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you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - Printable Version

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you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - teef - 04-09-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
Burden of water upon body, breath quiet and shallow, lapping of water against scales. Lonely the battle-scarred god, afloat at sea in their defeat by their own self in war with their mind. Eyes closed, letting the current take them where it wished - hours, days, months spent at sea and covered in grime, growths of other creatures and seaweed. Given longer they could become a living ecosystem, much like the stories they'd heard as a child of lion turtles, though that they were not.

Brush of sand between talons before evident made embankment beneath scaled paws, hulking behemoth presented a shoreline that they might climb upon and rest. water dripping from mane and down chiseled hide, few the region untouched by scar tissue upon great scaled monster. Head once nearly submerged now ducking under for cool reprieve from sunlight with rest of long body before they would gather their legs underneath them and plod onto beach of the swamp.

Shaking their head with a booming yawn, would dragon of war's servitude glance upon the trees they at times stood level with, noting the area within their mind. So long ago, they'd been to these lands in another approach, as the Pharoah of the fallen Rosebloods. They had met faces here, faces they wondered if ever they would meet with and see again. The notion that they were of few to remain in this feral land from their beginnings so long ago, gaze cast down to metal band around talon, a collar they wore in smaller bodies, reminiscent of their wedding band to their chickadee. Foreign the notion that such short-lived passion could rise from the grave after murderer had been slain and torn asunder, dearly missed the cheery presence that alone could keep them in place. Tearing gaze away with a croaking croon, lifting head and releasing a roar that shook through the trees, announcing their arrival in the fastest way they could think of.

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - arrow - 04-09-2021

Despite the fact she had not interacted with the dragon that often, and the fact she could barely remember shit she ought to, Arrow did remember Bai Shi. Granted, it was hard to forget such a face on such a creature, she only crossed paths with one other dragon that she remembered, and that was Delilah. The pink woman she could have affectionately claimed as her own sibling still made her heart ache when her memory wandered back to an earlier time for her, before everyone died and vanished and the rest went to total shit. As far as Bai Shi, she had a decent recollection of the war god, meeting them once or twice, maybe more than that, a calm and polite thing, even when Tanglewood had questioned the Rosebloods over a strange string of murders back in the day. Interesting times. However, they had been lost to time, or so she believed, and Arrow would have marked them down as just another face buried beneath a broken string of things come and gone, and all that jazz. Turns out, as usual it felt like, she was wrong, and not only was she wrong, Bai had wandered their way to the swamp she called home, but with no Rosebloods behind them.

The yawn nearly startled her, the volume certainly carried through the air in a manner she was not used to. Having attempted to continue her one woman hunting party that she'd been at for days now, trying to keep her people fed and cared for despite the constant dread hanging over her head that another one would be next to whatever brutal bad luck ripped their stability out from under them, Arrow's attention was pulled away from her lack of a prey target at the sounds by the beach. With no caution, no sense or hint of care taken in the event a new threat was just around the corner, the cheetah pushed past the foliage that separated the beach and the swamp itself, green eyes squinted in a mix of tired agitation and inquisitiveness, finding not another bloodthirsty aggressor but a golden dragon of impressive size, a long body she had no intention of coming across anymore, if only because she had no reason to believe he was still alive. Perhaps, and only perhaps it was because he was also a familiar presence from a time long forgotten, Arrow felt a strange sense of relief to see them even though she could only call the god a mere acquaintance. It hit her suddenly that perhaps they wouldn't remember her as she remembered them, she didn't find herself to be so memorable after all, and carried a very different form than the one she bothered everyone with prior to her death, though it's coloration had mutated and pulled away at itself until it matched the chocolate brown of her birth body, if anything she hoped that would jog the memory of the dragon. "Bai Shi? It''s Arrow. What are you doing here?"
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - SirDio - 04-09-2021


MADE JUST FOR MY EYES![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #0a0a0a;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] STARMAP - SHE/THEY - TANGLEWOOD
Starmap couldn't list the people she missed, now thrown from her home and left in a realm of mortals. Everyone but a few from Etheria's keep she held dear to her heart. It was what she was thinking of when the roar echoed from the direction of the beach. Dragons. The goddess stood there, fear coursing through her body.

Shakily, though, she started toward the source of the sound, eyes wide and ears swiveling around. Though, as soon as she caught sight of Bai Shi she started to step back. Step forward. Back again. Forward again. Two steps forward. Another two steps forward. A step back. Finally she stopped and stood still next to Arrow. She knew she made a fool of herself but come on, it's a fucking dragon. Her eyes focused on Arrow, then, the one sense of normality she held to the fuckin swamp. Thank goodness someone wasn't terrified of them.

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - Casphian - 04-09-2021

The green bean hadn't been too far away from the beach that Bai Shi had washed up on but his attention had been drawn to other things. And by other things they mean the relaxing they were doing under a shaded area not too far off. Their mind had been drifting in and out of thoughts, their body slowly falling into the depths of their dreams. But alas sleep escaped his claws when the loud yawn startled them awake, sending the panther onto their paws in and instant, hackles raising as their emerald orbs glanced across the area.

Paradox cautiously started to search around the area, once again getting startled by the loud roar that soon carried out across the land. They padded towards where the sound had come, his orbs first landing on Arrow before sliding over to whoever was standing next to her. They hadn't met most everyone yet so it came to no surprise that they didn't recognize Starmap. As they drew closer to the pair it was then they finally noticed the dragon that stood before them. The feline lifted an eyebrow when he finally had noticed Bai Shi. They puffed their chest out while flicking the strands of hair out of their face, said hair sliding right back into place much to their annoyance. "Hello there~" they cooed in greeting, much pleased by the looks of the creature before them

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-09-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Unlike Arrow, Bai Shi's presence was an unfamiliar one. Or at the very least, if the two of them have met before, Atbash did not remember the dragon. What did alert Atbash to Bai Shi's presence was the roar that echoed through the swamp, that send chills up her spine. She came to stand a little bit behind Paradox, dipping her head in greeting to Bai Shi but did not say anything.
female f1 savannah | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - trojan g. - 04-10-2021

The roaring yawn that Bai Shi had emitted when she had reached the border made Moth's head ache. Normally it would be a simple annoyance that scared of prey and made someone seem hostile, but with the illness Moth had that had been getting worse and worse by the day it caused her head to throb and it made her mood tank. She had been out trying to find herbs to no avail when she had heard the roar come from the border, choosing to lose the task she had at hand to make her way forward to the other quickly, just in case something was happening. When she saw the dragon at the border her head tilted to the side for a moment as the fox thought of who she was, face familiar though name didn't come to her at first. At least not until Arrow mentioned something. Bai had been the one in charge of the Rosebloods when they had visited in hopes of resolving issues revolving around a murder if she remembered correctly. She hadn't ever heard the outcome of that and hadn't heard of the Rosebloods in general since then. She could only hope they were doing good.

Looking towards those around her for a moment, Moth would look back towards Bai Shi, ears flicking as she listened to the words that Arrow spoke. It was a simple question and one Moth wanted to know the answer to as well, considering the former Pittian hadn't been around the swamp for a while. She could only wonder what the other wanted.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - teef - 04-11-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. former hp of AE & RB. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. member of tanglewood. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
Greeted were they by sight of felines of great manner, ranging from small to large, their blue eyes locking on chocolate form first to emerge. Lonely the sense within their chest, reminded of a face they hadn't seen in years. Heavy the breath that pained their chest, their losses piling up with them. An acquaintance only had Arrow been when they were new to these lands, before their true nature reclaimed them. Though an acquaintance, rough had been the loss of those they knew, along with the dead and missing had her face faded. Now settled within their breast was the sensation of missing those who had disappeared, those who they had lost to time.

Blue eyes would widen as their name was spoken by the chocolate feline so similar to the one they once knew, festering the sense of hope in their chest. Held back the choking within their throat, a sense of relief so strongly sweeping over them. Someone was still here, they were not truly alone. Golden cranium dipping in kind to her, "I've come to find a place in which to rest. Lonely have the years been, Arrow, it pleases me to see you again, although new the body you wear.", they would rumble in soft response.

Gaze shifting to the movement of night-colored molly beside Arrow, stood a nervous woman, their gaze becoming gentle. They could not blame any for their fear of them - if they were not wary of one so big who could be an enemy, what use were the instincts inside them worth? Had they listened to their instincts from the beginning, fewer would be the acquaintances they'd made. As more joined the small gathering, would blue gaze cross over green-hued panther, affording a small dip of head in returned greeting, to speckled pattern upon pelt so similar to one they had once held and loved. Regina was lost, much the same as everyone else, but Atbash served a small reminder to the mother of their son, an ache in their heart springing to life. They knew not of what had come of him, of Laeglin, after their fall from grace and into the iron hold of insanity. Last came a face they might have once remembered, her name a well-spoken whisper of which they'd heard at some time or another. Many the titles they bore, though the days of their service within the Pitt had long passed them by.

Settling comfortably upon the beach, they let their eyes slide to a closed position as their limbs folded beneath them, settling long body upon sand, red antlers chipped and worn by time, tines broken and missing in places. Few of the old remained whole, lucky those who escaped time without it's embrace. Broken were they, in ways few words could explain so easily. Alone had they traveled once loss had first struck its claim, watching family fall left and right, helpless to save them. Stormy had their surroundings been since the loss of the one that they had been married to, his departure years ago a broken jagged hole inside of them that none could fill - no liquor, no lovers, no fulfillment could be found. Tired their face, scars raking across eyes once so calm and patient, now filled with the clouds of war and loss.

Godship the lonely curse they bore, breaking and snapping at the bonds they held with the mortals around them, their own husband not safe from their curse. They missed, and the grieved for them all, those that had been lost if only through the pain of knowing them. The Rosebloods, Sephiroth, Jiyu, Kydobi, Regina, the list went on and on. They had loved and lost many of them, unsolved their disappearances. If asked, they would share the fate of their group that they had led, fallen under an invader and time, then following the end of their time within the Pitt after Kydobi's fall before and after Jervis' own. Alone had they traveled, settling after that battle, in an attempt to make peace with themself, leading their own group that soon fell into disbandment, disappearing the traces of those they had cared for there. Anguish was a constant in their life, the one thing they could rely upon.

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-11-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Bai Shi's gaze seemed to overlook them all after they responded to Arrow's question, though of course the dragon would have nothing to say to each person that came after Arrow. No one else did say anything, why would they have to respond to nothing? "You're welcome to stay." Atbash spoke up, raising her head as she spoke. "I'm Atbash Cipher, a Vassal here. I specialize in commune." Hopefully that should suffice with her new rank. Surely most people knew what Commune meant? Ah well, if not, she could easily explain.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - arrow - 04-19-2021

A pang of sympathy twisted in her chest when the dragon spoke once again, nodding her head, allowing Atbash to respond before her, allowing someone else to speak. It seemed only fair. Not to mention, the Cipher woman was the Vassal of Commune, that is what she chose and so that was her job, it was not Arrow's. If she truly needed to talk to Bai Shi, she could surely do it later when the war god was better settled in, there was nothing a drink couldn't pair with as far as conversation went.

"Like Atbash says, you're welcome to stay! We've got plenty of room." She brushed herself off with a paw when her new form was mentioned, as if proud of the body she wore this time around. Perhaps she was, though she was willing to bet it was more so because it was a rather morbid gift, dragged back into the world of the living by Elsweyr. Of course, she still managed to injure it and take a good bit of her own ear off while being a fucking fool, but that was besides the point. "New indeed, I can finally reach the top shelf!"
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: you know i'm not one to break promises ◍ joining - SirDio - 04-19-2021

The goddess steeled herself - she fought alongside dragons, she can live alongside one too. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Indeed, we have plenty of room." Her voice was slightly more regal, stronger. "Ah - I had yet to introduce myself - Starmap."