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BLACK JACK | joiners - Printable Version

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BLACK JACK | joiners - westley h. - 04-09-2021

With the sun glaring from a clear sky, the clouded leopard had half a mind to shift -- a sand cat or fennec fox would fair better in the desert environment.  Westley shook his head absently, glancing behind for his young companion.  Moons spent wandering following their decision to betray the Coalition had led them here.

While the large feline did not mind exploring for the sake of curiosity and discovery, research and inquiry encouraged him to direct their course to the Pitt.  Recent word of mouth and old reputation intermixed in a truly fascinating tale, although he would prefer to hear it from the inside.  More importantly he hoped to catch up with a particular fox.  Hopefully he isn't too mad.

Ah -- there we are.  Westley halted as soon as he found the border, signalling Summer to do the same with a patient smile.  "Nice not to crash into someone's home, isn't it?" He teased the young kodkod with a twitch of his whiskers.

// [member=16088]summer.[/member]
**lacuna (n.) —-- westley hawkins / loner / penned by petrichor

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - summer. - 04-09-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
The heat is not unwelcome.  The sun's steady presence familiar.  The petite kodkod did prefer some humidity in the air.  But she thought she could see trees in the distance.  A jungle.  Oasis.  It would be more comfortable there, probably.

Summer's ear twitched.  Her soft sea-green hues rolling in exasperation.  One time.  She jumps into the ocean one time.  Wasn't her fault.  The wind had yanked her books away. 

Now she carried what books she had gathered in their travels in a small satchel.  Kept close.  Kept safe.  "[color=#eef2af]One time," she muttered under her breath, giving Westley the stink eye as she found a seat besides him.  Close to the border but not crossing over.

Would there be enough time to read a chapter before someone found them?

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - gael - 04-09-2021

The vulpine had found himself increasing his daily patrols once more -- wary from recent days.  Between Jormungand's reckless actions and a recent death in the desert, the Ardent intended to be cautious and vigilant.

It had been some time since he discovered travelers on the border; bearing no scent of their neighbors.  Gael smoothly altered his route to meet them, hazel gaze analyzing the pair silently.  Neither appeared aggressive, although one seemed partially annoyed with the other.

The Ardent inclined his head, preparing to greet the duo when it occurred to him the clouded leopard's aura felt too familiar -- as though he were looking at a ghost.  I see.  As though the hesitation never occurred, the faerie spoke; tone kept simple and polite.  "May I have your names and business with the Pitt?"
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
While Gael was concerned about Jormungand's behavior, Dante was not - however, that didn't mean he wasn't concerned by the recent death that had plagued The Pitt, even if he didn't necessarily care for who had died. As Aine pointed out, it meant there was a murderer somewhere near their borders, and Dante was determined to be one of the first ones to find them. He had a lot of pent up rage that he had to let out sooner than later. Dante came to stand next to Gael, but he said nothing to the Ardent nor their visitors, and only gave the two strangers a cold glare.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - westley h. - 04-10-2021

Ouch, the leopard mused -- determined to smile, regardless.  The cold shoulder hardly startled Westley.  Rather than be put down, he bowed his head respectfully, hazel eyes locked on Gael for a long moment.  No doubt he had recognized him, even if he showed little sign of it.

"You may not have my name, but you may call me Westley Hawkins," the feline replied, his long tail flicking.  "And my friend here is called Summer."

"We would like to join, if we may."
**ludic (adj.) —-- westley hawkins / loner / penned by petrichor

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
At the response, Dante let out a snort. "Is that not what a name is?" He retorted, not completely aware of the powers fae held if they had the name of someone. "But whatever," He grunted, not waiting for a reply to his question. "Welcome to The Pitt. You may call me Dante Northwest." His last words came in a mocking tone, with the hybrid thinking he was telling some sort of joke.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - summer. - 04-11-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Oh boy.  Perhaps Westley's goal was to simply exasperate everyone around him today.  She frowned.  Eyes flashing between Westley, the fox, and Dante.  She clicked her tongue.  Well.  Perhaps there'd be a nice shady spot in their jungle for her to finally enjoy one of her books.

"[color=#eef2af]Just a traditional phrasing," she muttered, snorting softly.  Smartass.  Bored, the kodkod stretched, flexing her claws idly.  The whole names business had always felt more like courtesy than anything else to her.  Just the way they introduced each other and themselves.  Of course... The avid bookworm knew knowledge had power.

On a different note entirely, the youth sighed, brows briefly creasing in thought.  "I'd rather not be surprised by his royal frostiness, so I should probably ask; have any Jack's around here?" Salem had told her the Pitt was where their brother could be found.  A desert of all places.  The idea of it made her lips quirk.

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - gael - 04-11-2021

The Ardent found himself withholding a sigh, shaking his head.  Just as Westley's companion felt, a certain level of exasperation sat in the vulpine's eyes, briefly altering into annoyance as Dante spoke.

"Hawkins," he echoed the name in acknowledgement. Westley.  The Princess Bride.  Hawkins.  Treasure Island.  A clever combination, the vulpine would admit, even if he found it irritating.  "You may call me Gael." His words remained clipped and polite, more for Summer's information than Westley's.

"Jack." Gael studied the youth for a long moment, truly analyzing her small stature and identifying her as the same type of wildcat his former imperator was (when he was not a dragon).  Her casual mention of frost further reaffirmed the thought as he tilted his head. "There is. Would I be correct in assuming you are related to him in some fashion?"
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: BLACK JACK | joiners - j a c k . - 04-12-2021


Jack himself should have expected the sights of one of their own sibling showing up rather or later. He knew, vaguely that Salem was in the typhoon, though it had been some time since he had seen the other. Splitting up with his siblings hadn't been wise, but choosing the very clan that called to his sister was like waiting for it to rain in the jungle. It was bound to happen, eventually.

Still, the small niche he had carved here for himself remained, and so the kodkod refused to leave it. Even if he were no longer the right hand, his reputation as a part of the Pitt would find word to the others, the few that refused to stick to one place or another- maybe, he hoped. (foolishly, he knew. Hope died in a place like the pitt- or so they liked to say)

Still, it wasn't a day that he was on guard of a murderer that he stumbled upon the group at the edge's of the border. Ice blue eyes watching the group with a sense of caution. Only to trot closer at the sight of a familiar form of his sister. It took restraint not to let the emotion - show on his face, but it showed in the simple halt of his movements just
a hare of the space between Gael and the group "Surprised, truly?" Jack called, his voice even in the face of someone familiar.

As for the comment the elder sibling didn't even make note of it, beyond the twitch of his tail behind him, a slowly rising agitation- exasperation, more of the like. Temperaments too close, and Jack too unreadable for summer to ever quite handle. He remained... neutral in the face of it, the crowd- of Gael, dante and the stranger that was familiar enough to name her. He cocked his head towards Westley, in a show of reason if his sister ever looked for one.

"Took you long enough to find me." Have you seen Salem? Tempest? it was on the tip of his tongue but he refused to ask, refused to fall for the bait laid in front of him. Taking in Summer at face value was a dangerous thing.