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EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - Printable Version

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EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
With his latest promotion and him just a moon away from becoming an adult, Drayden figured that he should continue with his Warrior's Plight. The second part of his Plight was to hunt the biggest prey of a specific area where he specialized - the air, forest, or sea. Drayden hadn't really picked a particular biome to specialize in, but he figured he was more at home with hunting in the forest and so, that's what the snow leopard set out to do.

The young Cipher boy set off early at dawn, determined to find some sort of owl lurking in the forest - or at least some sort of avian, or large type of prey. If it's a bird, He thought to himself as he prowled along, a determined frown on his face as he moved. His tail was held straight out, with him trying to be careful not to let it graze against the undergrowth. Then aren't you technically specializing in the air? He supposed that would be the case and honestly, he didn't entirely mind, but he wanted to be known for hunting in the forest, not out in the open.

Drayden stopped suddenly as he heard a whoosh sound nearby and his ears pricked, with him holding up his twisted paw close to his chest as he waited for his pounding heart to relax. He heard the sound of an owl hooting and when he peered over a large bush he was hiding behind, he could see the bird of prey pinning down its own piece of prey in its talons. Drayden wriggled his haunches which caused the bush to rustle, alerting his prey of his presense. No! The cub thought to himself as he saw the owl spread its wings in preparation to take off. In a rush, the snow leopard leaped out at the owl, who let out a screech as his claws dug into his skin and he dragged it out of the air just as it took off.

The owl continued to screech and tried to maneuver its head around to bite at Drayden's paws, to which the boy craned his neck and bit down on the back of his capture's own neck. He felt the blood rushing into his mouth, fueling his instincts, as he curled in on himself as the owl struggled. He kicked at the bird, getting mostly feathers but he did feel bits of skin being cut as he kicked. Eventually the owl stopped struggling and fell limp in his grasp. Triumphant, Drayden relaxed and let go, stepping back for a moment to catch his breath. I did it.


As the cub caught his breath, he begun making his way back to camp. He carried along the owl he caught, as well as the small vole that the owl had caught during its last moments. Might as well not let prey go to waste. He had thought. Dropping the owl nearby the fresh-kill pile, Drayden called out, "Um. I completed my second part of the Warrior's Plight! I caught an owl to show my specialty in forest hunting." He hoped that would suffice.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - rowena. - 04-12-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Tiny and still very young, the warrior's plight was well off into the little hybrid's future.  She didn't even really know much about it.  Sounded challenging.  Cool.

Rowena's sea-green hues blinked.  Large and curious at Drayden's call.  Stumbling over her webbed paws, she bounded over to the older cub.  Her rounded ears perked, head falling to one side.  Looking between Drayden and the owl.  An owl.

"Was it hard to catch?" She couldn't imagine taking down a bird so big.  No.  Those things could swallow her whole.  Discerning thought.  She didn't stay on it long, still peering at Drayden.  So this was... The last... No.  Second? Part of his warrior's plight.  Cool.

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - SÉAMUS - 04-12-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman was interested in the warrior's plight as a matter of tradition.  It reminded him of the other trials he knew of among the clans.  The faerie did find the Palm Glades' trial interesting in it's unique format; conducted in parts.

Séamus followed his daughter with fond eyes, throwing Drayden a lopsided grin as he padded over.  "That's a good catch," he praised.  Taking down an owl was no small feat as far as the wildcat was concerned -- elusive birds of prey.

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Séamus and his daughter were the first two who came over and honestly, Drayden was pretty proud. Especially at Séamus's praise and the way Rowena seemed to be in awe at his catch. "I don't think it was too hard," He admitted, thinking back on how he hunted the avian. "I just snuck up on it like any other prey. It tried to fly off when it heard me and it tried pecking me when I caught it out of the air, but other than that, it wasn't too hard."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - rhosmari - 04-14-2021

His head popped up from a bush he had been hiding in. Dozing gently but he was awoken by the sudden call. Stumbling out of the brush he moved closer to the scene and looked, stared, at the bird that Drayden had brought back. This was for his Warriors Plight. Oh, he remembered when the other showed them his special place for the thingy. He had never thought of if he would do the ritual. It hadn't crossed his mind but now that he was going to be a paw soon maybe he should think about it. Maybe he should do it early. If he did it early he could get a headstart on his siblings. The idea was one that was intriguing before he looked at Drayden with wider eyes. It was so cool honestly that he had managed to catch an owl. He had yet to catch anything personally, but he wanted to try and this was a good motivator. If he could be like Drayden then he could be the best fighter in the Glades. A smile pulled at his muzzle then before he wiggled. "But that's so cool though. Owls are like...really quiet and stuff."

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-14-2021

Re: EYE SHUT TIGHTLY // Warriors Plight pt2 - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
It was starting to get a bit awkward that people were coming over and just praising him, though Drayden certainly didn't mind the praise. It helped him feel better about himself and made him actually feel wanted. Hell, if he knew that Goldenkit looked up to him, he probably would cry out of happiness. "You guys can eat some of it if you want. I'm not very hungry myself." He offered the small group that was gathered around him pushing the owl forward.

"I just used my claws and teeth." Drayden replied to The Survivior, amused by the question. They were a funky little stranger, weren't they? Looking down at Goldenkit, the snow leopard chirped, "They are quiet. I didn't hear it when it went to catch its own prey - I just heard the wind rustling the leaves. Isn't that cool?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]