Beasts of Beyond
BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Printable Version

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BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - rhosmari - 04-09-2021

The past month had been filled with many things. She did feel exhausted from each encounter and she still needed to go back to the Coalition and make sure that Merlin was okay. She was not going to leave the woman there that much was certain. But for the moment it appeared that the COTC was being faithful to their word. At least for now. There were many matters to speak about but she needed to take them at least one at a time. Slowly as she left the home she shared with Arrow her heavy pawsteps sounded upon the wooden porch. The air was heated, the sound of bugs buzzing in the air. Humidity rising. She sniffed before leaving the porch and heading to the center of the town. Her gaze looked at the slab of rock but there was something else there as well. She had gotten someone to put a thick wooden post here as well. One that would be holding a rather important guest. Turning her head away from that the woman opt to settle upon the ground as she didn't think she would be able to climb the rock. "All Tanglers gather in the middle of town for a meeting!" Her voice was firm as she called out, curling her tail around her paws.

As she waited for others to gather she debated and thought about what a leader was supposed to exude. Vigenere had told her some good advice but she also knew that leaders had a certain presence about them. Did she give off a certain presence? Blue eyes looked down at white paws before she frowned slightly. Shaking her head a bit she focused back, listening to doors opening and steps approaching. All of these animals were her new family. She couldn't let them down. The anger that boiled in her came back sharply as she thought about what had happened to Merlin. "To start off with she would like to welcome all that have come to Tanglewood seeking the swamp as a home. [member=18134]CHALICE AKAODON.[/member] [member=18138]COLERE![/member] [member=18149]Paradox.[/member] [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] [member=18135]Starmap[/member] @ISHAYU. She hopes that they all find acceptable rooming here. She does warn to be careful around the swamp as their are predators that can attack. The cemetery is still off limits, at least the back portion is. She would also like to give a big welcome back to [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] " She tried for a smile but she was feeling a little sadness trickle in. Recalling what had happened there. Flicking her tail a bit she would breathe in before moving on. "If she has missed anyone in the welcoming she is sorry. This month has been....busy."

Her brow furrowed for a moment before she moved on to the next bit of news. "She would like to give shoutouts to Vigenere, Atbash, Arrow, Moth, and Ana as well. They have all been doing exceptionally well." She blinks her eyes for a moment, a little thoughtful as she started to think of the next news. It may not be as pleasant as some would like to hear. "She is also giving Sophiea a warning, she has not been seeing her as of late so she just asks for her to be around a little bit more." That aside things were okay and she had some promotion to give. "She believes that Arrow can step up to Reaper of Military, Atbash can step up to Vassal of her choosing and if she wants Ana can step up to Shaderunner." Now she knew this was the part of the meeting that others would be interested in. After all she had stormed off in a show of blazing fury and had been gone for days after the incident with Merlin being taken. Following her scent and the other brute's to the Coalition.

"Bring him out." She spoke with a rather uncharacteristically cold voice. She would show no mercy, no kindness with this one. She couldn't afford to. The sound of dragging chains started as she looked past the crowd. Two Tanglers aimed to be dragging and pulling along [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] who had chains around his neck and legs. "Late last month Merlin was taken from Tanglewood. At first she suspected the Coalition as their scent was all over the scene. She was ready to fight them to get to Merlin. But she was informed that it hadn't been a Coalition member who had done the deed. But a Pittian who was visiting there. This same Pittian that stands before them all is the very one that attacked and maimed Merlin. Tearing her wings from her." The Luminary seethed as she watched the Pitt member as they attempted to tie him up to the post beside her. She cared little that he was still wounded. He would get the justice that was rightfully theirs. "In this Gael handed over the perpetrator so that Tanglewood may give their punishment to him. She gives out these rules. Here he will stay, tied to this post. No shade, no food. He may have water only. No medical attention. All of Tanglewood will wound him, mock him but we are to keep him alive. Nothing that he can not heal from. Scratches, cuts, bruises. He will suffer how he made Merlin suffer. As of right now she is being treated in the Coalition since she can not walk but soon she will be home." Moth, they wanted Moth to be watching over the scene because they trusted her. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she tapped a paw before she sighed lightly. Everyone would be watching, she would make sure no one went overboard. She would let Moth know. "Twice the Pitt has broken neutrality with Tanglewood. They only have one more chance. One single chance. They have insulted her and attacked her and now they have attacked another Tanglewood member. If anyone sees a Pitt member here they are to be turned away from our borders. Quickly. If they insist unless it is of dire straits us aggression if necessary."


tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
This meeting was one that Atbash was anxiously waiting for, knowing that Elsweyr had set off to the Coalition to see what was going on, why they had taken or killed Merlin. So of course whenever the flaming lioness called for Tanglewood to gather, the demoness was quickly there. "I'd like to be a Vassal of Commune." The savannah chirped, before her ears pricked and she shut her mouth as Jormungand was brought out.

So this was the one who took Merlin. Who hurt Merlin. Atbash felt a strange rage bubbling in her chest, her claws subconsciously digging into the ground as she glared at the panther that was brought before Tanglewood. The fur on her shoulders and neck were raised and bristling, but she said nothing else.
female f1 savannah | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi


[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
This was his first meeting back home and Vigenere couldn't help but feel relieved that it was Elsweyr making announcements and not him. He felt for her, especially given how busy this month had been, but she seemed to have managed just fine. As expected, the savannah took a seat next to his sister, though a frown formed on his face as Elsweyr announced the capture of one of their own members and brought out the perpetrator. A cold, dark gaze fell upon Jormungand as the panther was presented to Tanglewood before Vigenere saw Atbash's reaction out of the corner of his eye. He watched her in silence, a more serious frown forming on his face as he realized that Merlin must be someone that Atbash cared a lot for.

Vigenere placed his tail on his sister's back, trying to ease her anger.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - suvi. - 04-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
The scrawny vixen approached the meeting hesitantly.  Tired.  Absent.  Her mismatched gaze settling somewhere in the clouds.  Her ear twitched idly.  Listening.  Taking note of the announcements but offering nothing else in response.

When Elsweyr explained what was to happen to Jormungand, the arctic fox stood.  Turned and started to head back home.  To the house she shared with Torren.  Space space.  The pacifist had no interest in participating.  Nor wanted to watch.  Hopefully the cycle stopped here, with Jormungand's violence paid back to him but... Honestly.  She had little faith.

At least the Coalition was taking care of Merlin and not just leaving her to suffer her injuries without attention.  Kiira didn't trust them one bit but if Jormungand had been a visitor, they were probably fairly upset with his disruptive actions.  Stars, her cousins were probably frustrated to hell too.  Kiira bit back a sigh.  Hopefully this taught him to think before pointlessly attacking someone.

[ out! ]


[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He had expected it. Of course Gael would toss him to Tanglewood without a thought. The only thing he was really  worried about were his cubs Hydro and Asmodeus. They lingered in his thoughts the journey here, so thickly clouding his mind he  didn't notice any of the pushes, shoves that his NPC guards were delivering. Until they got to a cave, stinky with the scent  of sweat and blood. They gave him one last kick that caused him to grunt as his shoulder, already wounded mind you, tapped against the wall. He shut his optics, the sounds of chains filling the prison as the sounds of a meeting being held was called.
They secured chains around his wrists, neck, giving him little time to adjust before pulling him along by them. He strolled out behind them as he was mentioned by none other than Elsweyr herself, in no mood to comply to the efforts of the Tanglers that were attempting to get him over to a thick wooden post in a hurry. He would get there in his own time. The panther snorted, tail lashing, muscles working to slow their process down. His cubs filled his mind again, the chains digging into his neck and cutting off his air. So he let them pull him along, hopping forwards casually. A game he would play. Of course. He enjoyed those. Pulling them together then stopping to see how they would react. Moments later this game became boring. Tanglers were boring. Weak, puny. Shaking his fur one last time to cover up the wounds, majority of them healed now, however, he made his way to the post, dragging the other two behind. Plopped his butt at the post, watched them chain him up with muted interest. They gave him a little space on the paws for him to shuffle about, he didn't resist but when a chain was still loose he lifted the paw quickly and scratched at his chest with a satisfied sigh. Itches were annoying.
Even at the wounded state the beast was recovering fast, lessons learnt by multiple beatings by  his father. What different would this be, apart from a time and group change? He settled down in his prisoner-spot with a small grin, it turning to an amusing one as the Luminary announced his punishment. He noticed one turn around to leave, tilting his head at  the vixen's retreating form before letting his gaze wander across the Tanglers gathering there, stare turning blank as his thoughts went back to his cubs.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - Casphian - 04-10-2021

Paradox had been off pestering someone or another when he heard the meeting being called. With that the panther padded over to where the rest of the group was gathering, their emerald orbs sweeping over the crowd before snapping towards Elsweyr as she started the meeting. When their name had been called out as someone new to of joined the panther puffed their chest out, feeling pleased to be called out and gain a small bit of attention. Honestly you would think that they were Pride and not Lust.

They zoned out a bit for the next half of the meeting, tuning in and out as warning and promotions were given out. They snapped back into attention when the sound of chains being drug across the ground filled their ears. This orbs snapped towards Jormungand as he was brought into the center. Paradox hadn’t been here for what had happened but could gather quite a bit of info just from what Elsweyr had said. He had no feelings on the matter but would still participate in what was asked of the group.

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - trojan g. - 04-10-2021

Moth hadn't known that Elsweyr had gone to the Coalition and then the Pitt, so when she had come back and decided to make the announcement regarding as such, her ears flattened to her head and her eyes widened in shock. She had known that the other would likely be going to the Coalition to see what could be done to get Merlin back, but she hadn't thought that Elsweyr would come back empty handed, that she had to leave Merlin in the place of the enemy because of how bad the damage had been on the other. Moth could only hope that they were taking care of the other, thoughts swirling in her head of how many things could go wrong. Her thoughts were stopped through when Elsweyr brought out the attacker of Merlin, and the fox's ears flattened to her head once more.

She didn't know how to feel if she was being honest. Normally Moth would do the same as Kiira and simply leave, not wanting any part of violence if she could help it. She had never gone to a raid that Tanglewood had been involved in willingly, had always stayed behind to make sure those that were able to get out and come home were safe with the medics and able to get the help they needed. She had never wanted to have to fight someone or see the injuries happen in real time. She simply just wanted to help those who needed it heal and get better and not have to worry about having to watch them get hurt, helpless to stop it due to her own training in the matter of fighting.

It seemed as though more and more as of late though the violence was coming to their borders so she didn't know if she could get away from it. She felt helpless to stop the injuries that came to the borders and happened within them, so she would stay and watch, she would stay and make sure that nothing too bad happened. She could only assume the reasonings behind why Gael had allowed this, could only think it had something to do with her, since it seemed more and more that the only reason Gael had done stuff in the past for Tanglewood was partially because she was there, because her son had lived with them for so long that she had become a welcome guest in the desert at some point. She would need to speak to Elsweyr about it soon, seeing as she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, other than making sure he simply didn't die by her words.

She would stay but she wouldn't participate, that was taking it too far.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - COLERE! - 04-10-2021

Colere Kokytos

A meeting, something Cole had not heard in many moons-it ringed in his ears, tail flicking slightly Wrath find a small spot to squeeze into and stand near his brother, Lust. Dipping his head gratefully towards Elsweyr for the warm welcome within their group he hummed a bit before glancing around at the crowd that had been forming-seeing so many members here, he had not been paining attention until the sounds of chains jingled and rustled-making his ears twitch slightly before focusing his golden gaze on the prisoner and...hearing the words that Els had said made him nod slightly and grin toothly-so they can do what they wish with this...prisoner? Sounds...delightful. Digging his nails into the ground below him his gaze flashed back up at the apparent leader and kept everything silently noted in his mind.

"Speech"  Thoughts


[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Her first meeting here and it was quite the eventful one. Unfortunately, Chalice had no idea of what was completely going on, just the information that Elsweyr provided. And based on that information, the lioness did not like Jormungand very well. However, the woman remained silent as she sat down, wrapping her tail around her paws as she waited to see what would happen.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BUILT THIS BOAT TO LAST || MEETING 4/09 - arrow - 04-11-2021

There was too much going on, all brought about by one foolish action that left not one, but three different groups pointing fingers at each other and flailing about until a decision was made by Gael, once again, and Tanglewood acquired a new not so friendly face. A prisoner. Arrow raised her brow in surprise, and a little bit of intrigue, of course still angry about the fact Merlin got hit on their own turf, a little punk who intruded to whoop the cat's ass and drag her all the way to the Coalition.

The cheetah popped her shoulder upon arrival, initially pretending she did not know the jaguar was even their prisoner, business as usual. "Heeeeell yeah, Reaper for me." Arrow said with a long whistle, looking around at the gathered Tanglers that had made it to the meeting before her. The coldness in Elsweyr's voice was strong, enough to get her full attention. Blinking green eyes up at the flaming lioness with no real semblance of real rage, she figured she oughtta hold it in for the sake of Kiira and Moth at the very least, but her disgust was beyond noticable, vitriol that was near unmatched by anything that walked upon this earth. If nothing else, she had her own moral code that strictly demanded fights be carried out by equally matched parties, and this was not that. She couldn't help it, she had to say something and get her snark off her chest.

"Careful y'all, he might start puntin' kittens to make himself feel better." Did they even have any kittens around? Felt like all the kids were all grown up now, or missing in action. At the very least, they didn't have to witness something like this, prisoners of war weren't very kid friendly, unless you were one fucked up kid. Arrow snorted in disdain, openly mocking their tied up friend in chains. Didn't even give it a day, but did anyone expect anything less? Hopefully not, at least not from those who'd unfortunately been around her long enough. "Lemme guess, someone really pissed you off or somethin', big boy?"
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