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MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - Printable Version

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MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-08-2021

It had been a few weeks since Fragglerock had joined The Golden Eye, and it was truly starting to feel like home. Sure, things had been rough in a couple of areas, especially considering the opinions of others on his species, but he could deal with that. Especially when one took into account the friends that he had already made, such as Arlo, Aesior, and Vincent. Hell, he was even beginning to warm up to Damion when the other wasn't threatening him. However, even though the place was beginning to feel like home, didn't mean that he knew the ins and outs of all the rules. He'd joined in a rather skittish state, and considering things in the group were still just beginning, Arlo hadn't exactly had a chance to educate him on ground rules. This meant that, when Frag ended up stumbling across one of the ziplines installed around the territory, he wasn't aware he shouldn't have even considered using it. After all, he was still so very young, and there was a lot of risk involved, especially when one took into account just how fragile he was. A drop from a great height could shatter him to pieces, and yet... curiosity prevailed.

It took a minute before he was able to climb up and grip onto the zipline handle, essentially gripping it with his entire body. He could hear his heart pounding rapidly in his ears already, but he still wanted to continue onwards. He wanted to see what it would be like for the zipline to carry him. So, with a quick shove of his back foot, the boy was descending downwards, the zipline letting out a sharp noise into the air as the metal grip slid against the rope. The wind whipped urgently around Fraggle's form, throwing back his ears and rushing through his fur. Even with how anxious he had been initially, he could help letting out a whoop of joy as he continued downwards, driven on by adrenaline – as well as the inability to stop. It seemed as though everything was going fine, and it wouldn't be long until he reached the bottom of the zipline, especially considering the speed at which he was moving. But then, disaster struck.

He wasn't sure what it was that made him lose his grip. Perhaps he simply got distracted, or maybe the metal grip was just too smooth for him. Either way, Fragglerock was only a small ways from the bottom as his body began to slip, and he found himself filled with panic. He began to mutter frantically, urgently trying to pull himself back on, "No, no, no, no, please!" It was too late, however. The rabbit soon found himself in free fall, entirely convinced that it wouldn't be long until the ground rushed up to meet him. A shrill scream left him as he fell, a million regrets running through his mind at once. Ultimately, he could only shout at himself in his mind for being so foolish, letting his curiosity drive him before his common sense. Dying certainly seemed like a harsh punishment for his idiotic actions, but it wasn't as if he could argue with the universe now. He only had a few seconds before the impact, and then there would be nothing but darkness.

Then, his feathers caught the air. It honestly could've been considered a miracle, if one believed in those. The feathered appendages that laid over Fragglerock's ears had been spread wide as he fell, mostly as a result of the air pushing them upwards. It seemed as though fate was smiling down on Frag, considering the "wings" atop his head managed to stop his sharp descent, instead sending him in a slower spiral towards the ground below. He was given little time to consider what was happening, just keeping his "wings" outstretched as his legs kicked out frantically. When he eventually did find himself on the ground again, he was out of breath and shaking, seemingly stunned that he was still alive. His ears fell flat once more, feathers thoroughly rustled from the wind that had been passing below them just a moment ago. He stared at his own feathered ears in shock, deathly silent for a moment before he began to... laugh. It was a frantic and breathless laugh, more out of genuine joy and relief that he had survived, rather than any kind of amusement.

It took only another brief moment before the youngling fell forward onto his belly, still taking several large breaths as he attempted to process what had happened. Glad to be on the hard earth once more, Fraggle mumbled softly to himself, "I am never... ever doing that again." Well... at least not anytime soon. Perhaps once he was older he would be more prepared for the ziplines, but he had certainly learned his lesson this time.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - aesior - 04-08-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Far was the distance between adult and youth, sound of zipline the only art to possible calamity and injury for the child upon such contraption. Elsewhere did he stand, harvesting what herbs he could find along craggy pathways before overhead did Fraggle go, sight of colors of autumn in a blue confusing him for a moment. Too fast was the zipline to catch the scent but blurred sight of ears flapping gave speculation to the owner of such appendages. Brief was the return to work, thinking little of what had occurred before it settled in his mind. Who had flown overhead had been Fragglerock, a youth he knew and enjoyed the presence of. He wasn't the most sure of the rules himself but something about the child being alone on the zipline made him uneasy. He couldn't see Arlo or any other adult within the immediate premise of the child, and his breath came quick.

Turning as quickly as his body could, trying to keep the blur of the child in his sight. Cursing his tiny legs and the leaping bounds he took as he raced down pathways and leapt over gaps he would normally think twice of crossing. Perhaps it was the adrenaline or the sheer fact that the child was on something that moved violenty quick, but he was merely chasing the zipline with the panic of a mother whose child was trapped. He hadn't smelt any adults and damnit, he was already attached to this child and he didn't want to see any injuries. If only he had his grim body, than he could get there faster!

Clearing the crest of a hill of some sort, he really wasn't paying attention because he saw him falling and he was pushing and pushing his body as fast as it could go, drawing on whatever energy he had to try and draw forth his grim body, only feeling the ground beneath him twist and rock under his hindpaws, each pound of pad against earth leaving small craters where he would spring from the raised edges in a desperate race. His jaws were spread wide in a yowl he couldn't voice, cursing his luck, cursing his life and most importantly, cursing himself for his inability to look after anyone. Eyes narrowing in fear and grief as he saw Fraggle fall, a voice ripping its way from him. FRAGGLEROCK! urgent the telepathic voice only the boy could possbly hear, aimed only at the falling boy if the sudden outburst of voice did not reach the boy, he would merely think it stayed within his own head, a match to the voice in his head, unaware it was his own.

Frustration screaming through him as the child fell before being caught by his ears in a haphazard way of flight though it slowed his descent to allow him to settle easily on the ground. Panting within moments of the child setting down, would come the talonguard with a frantic expression on his face, the beginnings of tears wetting his face. He'd been so scared as he ran, seeing him fall he'd thought the worst. Legs shivering as he slid his body sideways, claws sliding out for some grip to stop his momentum, allium and blood orchid exploding into life around his paws and across his shoulders and pelt. Locking eyes on the child, he would cross the remaining distance from his skid to a stop, sniffing at him urgently as he circled the youth, relying more on the sensation of adrenaline and paternal feeling to be able to step back and convince himself Fraggle was fine. Swallowing back ragged breaths as he sniffed at him, crouching close to him, close enough to feel some sort of comfort, his own heart racing miles a minute as he attempted to lean over and place his nose against Fraggle's head in a comforting gesture, adrenaline causing his own body to shake from the wild dash. Perhaps he'd overreacted but Fraggle was safe, and his satchel of minor herbs was at his side, ready for use should he need them.

attempted use of telepathy selective only to fraggle atm //
aka dad!instincts just kicked in lol ///

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - ARLO M. - 04-08-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Perhaps Arlo would blame himself for the mishap that happened here today, late in the night nursing some kind of drink as he rested by candle light. Perhaps it was something he should have seen coming, but it was too late. Far too late, too little. Arlo was above patrolling once again, his eyes half closed as he let the winds carry him. No new scents had breach the border in a fair moment, and he had confidence that whatever was going on beneath him he need not worry about.

But then came the screaming.

Arlo's eyes snapped open, pupils narrowed and head craning down. He saw that figure, painted like a brush stroke against the deep greens and blues of the ground. A curse left his muzzle- whoever it was, they were falling fast. Arlo's wings beat, and within a heartbeat, the dragonic feline had banked and was diving. His wings were pulled in tight, front paws outstretched and back legs pointed backwards. A perfect dive- and yet, suddenly he was passing Fragglerock on the way down.

Arlo's massive wingspan snapped open, beating wildly against the ground as he landed. His head tossed back upwards at Fraggle, his heart pounding. He watched the male glide past, and Arlo made the hike after him. His head turned, hearing the massive booming of Aesior's elementals in the background of his head. Something was on fire in his chest, screaming in his head. Arlo came to the both of them, his chest heaving and his wings trembling. The dead-stop had taken a toll on him.

"You.. weren't allowed on them in the first place.." Arlo panted out, his ears pressed backwards and flattened against his head. "Maybe.. I should post.. signs.."


Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - Grimm - 04-08-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
Home. Simple a word that bore a grandeur beyond limitation, malleable and thus impermanent, edges shaped by the one who held it against their tongue. Similar the time he had seen pass as that the lagamorph had whittled away within a scape barren yet alive, rich in a manner he had grown comfortable with, the sentimentality of such not pressed into the unyielding land. Undeserving of it, maybe, though to whom one may cast the judgement an unknown, fickle a callous heart that beat in a slow rhythm.

Spring a delicate balm, warmth embedded in the spill of golden light that seemed a veil across terrain largely formed from rocky peaks dressed with thin grass, hum light against the edge of his breath. Old the songs that danced against the held tip of his tongue, marching beats grown jovial as they were twisted and reshaped, unconscious the manner lips curled. Gone it all beneath the harsh clatter, metal harsh as it was drawn against the taunt stretch of cable. Known the existence of the zip lines that crossed the landscape, their beginning at an altitude he found unpleasant and thus never utilised, unnecessary no matter the distance he travelled. Never had they been used, maintained and tested, confusion alighting where once a gentle joy rested.

Auburn carved a fragment out of the belly of the sky, high the voice that rose in brief existence, gone as continued the descent. Distant the idea of following, assistance that may be given impractical and the outcome likely to cause further distress than it was to align with the intent, forth drawn as further movement caught his wandering vision. Panic evident in the manner the other moved, every step made to further quickened a pace that seemed incapable of it, thoughtless in pursuit. To discern what caused his own momentum to increase, languid a pace grown a mirror, a frantic stretch that allowed a simmering heat to lick along aged muscle and impart an ache he knew would only increase, difficult. Was it the realisation, the thought that the identity of the other had been easily discerned, or the cry that rang forth with a note that spoke of terror. A finality was in that vocalisation, a terror lacing a realisation.

Late his arrival, the final spiral of descent that which caught and held his attention, the hammer of his heart seemingly ceaseless even as laughter bubbled, amusement mingling among the remnants of fear. It seemed the child was more than the eye may perceive, though such Vincent would have believed without deminstration. Still was his breath short and broken by laughter, at times sputtered to a halt as he coughed and drew a ragged breath, dragging steps drawing him closer.

"I had thought pigs flying would be impossible, but when rabbits can maybe the day will come." Rough his voice, grating as it bypassed a wince that rose to brief existence along his lips, head turned as his throat was cleared. Light the remark, one to sooth the atmosphere that crackled with tension, paired with that he thought he had grown incapable of. Distance closed and the length of his tail gently lowered, against shoulderblades sought to fall, small the smile he would direct to Aesior if he was allowed to offer this small comfort to the Talonguard.

A voice broke the silence that proceeded his own, regarded Arlo for a moment before he began to speak. "I can do it if it, seems best to not distract the leader with such menial tasks and I believe the lesson has been learnt." Once more Fraggle was caught in his sight, his state enough to make true his statement. "If you are up for it I would gladly accept assistance, but only if you wish to."


Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-11-2021

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-13-2021

There was a lot going on at once, wasn't there? He supposed it made sense, considering all that had just happened in such a short time frame. It still seemed almost impossible to the rabbit that he survived, even though he was alive, sitting safely on the rocky earth. Aesior's frantic telepathic call was still echoing in his mind, and he honestly wasn't sure what to do, raising one of his paws only to find it shaking before his eyes. He was about to open his mouth – intent on calling for Aesior and letting the other know he was alright – but the feline was already upon him, looking utterly petrified. The press of Aesior's nose against his head was a comforting one, and he let out a shuddering breath as he slowly closed his eyes. With the adrenaline leaving his system, he suddenly felt rather exhausted, much to his own chagrin. He was really just surprised that he didn't feel like sobbing, considering the ordeal that he had gone through. Either The Golden Eye had made him stronger, or the entire thing had been such a shock to his system that he didn't have tears to shed. Either way, he was silently glad not to be crying in front of everyone.

Once he felt as though he had finally caught his breath, the rabbit raised his gaze to look Aesior over, pretty plainly noticing how worried the feline had been. It warmed his heart, but it also made him feel guilty, not wanting to practically give Aesior a heart attack. He spoke up in a gentle tone, his small claws curling lightly at the ground beneath him, "I'm... I'm okay, Aesior. Definitely a little... shocked... by what just happened, but I'm okay. See? No injuries." He stretched out a front paw and a back leg, showing off that he hadn't sustained any injuries from what had happened. Nothing more than some bruised pride and a few treebranches stuck in his pelt. He doubted that would be enough to entirely put Aesior at ease, but... he would let the other check him for any injuries as much as he wanted, if he needed to. The other was the closest thing to a medic that The Golden Eye had, at this point.

Arlo and Vincent were the next to approach, Arlo with a bit more urgency, but Vincent clearly worried as well. Fraggle waved a paw at the both of them, his eyes vaguely drooping as he did so. The exhaustion fully had him in its grip at this point, and he wasn't sure whether to thank or cursed his own adrenaline. It had no doubt kept him alive, but now he felt as though he could sleep for days. In an effort to keep himself awake, he responded to Arlo slowly, "Didn't realize I wasn't allowed... I definitely see why, though. Don't worry, I won't be doing that again." He glanced up at the ziplines high above wearily, a frown pulling at his muzzle. Signs definitely seemed like they would be helpful, and he was somewhat relieved when Vincent offered to put them up. That meant the task wouldn't be putting more pressure on Arlo's already heavy shoulders. Nodding lightly in Vincent's direction, the boy agreed, "That sounds like a good idea to me... It shouldn't take that long, just going to the different ziplines and putting something up." It would probably be easier with wings, since you could just fly from zipline to zipline, but he was also certain that Vincent was capable.

The last to arrive was Cleopatra, and her presence alone was enough to make Fraggle wince. He knew that she would be disappointed to see he was alive, and he initially sent a half-hearted glare in her direction, figuring she wouldn't say anything. After all, he had nearly died, and both Arlo and Aesior were pleasant, along with Vincent. None of the others had been particularly shy about their disapproval when it came to her comments. Yet still, she felt bold enough to open her mouth. Another flare of anger rose up within Frag, even through the exhaustion, and he replied in a short hiss, "And felines that can't shut their mouths might just lose their tongues." In this case, that was a thread that Fragglerock could actually follow through on. Some sharp object, a sleeping Cleo... it was honestly a tempting prospect, but his brain was admittedly scrambled by adrenaline and drowsiness. So, once he had snapped back at her, he found himself leaning his head back against Aesior's chest, his eyes heavily drooping with sleep.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - Grimm - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]There was indeed a great deal that had transpired during only a short time, panic a rather good motivator. Tongue held between teeth, tip aching as jaws shit, words carefully parsed. Indeed, worry rested along the crease of lips, in the weary flick of gaze, unbeknownst how it rose and painted once lax features. Stranger was he to it, this quiet thrum that was quelled only as reassurance was offered in paced out words, the realisation striking only as it abated.

He cared for the child, that much certain, but he bore some modicum of such for the majority that deemed this rocky terrain a suitable home, few those who lacked it. Aside the thought brushed, composure maintained though he found regret rose forth, his prior wording somewhat harsh, their use unconscious as glossed over the true gravity of the situation. Maybe it was best he began to rethink things, old habits long since thought buried arising, humour a honed method for all the wrong reasons.

"It is best you rest first." Soft his tone, unsure if such was even possible even as he spoke. Through his travels he had gleaned some medical knowledge, enough that allowed basic treatment, time had been unkind to this small well of knowledge, however, and this not something he had been met with before. Further problems presented, transport one of the most glaring. The show that Fraggle had not sustained any breaks good news, slow the movement of his gaze, noted that no break of the skin had occurred. Rather remark, unscathed seemed the child, graced by a luck that brought laughter bubbling up in his throat. Back was it swallowed, wrong for this situation, alone was he to understand the cause.

Much too short the time of relative peace, question forming against his tongue whisked away as another made themself known. Expected should she had been, a vulture to the site of carrion, no, lesser than that, her purpose without reason. Lips shifted, teeth exposed for a brief moment, his turn stilled as a response rose. There was no halting the laughter that came forth all too suddenly, falling away as he tried to draw in a breath. It seemed the child had bite, more capable than he had proven himself, pride reflected in the grin contouring his lips as he calmed down once more.

Back turned to Cleopatra, unnecessary any input he may offer and he did not care to engage one who had proven she bore only ill intent that was undeserved, a target chosen simply for she incorrectly guessed him as weaker than her. None were such, the black hole carved out for a missing heart fit only for the lowest worm. "I think it best we bring you back to the cave." A proper assessment and treatment best within shelter and well away from prying eyes, his attention shifting between Aesior and Arlo. By this point it seemed abundantly clear Fraggle would be incapable of getting there under his own power, the question as to whom who take the child, let alone even question if he would allow it, left unspoken.

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - aesior - 04-14-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Through the arrival of others, his gaze held on the child he laid close to, concern first and foremost handed to the child, eyes flicking up as vincent and arlo made their own approaches in quick pace, his breath exhaling in a quick push, mind absorbed with Fragglerock. Allium blooms would quickly make their way around his paws, shivering himself as he scented Fraggle. He would give a breath as the child spoke to him, tail flicking anxiously behind himself as he returned his gaze to him as he spoke. Telling him that he was fine ... the Talonguard gave a faint shake of his head with a rumble he felt in his chest, he knew that he insisted he was fine but such things as this could leave more than physical injuries. He knew the rabbit was strong, but it didn't ease the worry in his heart. When the other relaxed, he would exhale quietly, moving closer into the rabbit as if to further protect him from the world around them.

Listening as he spoke to Arlo and Vincent - when had they gotten here? Ah, he'd seen them but he was not as concerned with them as he was Fraggle. He listened to the conversation intently, looking back above at the ziplines. He hadn't thought to ever use them himself, the thought of being that high off the ground making his stomach lurch. Shaking his head faintly to clear his mind, his ears switched back as Cleopatra arrived.

Her presence was a sour note, earning a soundless growl from Aesior as bright heads of tansy grew around him, volatile the emotion he felt for the molly in that instant. The child had nearly died, and she was pressing a line here. Moving to get up as Fraggle spoke to her sharply, retorting her comment with one of his own. He blinked at the child in surprise before a shaky smile claimed his lips and he couldn't help the laughter that escaped him.

He was glad that Fraggle had lashed back, it showed much in the ways of development for the younger member. Quiet his own laughter soon fading as Fraggle leaned back into him, his gaze softening as he looked down to him with a gentle warmth. Nodding as Vincent spoke, he moved to gently nudge Fraggle. He looked around for a moment, glance falling on a nearby fallen tree. This would exhaust him but ... looking to the group surrounding Fraggle and himself, he nodded his head to the tree before forming his paws into a cradle. They could make a stretcher of a sort with woven branches, most of them seemed tired from the race here. He was gaining better control of his element, he could encourage the branches into strong positions, or so he hoped. It could take two, or even all four of the adults to carry Fraggle back if they used a stretcher. There was also the choice of carrying him back by the scruff, or eased onto someone's back. Now was another moment that he wished for his grim body, Fraggle would have been light as a feather in that body.

Re: MOUTHFULS OF BEN AND JERRYS ☆ o, ziplines & flight - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-15-2021