Beasts of Beyond
YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - Printable Version

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YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - rhett bett - 04-06-2021

draco venator
mountain lion
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #6b4f56; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]I LEFT THIS EARTH FOR A SPLIT SECOND
Among the ceaseless hum of white noise, gentle and light a crackle, the soft trace of notes without tune or purpose against the curvature of her skull, almost forgotten land and the bounty it held. Almost. There the fine string, a tether which held memories almost buried, beneath the waves that lapped sluggishly at her decaying vessel swallowed. Yet such the cause of the loss as it simultaneously acted as an anchor, sweet those fragments that filled the fleeting gaps as her mind surfaced.

Old wood creaking beneath uneven steps, voices warm among the nest of brightly hued abodes, a treasure held between high stone walls. One she almost deemed her own, a child as she never had, never permitted herself to dream of, close held the rest.

Heart seized, held tight in the foul roots of loneliness. Deep had it been driven, found suitable a home among arteries, pulled at the strings of her heart, an instrument well equipped to play. Always had it been, a seed delicate and withered, pressed down in those days sunlight had been hers, an golden ichor she had grown drunk upon. Now, with it gone, it flourished, beneath a want watered until it seemed her empty was hollowed out and filled with it, a longing that sought no end.

Always was there a conclusion to everything, however, her own remarkable close. Felt the draw, how the tide stirred and the once tranquil lap of the dark depths grew frantic, beat against her craft — if she may truly call it that now as time had striped it back until she could barely be contained on the little left. Swallowed her view by the waves that seemed to grow hungry, aggressive in their wish to fear her away, pry the few nails that still held from their places. It seemed assured as the wood beneath her began to tremble, a creaking groan her only warning, sodden boards splintering beneath the harsh dig of her claws. Poor her balance and needed only a singular wave, this given all too readily, her cry stifled, salt cruel as it flooded her throat, her efforts to be rid of it inviting more. There was nothing but the darkness of the water as it closed over her head, eyes stinging even as she wildly searched for illumination, anything that may hint as to which direction she must go.


There was only salt upon her tongue. Foul the concentrated taste, muscle left numb, fat between teeth that seemed incapable of ceasing a temor. Slow the realisation her body shook with it, tense and aching yet incapable of halting the shiver that traced her spine, involuntary the manner her tail twitched in irregular intervals, engulfed still in the surf. Mind rose, pieces falling together as she coughed, disgust twisting dark features as stomach clenched and rejected the water it still held.

She had fallen, the riptide uncaring as it pulled at her body, still harsh the pull. Ground. The realisation came in a slow trickle that quickened as toes flexed, the pebbles shifting, breathless the harsh laughter that fell from cracked lips that stung, blood and salt water a poor combination. Uncaring was she in that moment, forth reaching, struggle to pull herself from where she lay partially submerged.

Impossible this task, useless the stump that struck weakly at the ground, found no purchase as her paw might, claws tearing deep grooves into the soil beneath the rocky covering. Finally her efforts were given up, left to lay with her back legs still beneath the water, languid the movement of her eyes, exhaustion heavy as she settled. She was so tired, when had she last slept.

Re: YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - arrow - 04-07-2021

"Well that's certainly not what belongs there." For a moment, perhaps because of the pertial submergence and lack of vigor in the woman, Arrow thought she had found a corpse, a body that had floated to shore. Not the case, discovered when she saw the rise and fall of the chest, and switching reactions to the one more properly suited for a potential emergency, hopefully preventing a corpse. She felt a twinge of guilt, the stranger looked so tired and here she was disturbing what rest was given, but sleeping with the surf as a blanket was a terrible idea, she was positive there were actual blankets somewhere in one of the many homes the members of Tanglewood called their own. She might have even had some around. The cheetah took a few steps forward and towards the mountain lion, tip of her long tail twitching in heightened interest. Wasn't every day an entire person washed up. "Sorry to ruin your nap, but I can help ya get somewhere better, maybe get you looked over too."
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-09-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
The last person that got washed up on shore was Merlin, though she definitely looked alive at the time when she washed up on shore, and not half-dead. In fact, that was what brought Atbash here, to maybe see Merlin washed up on shore again, but instead the Shaderunner was met with a stranger and Arrow trying to wake them up. Coming closer, Atbash realized that the mountain lion was still alive, evident by the rise and fall of their chest. "Need some help?" She offered, mostly towards Arrow, in case this stranger needed to be dragged back into camp or something.
female coyote | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - rhett bett - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Had she bore the presence of mind, rooted within the moment that span and twisted before, a broken kaleidoscope with all too many facets, different the manner she would have conducted herself. The chance of such slim, further whittled down as her mind slid into darkness, each closure of her eyes lengthening. Lost the sensation of cool stones pressed into the soft expanse of her stomach, the cool presence of the tide almost dissipating, indeed comparable to the pleasant weight of a blanket. There was nothing more than a faint static hum, white noise formed by the waves and her own laboured breathing.

And a voice.

Lips shifted, parted to admit a confused sound. A product of her poor state all it was, gently pressing against the edge of her hearing, seeking attention she wished not to give it. Persistent it, once more broken the ceaseless buzz. Struggle was it to once more force open her eyes, blurred the scene before, the dull tones of surrounding land contrasting sharply with the chocolate hue of intrusive presence. "Alive…" Strained the single word that fell from her lips, hoarse her voice, confusion evident as she blinked a few times, now fighting against the exhaustion that rested heavily over her mind.

Another approached, the words not meant for her, directed to the other. Chin rose from the pebble lined expanse, mouth moving without sound, harsh the sudden cough she produced. In time she settled once more, frustration written along her visage. Wanted only information, anything that may silence the sudden influx of questions that swirled through her mind, every attempt producing nothing but further aggravation.

Re: YOU MADE ME BELIEVE → joiner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-15-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Movement shifting made Atbash look back down at Ishayu. "Hey," She spoke softly, making her way closer towards Arrow and the stranger. Like Arrow, she attempted to nudge Ishayu to their paws. "Arrow and I will take you to camp where our medic can take a look at you, alright?" She soft softly and slowly, just to make sure Ishayu understood her.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi