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Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Printable Version

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Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Casphian - 04-09-2021

Saturn hadn't been here long but already the snow leopard was missing the safety of their meadow they had grown so used to sleeping in. At least they got lucky here and were still able to sleep under the stars when they so chose, only getting a handful of questioning looks, at least he assumed they did. It was hard to tell what looks others were giving him seeing as he couldn't exactly see anything. Some days were hard for the leopard, his loss of sight really making it difficult to want to do anything and leaving him to lay around and sulk as his thoughts drug him further and further away from reality.

Today seemed to be one of those days, their demons clawing at his mind but they weren't about to let them bring them down today. With this Saturn pushed their body up from where they had been previously resting, moving to grab a satchel they had brought with them. Inside said satchel held a bunch of seeds Saturn had gathered over the previous months, and now that they were settling down within this group might as well take the time to spruce up a small patch. Plus this would give the creature a place to run to where they could feel safe. With that Saturn set out to find the perfect place to plant the seeds. It didn't take long for them to find a nice secluded place away from the main camp, the area have a sunny patch big enough to make a small little meadow. With this the leopard set to work planting the seeds where his paws could reach, his ears on a constant swivel as they searched for any sounds of something approaching.

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-09-2021

Gardening and planting things was a bit too complex for Anthemtalon's simple lizard brain. Bound to thinking of how he could catch his next meal instead of how he could stay in one spot and grow it; although that likely could be attributed to the fact that he was a carnivore and could not, in fact, eat plant matter. Still, the mere concept of farming and planting and upkeeping plants was lost to him as many things were. Group life had been, as well, up until a short while ago. Still something to get used to, with having expectations put towards him (mostly he had come to accept that 'wow, that's one lazy lizard' seemed to be the most common) a foreign idea.

Anthem decided that he'd actually get off his rump, stop sunbathing for a second, and actually try to interact with some of the people that he would now be living alongside. A noisy walk, sauntering over with scales dragging across the ground; the komodo monitor had not the energy nor structure to even try lifting his tail up from the ground he trudged across. His eyes stare at the satchel for a lengthy moment, trying to ponder the mere concept of carrying items around in a way other than one's own maw, before deciding that would be too exhausting for his simple brain to churn over for more than a few moments.

"Sun warm," the lizard finally said, deciding that he was in fact going to resume his sunbathing and watch. Maybe the other going to a sunny spot was just ironic with the motions of putting stuff in the ground? Such would be Anthemtalon's thought process, and not a thought more was given when it was easy to say 'yup, everyone should sleep in the sun for a couple hours a day' than comprehend further. Slowly the lizard flopped back down to rest, deciding to curiously watch the methodology of seeds being put into the ground; well, as curiously as a lazy, drowsy lizard could manage.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-10-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
"Playing around with dirt and muck isn't very productive, you know." Aphra's harsh voice came from behind Saturn and Anthemtalon, her icy gaze narrowed at Saturn as she spoke. She seemed to ignore Anthemtalon's presence, though her non-torn ear flicked to show that she heard him. Saturn and Anthemtalon likely didn't know of her position of Espionage - after all, it was supposed to be secret even among clanmates, so the only ones who would know were the ones who were there for her promotion. Which did not consist of Saturn and Anthemtalon unfortunately, but that didn't mean Aphra wasn't going to act like she was in charge here.

Hell, even if she wasn't a high position, she probably still would have acted like she was higher than them.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Casphian - 04-10-2021

Saturn flicked an ear in the direction of the rather loud sound of someone coming up behind them. They didn't bother turning their head around to face whoever was coming up behind them, the scent of the group being all over whoever it was so he trusted no harm would come. When Anthem spoke up the leopard was about to reply when another, harsher, voice spoke up before they got the chance. The feline turned their head in the general direction of Aphra and Anthemtalon, an eyebrow lifting at the comment that Aphra made. "I'm not playing around in the dirt as you say," he mused. He turned their attention back to the seeds they were planting, letting out a soft hum. "I'm sure the group could use a bit of sprucing up after the mudslide I heard happened, and it's not like I see you doing anything to help," they sneered in response. Even if the leopard had known of the other's status he wouldn't of cared, just because they were blind didn't mean they would roll over and take whatever was thrown at them.

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - Byriath - 04-10-2021

"Granted, she has lead two patrols in relation to the mudslide." The Guru yawned, the black lioness walking up to the three. "Hello, you three. You two must be new?" She tilted her head to Saturn and AnthemTalon. Purple eyes glinted with a rare glee. "I'm Byriath, the Guru. Come to me if you need any help with herbs and such. Speaking of plants," She directed her gaze to Saturn's gardening. It was a rare moment, her words that came after. "Would you like some help?"

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-10-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
At first, Aphra opened her mouth to respond to Saturn's accusation of claiming she had done nothing in regards to the mudslide, but Byriath beat her to answering him. Likely for the best, as Aphra probably would have retorted to responding back with some sort of remark. She had to remind herself, even if she didn't like the excuse, Saturn hadn't been here when she sorted out those patrols. She said nothing else, seeing as there was nothing for her to say at the moment, since Byriath had beaten her to the punch. So instead, the Espionage still continued to watch with narrowed eyes and a flicking tail.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - ARVID R. - 04-11-2021

Huh. Well, this was a couple of faces that he hadn't met just yet. Both Saturn and Anthemtalon were new to him, and that was primarily what drew the canine over, wanting to learn more about his new groupmates. However, when he heard what Aphra had to say, he found himself getting a bit annoyed. What right did she have to ruin someone's good time? Besides, a nice little garden sounded like it would be a welcome addition to the territory. Thus far in his explorations, Arvid hadn't exactly seen much that was pretty looking. Flowers sounded pretty great, at least in his opinion. As a result of this annoyance, the canine decided to have a bit of fun. Instead of the leisurely pace he had initially been heading over at, he decided to rush in at a full dash digging his heels into the ground as he came up beside Aphra. If his actions were successful, he'd send a small wave of dirt and mud in Aphra's direction, hoping to hit her in the side and stain her white fur. Whether he was successful or not, he would glance in her direction, muttering with faux innocence, "Oh, did I get you? Sorry, I guess. Was just excited to meet some new people." He then offered her a brief – and slightly mocking – smile.

He then turned his attentions back to Anthemtalon and Saturn, his tail swaying slightly behind him as he sat. He spoke in a friendly bark, a more genuine smile pulling his muzzle up, "Hello there! I don't believe I've met either of you before. My name is Arvid... I'm sure this garden will be really pretty once everything is planted and growing." He glanced down at the ground in front of them, patting his bright yellow paw lightly against it. As he did so, he offered lightly, "I could help out, if you want? I don't really have anything special I can do, but I can certainly help with planting. Or watering things." He likes having a task to put his mind to, especially lately. The stresses of getting used to his new home were weighing heavy on him, despite his best efforts. That wasn't to say that the Coalition had been unkind thus far, or that he wasn't happy to have a home. It was just... an adjustment period.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Astraea had the unfortunate fact of being Aphra's daughter, but that didn't mean that the she-cat had anything to do with raising her and her brother. In fact, Astraea and Katsuki both stayed with their father and that's what the young liliger preferred. She didn't like how... controlling Aphra had been before she and Katsuki were weaned, and she didn't like the stuck up personality her mother had as well.

The girl tried to hide an amused smile and giggle as she came closer, watching as Arvid came rushing past her and splattering mud everywhere - which, unfortunately, Aphra happened to be in the way. Ignoring her mother's screech, Astraea decided to focus on Saturn, Arvid, and Anthemtalon - all whom she hasn't met yet. "I think a garden would look nice around here." She agreed. "My name's Astraea, by the way. It's nice to meet everyone."[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-11-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra was not aware of Arvid's running start and only became aware of the direwolf pup's prescence when she felt mud being plastered over her fur. "You little wrench!" She let out a screech of surprise, snapping her head to glare at Arvid and baring her teeth at him. At first, the woman tried getting closer to the pup, claws unsheathing, before she fought off the urge to rake her claws across his face. She didn't need to ruin her position here. She couldn't risk it.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the fact that Astraea had joined the group, Aphra growled towards Arvid, "Watch where you're fucking going next time." With that, she turned around, lashing her broken tail - clearly trying to leave the scene.

//Aphra is out unless stopped![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Take me to the promised never land + planting flowers - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-11-2021

Anthemtalon had wound up zoning out a little. Probably due to the nice, warm sunlight that gleamed down from above. It was nice, especially considering how cold the territory tended to be. A cold blooded lizard such as himself had a reason to be lazy when it was so cold that he barely could muster the energy to move sometimes, right? That would be his reasoning, if asked. Not that Anthem figured he'd be asked, and he was mighty fine with his laziness being allowed. "New, yes." Slow the response was to Byriath, but managed regardless.

The komodo monitor's head lifted up, finally physically responding once Aphra stormed away. His tongue flickered, the best method he had for expression confusion other than the movement of settling his jaw afterwards. A garden. The lizard's mind tried to churn it over, and failed to produce anything other than 'leaves'. Good enough for Anthemtalon. The word 'help' finally registered to him as well. Helping with the plants? He wasn't too sure what he could do, and settled for laying his head back down from where he'd been watching Aphra storm away.

"Anthemtalon," he introduced once the realization was made that more introductions were being handed out. "Nice mud. Warm mud. Sun warm," the komodo monitor then continued. The seeds were being put into the ground, right? He settled with his attempt of helping to be scraping the mud with his claws exactly once, and then pulling that arm back close again. "Helped. Helpful."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags