Beasts of Beyond
at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - Printable Version

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at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - teef - 04-09-2021

Vicious the last few days of thunder high above, dry lightning cracking in clouds descending from mountain peaks in furious grays and blues. Angry the gods of thunder wherever they may be, sending down lashing curtains of water as if to punish the mortals far below. Howling the winds that announced the presence of the coming storm. Aching his bones as he stared at the skies so turbulent above, worry set in his brows as he laid in the last fading rays of sunshine. He had a strange feeling about the weather this time, he'd noticed the amount of mud and the growling of the mountain over the last few days - a change was coming.

Getting to his paws, the akhlut would let the first drops of rain fall upon his face, head to the skies as he inhaled and exhaled. Ears perked up as tension ran the length of his body, the gurgling growling roar catching his ears as he turned with the urgency of a thousand strikes, "EVERYONE GET TO HIGH GROUND NOW!", he roared, already seeing the sludge of the river consuming the terrain in wicked surges and waves. Eyes narrowing as he belted out once more, "I REPEAT, GET TO HIGH GROUND NOW! FLASHFLOOD! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"

He wasn't concerned about himself, he was meant for the water, and even with all matters of debris in the water- he needed to be able to rescue his grouomates that relied on him. Departing from his prior resting place on camp's main grounds, praying to whatever gods were listening that those still out in the territory had mind enough to climb somewhere above the water's violent torrent. Paws splashing into sludge as the wicked moving water came crashing towards him, all of his muscles screaming as he braced for the impact of the water crashing over him, body disappearing in the current without reappearing. He would be fine, he was a strong swimmer. His concern was everyone else in camp and within the territory. If anybody was stuck, he would try to get to them - if only he'd had a little more warning about the weather than he could have trained them in preparation!

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-09-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
Horizon was on high alert the last few days with the storms going on, with Auberon's warning of the possibility of floods in the back of his mind almost constantly. Unfortunately no matter how aware the devil tried to be, flash floods were almost impossible to avoid - they happened almost in a millisecond. Auberon's call for the Frostblowners to evacuate wasn't fallen on deaf ears, but for Horizon, it hadn't reached him quick enough. At first, the devil was dazed, being woken up from his sleep, before he heard the roaring of the water - and Auberon's sharp voice. By the time Horizon rushed towards the edges of the den carved into the mountain, the water was already rushing towards him -

- And quickly took him under. Horizon was able to catch his breath before he was forced underneath the water, but his panicky flailing and trying to swim back to the surface of the murky waters left him exhausted. Horizon let out a screech before his body was pushed back under water. His heart was pounding in his chest, the water burning his lungs and nose as it forced its way into them. The boy quickly grew tired of his attempts of trying to reach the surface that would have no avail and let the darkness consume him.

//Jupiter is going to rescue him!!
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - Casphian - 04-10-2021

The tiger had been watching the angry sky and wondering when the rain would soon come. He missed the feeling on the rain pelting his fur, the droplets usually a way for him to feel relaxed. What he hadn’t of expected was the loud call from Auberon to get to high ground and fast. The tiger spread out his wings, flapping down hard to lift himself into the air. He made his way towards a nearby hill, one tall enough to keep him and anyone else safe from the rushing water.

Jupiter kept an eye out for any clan mate who needed help, not everyone was lucky enough to have wings or to be a strong swimmer and so if he could help he would. He got lucky in that aspect, being born into a tiger body allowed him to be a strong swimmer, maybe not nearly as great as Auberon but enough that he could be of help.

When the sound of a familiar screech filled his ears of the roaring water, his head snapped in the direction of Horizon’s den. He just barely caught a glimpse of the devil before the angry torrents swept him underneath. With this the feline leapt into the water, his body fighting with the currents to get to the devil. The muscles in his body rippled and worked overtime to carry him through the raging water, drawing him closer to Horizon before he finally was close enough to clamp down onto the back of his neck. He worked his way out of the currents, struggling to pull their bodies away from the den and out into the less angry waters. After what seemed like eternity Jupiter broke through the surface, his claws digging into the ground in front of him as he pulled himself and Horizon out of the water. He dropped the devil far enough away from the edge where the water lapped against. Panic swelled through him when he took notice of the unconscious state of the other, he wasn’t sure what to do next and so he did the only thing he could thing of and circled him over and over trying to think. Eventually he stopped and started to pat the other’s back, hoping that maybe he could help dislodge any water taken in.

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - SirDio - 04-11-2021

Sebastian had stopped flying for the past few days, wary of the angry skies and just overall still tired. Sleepless nights really sucked, in all honesty. Now, as Auberon called out to get to higher ground, they really wished they'd tried to get more sleep. It wasn't long before the flood waters reached closer to their low-hanging branch. With little sleep, their mind was hazy and when they tried to leap to a higher branch, they stumbled. [b]"Shit- NO!" They screeched before they plummeted into the water.

Curse their wings! Despite how hard they worked their legs and wings, the sudden pain that exploded from the lower part of the muscle around their left wing forced their jaws open just before they could surface. Head breaching the water they coughed some water out, sputtering wordless noises as they tried to look around. Something entangled their hind right foot and held them there, but they wanted up and out. So they thrashed. Despite the pain Sebastian kept thrashing against whatever held them there (vine, most likely) until the pain was too much.

Suddenly the grip was loose and they latched onto a branch, shivering and cold and terrified. Hopefully someone got to them before they dropped again.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - teef - 04-14-2021

Voices breaking around him, cries of fear and anguish, his ears twitching and rotating as he fought the water and the furious objects being swept at him. Body twitching as various objects slammed against him, threatening to drive the air from him as he dove back underwater, catching an NPC being swept past himself, carrying the unfortunate soul in his jaws before bringing them to a tree they could climb, his claws digging into the bark aggressively.

A fallen trunk slamming into his side caused the sage to let go with a snarl of agony as he ripped himself upright in the torrent of waters, head braking the surface to hear Sebastian's voice, his own jaws opening in a desperate roar, "SEBASTIAN", his voice would boom out, desperately searching for the dark feline. Finding them, he pushed off of whatever structure he was closest to, practically slamming into their tree with a bark of pain, throwing his head up in their direction, "Jump on my head!" he barked, lips pulled back as he kicked his hind legs, desperately wishing for this to be over.

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - SirDio - 04-14-2021

Sebastian strained to hear above his own chaos, but he heard Auberon. Oh, thank god. That gave them enough strength to hold on until he heard them bark to get onto their head. It took a moment for Seb's left wing to cooperate and fold in and when it did they released the branch and twisted midair so they had a little control over how they slam dunked on their leader's head.

As they landed somewhat clumsily they balanced themselves with ease and heaved a terrified groan. [b]"Someone's angry, I swear!"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: at first i was afraid ❂ FLASHFLOOD - open - teef - 04-21-2021

Feeling the crashing weight of Sebastian on his head, he snorted out a little, readjusting himself in the waters flows as he stiffened his neck to get the muscle to rest firmly. "Someone's angry?", came the deep rumble from him, barely able to be made out above the sound of the water's raging. Cursing as another hidden log made contact with his shoulder, jaws clenching in pained rage. Damn that hurt.

Letting the current sweep them towards the cutaway from the mountain, he gritted his teeth as he bunched his muscles, preparing to take the landing with his paws, back to the torrent as he kept his head above the water. "Climb to the highest shelf you can", he growled to Sebastian as his body made impact. Talon like claws digging for purchase against the stone, pushing his head towards the rock shelves just above the water's level, the current tugging at him. Claws streaked down the stone, the sound a screeching horrible thing as the water pulled and tore at him, sapping his strength to remain clinging there.