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SAW SOMETHING AGAIN || Vig & Atbash - Printable Version

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SAW SOMETHING AGAIN || Vig & Atbash - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-11-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
After Tanglewood's latest meeting had concluded, Atbash was heading back to her home. She had unknowingly shrugged off her brother's tail as she turned and left, her thoughts muddled and clouded. She was angry, understandably so, but she couldn't entirely understand why. This anger was so much different than the anger that she felt when Stryker took over Snowbound and hurt her Tribemates, so much more stronger than that. It was confusing and honestly, it was almost scary. Atbash didn't want to feel the anger anymore and she knew that if she continued to see Jormungand, that this anger would only last. And so, Atbash had taken it upon herself to leave quite quickly after the meeting ended.

"Atbash." The sound of Vigenere's voice was outside of her door. Atbash was hesitant for a moment, before she opened the door, standing face-to-face with her elder littermate. "Yeah?" She asked meekly, a frown on her face. "You can come in," She didn't want to see the town right now, not when the possibility of seeing a chained Jormungand was there. Vigenere quickly dipped his head and walked past her and into her home as Atbash quickly and gently shut the door after. Atbash was silent, casting a brief glance at Vigenere before she nodded towards her kitchen, a signal that she wanted him to follow. Of course, the tom did.
"Are you alright?" Vigenere asked her, sitting down and wrapping his tail around his paws. Something he did quite often, but there was an air to him that Atbash sensed that he was being serious. This was his 'commanding officer' speak.

"I'm fine." Atbash answered quickly, though it was clear that her brother did not believe her. Huffing, the demoness added to defend herself, "Why?"
"You're tense." Came Vigenere's answer. "This anger isn't normal for you, I know this. What's going on?" His words came from genuine care, Atbash knew, but she couldn't help but feel frustrated at his question.
"Didn't you just hear what happened? Merlin was captured and mauled by a Pittian." Atbash shot back, glaring at Vigenere and flattening her ears. She was almost in shock at his question; he was normally very close to those he worked with. He should know why she was so upset. A Clanmate was taken. A Clanmate had been hurt. He should be angry too. Atbash knew that Vigenere didn't show anger often, but surely he still felt it? Vigenere's ears flicked at her response, though Atbash couldn't exactly tell the meaning behind it.
"Of course I'm angry over that. I may not have knew Merlin, but she was a member of Tanglewood, was she not?" Her brother replied, continuing on quickly before she had a chance to answer, "But you are not the one to shrug off comfort like you are doing right now. There's something else going on, and I am only trying to help you. I can't do that if I don't know what is going on with you."

Atbash was quiet after this, studying Vigenere with her good eye for a moment, taking in his response. He was right that she was angry and even she didn't entirely understand why she felt this strongly about it. When Elsweyr had been attacked, she hadn't even felt this upset. She had been concerned and worried for the Luminary's health, for sure, but nothing in comparison to how she felt now. "I... care for Merlin a lot, Vigenere." The savannah finally responded, a soft exhale escaping her as she spoke. Atbash stared at her paws now, trying to focus on her feelings. What she actually felt and not this cloudy rage. Merlin made her so happy, far happier than she had been for a long time. She made her heart flutter, and she made Atbash feel as if she was walking on air. Hearing Merlin's laugh eased her worries and made her laugh with her. Being around Merlin just made her feel so much more happier.
I love her. Atbash realized, taking in a breath she hadn't realize she had been holding. Looking back into Vigenere's eyes, Atbash said out loud, "I love her, Vig."

Vigenere's expression softened and he leaned forward, pressing his head against Atbash's. He was quiet for a few heartbeats before he replied, "I understand how you feel." Atbash knew he did, too. He had been with Athena for the longest time before her life was taken away by Caesar. And he had to witness that right in front of him. She realized in horror. It was likely that he never completely gotten over Athena, but Atbash remembered how close he had gotten to a canine during his time here in Tanglewood. Morgan, if Atbash remembered the male's name correctly. Atbash wasn't sure if they had ever gotten together, but it was clear that Vigenere cared for him a lot, too. Just like I care a lot for Merlin.
"It's going to be okay. Everything will be alright." Vigenere went on, his head still pressed against Atbash's. "Elsweyr is trying all that she can to set things right. But I can tell you right now, lashing out in anger and possibly even killing Jormungand isn't the answer. Revenge... isn't everything. Sometimes the harshest punishments are ones that you do out of spite." He pulled back, giving Atbash a reassuring smile. "Elsweyr said that Merlin is alive and is being treated by the Coalition. She was too injured to return when Elsweyr came back, but she will be back soon. I highly doubt that after everything, the Coalition will harm Merlin more. Merlin will come back and everything will be just fine. She wouldn't want you to focus on the anger you feel, would she?"

Atbash knew that Vigenere was right. Merlin may want to lash out at Jormungand for harming her, or if he had harmed Atbash instead, but she wasn't sure whether or not Merlin would kill Jormungand. Regardless, she knew her brother had a point. The Coalition wouldn't risk anything, especially after the trouble they seemed to have gone through with Elsweyr, and she knew Elsweyr didn't want to cause a lot of tensions between The Pitt - and from what Atbash understood, The Pitt didn't, either. There were just a few bad apples in the group, was all. "No, I don't think she would." The demoness finally responded. Vigenere smiled at her again, giving a small chuffle of laughter. He got up, arching his back in a stretch for a brief moment.
"I promise everything will be okay." The tom stated. "And if you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm always here, alright?" After Atbash gave him a nod, Vigenere dipped his head and walked towards the entrance of her home and left out the door, closing it behind him. Atbash watched him as he left, once again sighing. Everything will be okay.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi