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tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - Printable Version

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tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - ARLO M. - 04-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
The cave patrol. It came as promised, and just about anyone was able to join this escapade. Arlo had stepped upon the Vanguard's rock, announcing to the early risers that today was the day, and to meet him outside. Arlo was resting near the cliff point next to the joining rivers, his wings pressed to his sides. On his right flank, he carried an assortment of tools that they'd use to help them.

Rope, bandages, water, food. The things he wouldn't necessarily need, thanks to his wings anything was an easy escape. However, those that didn't have such tools may need these things. Arlo exhaled through his nose as he waited patiently, the sun covering his body.


Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-07-2021


it was early, but the hellhound didn't care. arlo called for everyone a little after damion woke up, but the guard didn't pray yet, so he let arlo wait slightly. "he will understand." plus, not like the vanguard exactly kept in check who woke up when and did what, so damion proceeded to complete the morning prayer, running his tongue over his scarred chest, smoothening out now non-existent fur that was blackened to near ash, the pale scars a reminder of what happened in that fire.
he shook his head to clear it. he had a new home now. he approached arlo with a careful smile. these were his family now. best to leave bad memories behind when walking with his new kin.



Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-08-2021

Fraggle was one of the several early risers that Arlo ended up calling for that morning. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed that the rabbit wasn't able to sleep in for very long, not that he really minded. As long as he got enough rest to get him through the day, that was fine. Besides, he didn't want to overdo it and end up sleeping until the sunlight was halfway gone. Besides, he was glad to be an early riser in this case, seeing as it meant that he could come along on the cave patrol. The whole endeavor seemed intriguing to the boy, who was always happy to discover new things.

While Fragglerock wasn't sure exactly how much help he would actually be on this particular expedition, he was certainly going to try. While small, he could help with carrying some of the supplies, such as the bandages and other medically related things. He was sure he'd be able to help in some way, and at the very least, another set of eyes would be useful for surveying. Frag had an enthusiastic smile on his face as he took several long hops over to where Arlo and Damion sat, giving a nod to the both of them. As he faced Arlo, he spoke softly, "Hello, Arlo! I'm excited to help out, even if I'm probably smaller than most people coming along..." He was also younger, but he wasn't about to let that stop him.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - Grimm - 04-09-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
It had grown exceedingly obvious many housed within the hollow carved from unyielding stone bore issues where sleep was concerned, varying each though that proven largely unimportant. Strange had it become to find the delicate veil of his own slumber disturbed by vaguely registered movement, to depart and locate another with ease, enjoyed a silence that filled the atmosphere awaiting the coming dusk. Possibly it was because sleep had proven a rare commodity among those he deemed his comrades, friend some and even fewer family, familiar and thus indulged.

These people were not his friends, nor did any fit the empty title of family. Time the only remedy to such, quelled the faint hope it may find a willing recipient given enough was allowed to pass.

A purpose drove him from his chosen sleeping area, the call long since swallowed in the idle strings of softly spoken conversation a driving force. Mild his interest as he made vague notes of those present, faces unfamiliar many still present in the shade filled cavern. Away his vision turned, of more interest those drawn forth, the mouth illuminated by the spill of new light. Expected Damion, further intrigued as he split away from the rest, his vision turned to some distant point to allow the hound his privacy. The preparations of another was none of his business, unknown the prayer he led prior to joining those who would depart alongside the vanguard.

Piqued further was his curiosity as the auburn hued youth was caught in his line of sight, a presence that had grown familiar. Vincent could not speak as highly as some, in particular Aesior rose to mind with how he treated the rabbit as though he was his own, but readily allowed himself to nurture a small sense of pride. Still it was difficult to decide if Fraggle was one of exceeding bravery or simply a fool, maybe he best categorised as both, though he could easily deem all children as such. It was simply a part of life, growing up necessitating a bravery that allowed one to push against regulations and rules, trouble as good a teacher as any other.

"Good morning." Put forth a rather general greeting for all present, slight the incline of his head to each. No further would he put forth, for now occupied a spot somewhat separate from the rest, his gaze slow in a sweep along the immediate landscape present around them.

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - Casphian - 04-09-2021

Mercury was not at all pleased about having to wake up so early, he needed his beauty rest and this wasn’t the way to go about getting it. But the feline was new to the group and he had to pull his weight around and so when Arlo called for early risers to come to him he of course had to go. The male made his way carefully towards where the other had gathered, his amber orbs drifting over who had shown already.

The cheetah drew closer before stopping beside Vincent, his chest fluffing up slightly. “Good morning,” he purred out the greeting to the group. He stretched out his front legs, lowering his chest down to the ground so he could stretch. His gaze dropped onto Arlo, studying the draconic feline as he pushed himself back up to sit. He had been curious about the other since they had first met but he still had yet to actively seek him out.

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - aesior - 04-09-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Stretch of limbs and spread of jaws announced the gray-tan pelt of ticked tabby as aesior joined the grouping of bodies. Far had he been from the camp when the announcement had been made, returning from a solitary patrol made throughout the earliest hours before dawn. Such things could be accomplished when sleep could not find him. Ears perking as he looked at the group, noting what was carried before he entered the camp with a flick of his tail.

Finding the hollow where he'd made his nest, he would open his satchel to double check the minimal contents before removing a few bundles of things he didn't need, setting them on a rock shelf within his den. Returning to the party now with a lighter satchel, herbs for the trip safely tucked away. He wasn't a medic of the group, but his bag was a good storage place for such things as that, and whatever else that he came across that may be of interest. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he would come to a stop at the flank of the group, stretching once more with a ripple of his fur over his shoulders and spine, pelt shining the slightest from the nutrients within the fish he'd been catching as of late.

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - ARLO M. - 04-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #b0a089; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #943c3d;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
Arlo's eyes shifted towards those who slowly came to join him. He offered them smiles, tipping his head to those who spoke to him, and a gentle glance towards Aesior in understand. Once it seemed the group was assembled, Arlo slowly stood, stretching his wings out. He started speaking in general to everyone, his voice carrying rather easily. It seemed being on level ground with them made talking to them in groups that much easier.

"Good morning, everyone. The trek we are going to take today is rigorous and dangerous. I want everyone to be on their guard, and watch their step. I've packed necessities, but we should be back home by sundown." He glanced between each of them as he spoke, his tail slowly swaying behind him. "If there's an questions or concerns, now is your time to state them."

/ just doing a quick post real quick! you dont have to respond to this one with any great length, but try to include any questions y/c has in one post! he'll answer them all at once, then i'll do a larger post of the travel


Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - Grimm - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 440px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed his efforts to separate himself from the rest of their expanding number had been for nought. Expected should have such been, comradery bred within such tight confinements that worked upon the principle of give and take, sustained the whole over the singular. He had not, however, grown rusty where such bonds were concerned, though delicate his own reach to form them between particular individuals.

Not one upon that short list the man that deemed him a worthy companion, if only for the short frame of awaiting stragglers. Brief the shift of his vision, narrow scrutiny imparted, poor the first impression received and no better this. Languid the manner Mercury handled himself, his performance one unnecessary and given only a drawn out noise produced from between pursed lips. A pretty boy with a too high opinion of himself and lacking any true sense. To be a judge was to scrutinise himself, the years behind him packed well enough with it, his attention turning as thoughts roved.

Another, the direction of approach arising a slim sliver of curiosity, stifled the desire to speak, however, questioning the other not suitable for the situation. Slow the part of his mouth, a greeting lacing his tongue that dwindled as Aesior continued, within the dark interior of the cave swallowed. That was a rather disappointing development. Vincent would not venture to deem the other a friend, the very notion akin to venom, cruel in the bite it harboured, a welcome presence all he may put forth. At the least still was Fraggle assured of his inclusion, another of a similar status.

Soon enough their numbers grew, the return of Aesior, now weighed beneath retrieved satchel, met with a smile. Taunt as the edges were easy the identification of genuine joy within it, falling away as the silence was broken once more. Questions and concerns. Momentary did he ponder over a few avenues of thought, insubstantial most. The danger present one he understood, lax grown in the face of the possibilities that may be made reality, acceptable each he may formulate in the relative safety present.

Of course, there was one issue above all else that he lingered upon, attention turning towards Fraggle. Young was the lagamorph, though proven capable in a way that quelled some doubt, still he may end up a liability that became nothing more than a distraction. Voicing such aloud seemed a poor decision, Vincent bore no desire to cause strife, finally deciding it best left alone. There were enough present that his safety was assured and bringing it up may cause arguments over his inclusion, something that would only further complicate things. His mind made up Vincent kept silent, gaze wandering across the others present, wondering if any other had arrived at a similar line of thought as he had.

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - aesior - 04-14-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Returned the genuine smile to Vincent, legs shivering as he shook each limb out to stretch and prepare himself. Gaze turning to Arlo, he would blink faintly to him in returned greeting, inching closer to Vincent if only because his presence was a soothing balm to the memories that still rankled his mind.

Huffing a soft breath as he itched at his foreleg, ears flicking as he straightened from the momentary pause to nibble at the itch. Tail curling over his back, hiding another yawn with a turn of his head, though its force caused his pelt to tremble as he shook himself out. Giving a puff of breath, he would withdraw his notebook, scrawling within it as quickly as he could before approaching Arlo so he could read the questions writ within. What are we looking for insde inside? Can we keep stuff found? few his words, some scrawled out for written mistakes, we go in pairs?

Sitting back down, would he make a quick mental organization of his satchel, grateful he'd picked up some of his tools from his forge. If he was lucky, in the cave they would enter, he would find metals that could be used in his forge. His earrings were in sore need of repair and he had little source of gold to melt and fix them with. Well, he could pan the river for that, but that meant entering the water again. Shaking his head, he would look in his bag until satisfied, allowing the notebook to remain outside should he have more questions, pencil held gently in his jaws.

Re: tokyo drift - cave patrol, open - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-18-2021

Questions. Questions, questions, questions. Did he really have any? He didn't think so, considering how excited he was about this whole thing. In his frantic rush to get ready to go, he hadn't really considered what questions he might have about the whole experience, had he? Vaguely, he felt a twinge of embarrassment in the back of his mind, grateful that his fur would hide any blush he had. Although, after a moment of thought, he found that he did have at least one question for Arlo. It was probably just his usually anxieties as a smaller animal talking, but he couldn't deny he was worried about how dangerous the cave trip could be. After all, this was the first time that a large group of them had gone inside, right? What if something collapsed? What if someone got hurt? He could already feel his heart beginning to race, and Fraggle quickly shook his head, a sigh leaving him. No, he was excited, not panicking. Everything was fine.

Turning his attention back to Arlo, he rose up one of his paws before questioning, "I have... a couple. What should we watch out for while we're in there? Like... what not to touch, what to make note of for later. Oh, and... what should we do if we get separated somehow? Like, if rocks fall and some of us get cut off..." He couldn't help the way that his voice quivered at the end of his example, the boy wincing a little. He didn't want to sound so frightened, but he also really didn't want anybody to get stuck. At least Cleo didn't seem to be attending this patrol, which meant that if he somehow got stuck inside, there was at least no chance of him getting trapped somewhere with her.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]