stars overhead once again before falling to the other two, "i apologize for the late hour of my arrival here.", he would murmur softly, truly apologetic. few were the same as he, not many enjoyed the night when darkness fell. the night was his prime time, as a hidden god of stars, he took joy in the one place he could feel closer to his realm, and to his family's souls. soft the puff of breath, smiling softly at arvid in a kind way. -

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - Cosmic - 04-13-2021

Lae... it’s been a while.” The voice of Devraj would soon follow, as that voice he heard was one that was distinct to him as family. He was his half-sibling’s child, if he recalled correctly. How he missed the connection with family.

Don’t mind Aphra, she’s always got a stick up her ass.” A chuckle left him as he got closer, offering a paw out to his nephew.

I would hope you remember me, but a lot has changed since we last saw each other. I’m Devraj, your uncle. And yes, you may stay here, seeing as you had only stopped by Tanglewood, there’s no reason to just deny you a home for merely having their scent.

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-14-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
"Even if you hadn't just stopped by, I'm sure Sojourn would be willing to let you join if you proved yourself loyal to her." Aphra added quickly, kinked tail flicking at the comments about her attitude. What, was she not allowed to be wary of a potential enemy? She did seem to relax when Laeglin confirmed that he wasn't from Tanglewood though, followed by the addition of wanting to join the Coalition. "Like Devraj said, you can stay here if you want. I'm Aphra Cipher."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]The smell of something foreign to him caused Ruven to stop wondering around by the border and come over to where it seemed as though a new member was joining. When Aphra mentioned the smell of Tanglewood he would wrinkle his noise for a moment, listening to the words that those around him spoke before it slowly unwrinkled as he slowly got used to the weird swamp smell. It was a lot like what the camp smelled like, so it didn't take too long to get used to. Just a lot of mud, and the slight twinge of forest and moss. It would have been nice if he didn't prefer the crisp smell of the cold mountain air that seemed to permeate through the lands of the Coalition.

For a moment Ruven remained silent, catching himself when he realized that those around him seemed to be introducing themselves, and soon enough the child would be doing the same. "My name's Ruven!" He would begin, offering a smile to the other as he jumped up, ears pricked as he looked upon the former member of the Palm Glades, "I hope you like it here even though it's a little muddy right now, but we're fixing that up and it'll be all nice and clean soon." He hoped it'd be soon, he didn't want to walk in mud forever.

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - teef - 04-14-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Came the unfamiliar voice in a strange body he didn't recognize, nor the name the other bore. He didn't remember that name, but nor did he have the God of war to ask about the soul of the one before him. Quiet the answering blink, "You'll have to tell me more, at a later time ... uncle.", he was wary of the other, he remembered few of his parent's siblings. Perhaps he was a friend either Bai Shi or Regina had met? Surely he'd remember an encounter with this individual if he knew his name. Faint the shake of head clearing his mind.

As long as he was accepted, that was fine by him. He didn't mind proving loyalty - this place was merely another shelter to stay within unless he could find more reason to stay here. Faint the low breath that left him, nodding to Aphra as she spoke, "Greetings to you, Aphra, and Ruven[/b]", he would greet both the pale coated she cat and the lion cub that had approached. He chuckled, "I'm used to mud, it won't be too hard for me to get used to it again." he would murmur, his own memories taking him back to romping in the springtime mud with his siblings, and the younger members of Alithís Evgenis, before his father had disappeared and the rest of the adults with them, before the bandits. Shaking his head, he offered Ruven a smile, looking to the others of the gathered contingent of bodies. He would try his best to make himself at home here. -

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - rhosmari - 04-14-2021

"Who's this?" Came a sing song tone as the Kingpin made her way over. There was all sorts of new and interesting faces joining and that was something she was intrigued about. She wondered if they were finding the Coalition to their liking. Or was it something else. Something more. Taking her time to come forward the leopardess would focus her two colored orbs on the stranger who even seemed to have family here already. Truly interesting but that never scored brownie points with her. Family was always like walking on a tightrope with her. Still she was appreciative of Aphra's reaction. They had enough trouble with Tanglewood and had dodged a hard slap considering what Jor had done. "You are here to stay? That's wonderful, lovely. I'm sure we will have room for you. But we all have to do more cleaning to get back into the village. Hopefully soon. Very soon." She spoke rather disjointed as she stared at him.

Though her eyes suddenly snapped down to her son and she smile, warm. He was shaping up well. Her tail twitched before she realized she had not introduced herself. How rude. "Oh, I'm Sojourn. Your new leader and I do expect your loyalty here."

Re: we were never gonna catch fire ✧ joiner - ARVID R. - 04-15-2021

Laeglin. It was a pretty nice name, at least in Arvid's opinion. Not only that, but it seemed the canine wasn't the only one who thought Aphra could stand to cheer up a bit. With a feeling of warm happiness filling his chest, the dire wolf's tail thumped rhythmically against the ground behind him as he spoke, "Nice to meet you, Laeglin! Like everybody said, it should be just fine for you to stay here..." The canine had to admit that he was curious about the family connection between Laeglin and Devraj. However, he held his tongue for the moment. He knew that incessant questions could annoy some people, and it could be considered rude to ask invasive questions about family. So for a moment, he just sat and listened to what was going on, watching as others gave their own introductions to Laeglin.

As Sojourn arrived, Arvid found himself suddenly struck with an idea. It wasn't exactly groundbreaking, but the kingpin's mention of loyalty had gotten it stuck in his mind. With his tail still wagging, the pup turned back towards Laeglin, questioning casually, "Do you want somebody to show you around? I haven't been around all that long just yet, but I've been exploring the territory a lot. I can give you a little tour." What better way to inspire loyalty in someone than to show them all that their new home had to offer? Sure, things were a bit on the messier side at the moment because of the mudslide, but that didn't seem to be too much of a problem. Laeglin had even said that they were used to mud, after all!
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass