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CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - Printable Version

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CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - ACE NOBEL. - 04-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TAKE ME DOWN TO THE RIVER BEND !。+゚.[/glow]
It had taken some time, but Ace had finally gathered his things and had settled into his new home. He was fortunate that this place seemed to run similar to his previous kingdom and in a way, this was a fresh start for him. I'm not a Prince. He thought to himself with a small smile, hanging up his coat in the closet of his home, a soft exhale of breath escaping him. It was a relief to know that perhaps, at the very least, he won't ever have to lead a whole kingdom ever again. Ace didn't mind people, in fact he liked to be around others, but the idea of being responsible for an entire kingdom was nerve-wracking. His decisions meant everything and that's what worried him: what if he hadn't made the right decision? What if someone disagreed with him and it turned into an outrage?

Fortunately, no one knew of his past. Ace wasn't too sure if he even wanted to talk about his past. But it's time you got out there and introduced yourself. He thought, shaking out his fur before he made his way towards the center of town. "I'm holding a little meet-and-greet for anyone who wants to know more about my House." The Shepherd barked, clearing his throat before he spoke. "My name is Ace Nobel, and I am the Lord of the House. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions."[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - teef - 04-23-2021


First to come on nimble paws though wrapped in their own bandages was Jasper, a fellow Lord. He was getting used to seeing more faces, and he was happy to see them. More faces meant more life, and the faery hound was ever glad to see more life in this place. He had heard some soft rumors of the new faces, and the appearance of another House. That within itself was another good thing to welcome in.

Held within his jaws was a basket, a basket filled with baked goods, honey, and different herbs alongside a few flowers. Food was good for the stomach, and flowers and herbs were good for the soul, especially if home wasn't colorful. He would have brought more with him, but he wanted to greet this new face himself and soon. He couldn't help but be curious of others, it was within his nature to know his allies and enemies.

Flicking a red toned ear in the shepherd's direction, he would cross the distance to set the basket down. He'd been looking for him, to exchange words and a welcoming gift. "Greetings to you, Ace Nobel. I am Jasper Kinsella, Lord of the House Kinsella.", he would give him a relaxed smile. "I would have come to greet you immediately but ah ... I was rather wrapped up with my hobbies and duties." he would chuckle, pushing forward the basket with a soft movement, "To make up for it, I hope, I have brought a gift basket for you and any within your House. Ah - if you need help with healing any injuries in the future, please come to see me. I'm also the Seer, or doctor.", he would speak with a soft wink at the end of his words.
template by orion

Re: CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - MARI C. - 04-25-2021

Ace Nobel. Had that been one of the names tossed at her when she had first joined? She couldn't recall hearing about him, but that didn't mean too much. Her memory of the various lords and ladies was still a bit of a mess at the moment, trying to get herself acclimated with the group as a whole. Regardless of whether or not she had heard of Ace before, Mari was glad to see another fresh face around. She had been beginning to think she was one of the only newcomers – one of the only ones dealing with the scornful whispers. Of course, it didn't seem as though Ace would have to deal with any of that newbie pressure anymore, if he was the lord of his own house. That brought even more questions to the serval's mind, her pawsteps quick as she made her way over.

Settling down beside Jasper, Mari allowed her large and fluffy tail to fall over her paws, her voice drifting towards Ace, "Hello there, Ace, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Mari Caddo... of no house, just yet." With that out there, the feline tilted her head to one side, questioning, "I hope this isn't rude to ask, but what does your house specialize in?" It didn't seem rude to her, but one could never be too cautious. The Houses of Halcyone seemed to have a great many rules she didn't fully understand or know about. Perhaps that was just a regular part of a kingdom society – she wasn't sure, she had never lived in one before. She had been a member of several groups before the Houses of Halcyone, but never one like this. Her birth home, the Forest of Arcadia, had been far more spiritual, without the same kingdom roots.

Re: CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - ACE NOBEL. - 04-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TAKE ME DOWN TO THE RIVER BEND !。+゚.[/glow]
Jasper was the first to approach, followed quickly by Marci. Ace dipped his head to the two, letting out a small bark as he replied, "It is an honor to meet you both." He then turned his focus to Jasper first, whom had brought a gift basket for him and his House. "Don't worry about not greeting me sooner, I was busy getting settled in." The Shepherd mused. "But I appreciate the gift though, and I will be sure to visit you if I ever get hurt." It was good to know that there was a Seer around and at first, the Shepherd considered asking if he was looking for an apprentice. Perhaps I can talk to him about that later. Although, maybe being Seer wouldn't be the best thing either, with entire lives still being dependent on him.

"As for your question, Marci -" Ace started, looking over at the feline with a smile. "- we are blacksmiths. I can craft jewelry, swords, shields, and armor." Although shields and armor weren't his specialty by any means, he wouldn't mind trying to improve on that. Actually, he needed to mend some jewelry for himself and other members of his House, so they could identify each other amongst themselves. That was something he could look into later, though.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - teef - 04-26-2021


He would award Mari a warm smile as she came to join him at the call of Ace. He would listen softly to her questions, a pleasant curl of his lips being the only recognition he gave to the situation. Giving a soft yet warm breath, he would smile at Ace's words. It was always busy when someone new came, regardless of if they were a Lord or Lady, or even someone without a house such as Mari. The Houses were always bustling around, and worked as a generous rumor mill though such rumors often needed an investigation.

The rumors about the Nobel House seemed to be correct in their work with blacksmithing. He listened softly, without words yet to impart. Ah. They worked with jewelry? A sparkle appeared in his eyes as he made note of that. The gem he wore on his own scarf was of a special sort, not something that the Lord could ever ask another to touch willingly. There were other items that he had, other jewelry marks that he would have to ask the other about. Perhaps he could commission this Lord in the future, for when the ranks of his own House swelled properly again.

"You work with jewelry?", it was a soft statement, his mouth moving before he could think too much about it. "Would you be able ro repair jewelry for payment?", came his cautious question. There were a few other ... less dangerous items he might have in mind to be repaired. Well, it depended on how one considered dangerous these times were on the scale of 'toxic' to 'weaponry'.
template by orion

Re: CASTLE [O]F GLASS // intro + m&g - ACE NOBEL. - 04-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TAKE ME DOWN TO THE RIVER BEND !。+゚.[/glow]
Ace tilted his head at Jasper's inquiry, his gaze lighting up for a moment at the thought of being able to work on something. "Of course, I definitely can take a look into it. I'll try my best to work with whatever you desire." Of course, he wasn't aware of Jasper possibly needing a repair, but the sentiment was still there.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]