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I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - Printable Version

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I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - rhett bett - 04-06-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]As he tends to be rather reserved and gets into his own head a great deal that it gets somewhat confusing so this is mostly to pull both him and me out of it, will be somewhat infrequently updated as his opinion towards anyone may take a bit of a push to change

last updated — 11 / 4

"That piece of…" Tense the silence he trailed off into, claws working at the ground beneath him. "I have nothing to say about him."

— lacking experience with the Cipher family outside of Vayne and Lumia it has grown easier to understand the drive for them both, why they wish to distance or reclaim the name, make it something more. He can understand this want but is also greatly confused as to why they'd allow it when it assists the legacy of such a man, one who readily attacked children and blinded someone for a petty reason

Without experience beyond having seen the aftermath of his attacks Harland has a rather straightforward thought process where Caesar is concerned, he may even be the first he is actually willing to kill of permitted the chance to try

"Danny." Stone the name against his tongue, heavy as it pressed against it though it lingered for only a moment. His vision turned, never settled, mouth moving without sound. Finally his voice rose, shakey and broken apart by a cough here and there. "That is something a bit too personal to speak of with a stranger."

— what can be said but it is complicated. Similar to Keona there is the connection of remembrance, his past imposed on another without their desire or knowledge, but with her it is easy to forget and allow his mind time to realise she is not that person. There is none of that time, no chance to reset when Danny is always there, a presence that lingers behind him or he does the same, drawn almost, something there so familiar and yet the changes stark enough his mind wishes to reject the possibility

For now Harland has set upon keeping distant from Danny, finding a way to break that nagging thought, fabricating every excuse he can to keep himself away. But how can he when, in such a short frame of time, this kid has wormed his way through his every wall and has filled a hole he thought filled with cement, never to be occupied by another living person, family even if the word wants to choke him. There is too much to be said, too little time in which to say it, all the possibilities and outcomes staking up and he doesn't want to be wrong

But how can he ignore it when they are matched now, tasted death in an almost mirror. Maybe he can't but Harland is happy in his false ignorance and will allow Danny the chance to decide, though it is a selfish thing for he will never speak of what the choice entails, a blind one that comes with a pair of scissors

"I…" For a moment his voice splinters, broken beneath the passage of a gentle sound, a sigh light against the curve of his lips. "She reminds me of… Someone from a while ago." His silence heavy, a weight there that speaks of times both pleasant and horrific. Ears flick, a movement brief, even shorter the wince that he masks beneath the closure of his eyes. "She seems reliable and strong even when the world was so much bigger, found her own way to go about things and came out stronger for it. But, when I look at her, I can only remember someone else and she doesn't deserve that."

— at the moment Harland bears some complicated thoughts where Keona is concerned, though the cause is not her but more who he is reminded of. Something about her presence is very similar, holds a conviction and determination he was once envious of but now finds almost foolish, he can't view her as such, however. In a way he has come full circle and once more bears a small sense of envy as she embodies things he wishes to be but lacks the capacity to become, though it is a lie and one he must be rid of

Beneath that he does carry a high level of respect for Keo, though he still needs time to find his bearings and figure out how exactly to handle himself around her, evident by how often his anxiety tends to worsen in her presence as this is an old face he at least knew of, how could he not know the most integral members of the crew that he was taught was nothing but the enemy. He does wish to get to know her better, to maybe one day deem her a friend, though he'd just as well be happy being alright viewing her as a peer which he does not simply as he does not believe he is on her level, going about it simply escapes him at this moment


His ears perk, strange the twist of his features, light the touch of surprise quickly replaced by the gentle curl of a smile. "She is… Well, words seem too small, she is so much more than she believes she is." Momentary the wander of his attention, thoughts gathered as lip was worried at. "I know part of her story, enough as to why she is in the care of my sister, she might be one of the bravest of children I've met. I'm still not sure I can call her family, not her fault, of course, I just… She deserves a better uncle than my worthless hide."

— while he much more have preferred she was not raised in such an environment by a mother that acted only upon her own interests, and caused some behaviours he noted early on when he first met Vayne, there is no doubt within his mind that she is nothing like her mother, nor has the capacity to become like that. It is no lie when he calls her one of the bravest he has met, it takes a great deal of courage and love to be such, something that is extremely clear in everything she does

As it stands he does wish to get to know her, truly is overjoyed she is apart of the family, but his own doubts and fears tends to push him back. Seeing her cry over Danny, how much it hurt to have almost lost him, it was a kick that finally reminded him how little time they have and will push his efforts to actually understand her more as a person

Re: I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 04-06-2021

And maybe Caesar if you want too to dsnhfiore

Re: I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - daniel - 04-07-2021

rolls in

Re: I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - Keona. - 04-07-2021

Drop kicks Keo in

Re: I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - rhett bett - 04-11-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]smacks em down, Caesar even got to have his own personal one cause I had to make another marker for him

Re: I'M HAPPY CAUSE I'M STUPID → har's opinions - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 04-11-2021

diuosjvhiueujfwhdbs caesar special sdjhuifheiur

all of these opinions (minus caesar) is just :pleading: