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one voice [★] howl - Printable Version

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one voice [★] howl - Keona. - 04-11-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Maneuvering around the island had become a new challenge.  Even her normal routes had to change.  Too tall to duck beneath the undergrowth and low plants.  No longer as hidden. 

But faster.  Once she had a path down.  Longer legs sped the process up considerably.  Once she knew an area well enough.  Even when she did, the petite canine found herself habitually ducking her head.  Double-checking.  Wary of running into anything.  Had enough small cuts and scratches to speak of times she had.

While the plan had simply been to re-learn the island, Keona did wonder.  The sun was dimming by now.  The warmth had been gradually fading.  It wasn't quite night yet and she was... Well away from Barracuda Bay.  Closer to the railroad more likely and she... Wondered.  How far could a voice carry?

It felt a little foolish.  The idea.  But she wanted to know.  It felt... Right somehow.  To test it.

Quietly at first, as the dealer did most things.  Softly raising.  Assuring herself that her voice was strong.  Then carrying the note.  A wolf howl.  A song.  The message simple.  Just a reminder, a declaration of her presence.  Friendly and true.

[ feel free to have your characters approach her, or not and have them hear it from somewhere far away, whatever y'all want to do! < 3 ] also [member=17932]danny ![/member]

Re: one voice [★] howl - roan ; - 04-12-2021

Howling. It was not a foreign concept to Roan, although he had never done it himself. Never possessed the canine body that was so fit for doing so, and even if he had, he didn't much see the point of it. He knew wolves used howls for communication, but weren't words just as good? He supposed a howl could carry over a longer distance, but it also didn't have as much specificity as simply calling for someone. After all, how was someone who wasn't well versed in howls meant to tell the difference between simple sadness and a legitimate injury? Happiness, or a call to others? It wasn't a system that Roan was too intent on learning about, either, considering there were only a few wolves within The Typhoon that he knew of.

This did mean that the soothsayer didn't quite know what was going on when he heard Keona's howl echoing through the sky. She didn't sound pained, but he still didn't want to take any chances. As a result, he was quite to grab his satchel up in his jaws, slipping it on over his body before he rushed off in the direction of the noise. When he arrived to see that his half-sister was completely fine, sitting near the railroad and stretching her vocal chords, he couldn't help feeling minorly annoyed. As his tail twitched irritably behind him, he questioned Keona directly, "Keona? Why are you... doing that? I didn't peg you for the type to be driven by canine instincts." Hopefully she would actually be able to hear him, considering she was still howling. He couldn't help the way that the sound made his ears flatten, seeming so much louder while up close.
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Re: one voice [★] howl - daniel - 04-12-2021

Despite being a wolf, and having been a wolf his entire life, Danny didn't really howl that much. Perhaps it was because he didn't normally need to, and even when he was a significant distance to do so it was intentional, and he didn't want to make his location known. Not that he wasn't a creature of instinct, he certainly was when words failed him, which was often, but you didn't need to be another canine to know what a whine or low growl was. Some things he picked up from the older members of the crew didn't fit his body at all, habits that were distinctly feline-like. At any moment he might even start crouching during hunting or climbing trees, huh?

Nonetheless, when he heard Keona howling off somewhere in the distance, he was surprised. Surprised and immediately interested, head lifting up with ears perked in an uncharacteristically energized manner. Danny looked in every possible direction, stopping in his tracks from where he was trudging back to the temple, honing in on the direction that he was sure the sound came from. He hadn't actually tried out his own vocal chords since he was a little baby, and while it hadn't been that long ago, he grew quickly. Very quickly. It was becoming commonplace to have to look down to talk to most of those he lived among, which was always a source of humor when it was someone who he had to answer to professionally.

Danny yawned once, stretching with a long whine, like a little warmup of sorts. His instinct tugged at him to respond, and he knew even beyond that he wouldn't have many chances to play around with something that gave him some sense of self and remind him he was not a cat. And so he did, albeit a little stronger perhaps than Keona, having the home field advantage, but the howling came regardless, and hopefully he could reach her just as well. An apology would be issued later to anyone he annoyed, but he could focus on that whenever.

Re: one voice [★] howl - Keona. - 04-14-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Annoyance or alarm had hardly been intended.  Her voice gently fading off to a softer sound, then silence.  Ear flicking in acknowledgement as her brother spoke.  Slight amusement.  Roan certainly didn't need to worry about her.  Howls weren't necessarily for alarm... No.  She knew better than that.

Affection.  Those songs could be for affection.  Familial.  Reassurance.  Friendly.  Of course, she'd been curious more than anything.  The simple admittance of such resting on her tongue when her ears perked back up.  Sightless hues sharpening as she heard the response.  A small smile tugging at her lips.  Something soft and pleased unfurling in her chest.  Proud.

"Truthfully, I was just curious," she murmured, her tail beginning to wag slightly.  The expression of joy strange, but not ingenuine.  Revealing more than her quiet words. "But... I may have also wanted to see..." To see if Danny would hear her.  And if he'd reply.  To see how much stronger his howl was since he was a pup.  She still remembered.

She couldn't place her paws on it, but it made her happy.  He sounded much more confident now.  His howl.  A wolf's voice.  It ran deeper than simple canine instinct.  She didn't mind encouraging it.  Faoláin meant wolf after all.

The tail wagging she could do without.  It felt kind of silly to the private-minded fae.  Yet wag it did.  Pleased.

Re: one voice [★] howl - roan ; - 04-15-2021

Ah. He supposed he should've expected the howling response, considering the presence of at least one other wolf member of The Typhoon. Still, he couldn't help the way his ears flattened as he heard Danny's response, a soft sigh leaving him. As he understood it, howling could be important in the wild, and for pack communication. But The Typhoon was hardly the wilds, and two wolves didn't really count as a pack. Still, he kept his mouth shut on that front. Keona seemed to be happy, and a carefree smile on her face was somewhat of a rarity in these parts. Not nearly as rare as one on Roan's face, but still pleasant to see. So, after briefly shaking his head, the soothsayer responded to his half-sister calmly, "I see... well, I suppose I should just be glad that you aren't hurt. I heard the howling and assumed the worst." He assumed the worst most of the time when he heard a call, truthfully. Unfortunately, he couldn't even say that was a bad thing, considering he tended to be right most of the time. Thankfully, incidents with Caesar had seemed to drop off rather quickly as of late.

Keona's full thoughts on Danny had gone unsaid, but Roan pretty much got the gist. He supposed he could understand being proud of watching someone grow and change as time went on. He could relate to that feeling with... ironically enough, Goldie. Despite his cousin – or sister now, really – starting off as captain when he had been born, her journey certainly hadn't been a straightforward one. She had gone through many ups and downs, and her amnesia had certainly been one of the hardest. But now... she seemed happy, at the very least. Happy, and glad to be helping him out as a sage. And with every single thing he taught her... the more proud he felt. Just thinking about it was enough to fill him with an odd feeling of pride and embarrassment, the male still unused to fully taking a teacher or mentor position. Wanting to squash that embarrassment before he made a fool of himself, Roan soon muttered, "I'll... let the two of you have your fun. Just try not to do that too late at night, alright? I need my beauty sleep." His words were dripping with humorous sarcasm as he turned and headed off, wings slowly opening. He did have to admit that it was good to hear Danny in good health, if only because of that whole incident with Caesar.

( out unless stopped! )
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