Beasts of Beyond
WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - Printable Version

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WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - sunsetkisses - 04-05-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Trouble was her middle name, or at the very least it should have been. Sunsetpaw had no true name to wave around in actuality, nor home to fall back on...or much of anything these days. In most situations, being a snarky little thief didn't do much good, but in terms of survival out on her own, it worked well enough. The taunting could be toned down a bit, unnecessary at best and potentially dangerous at worst, depending on her chosen victim. Being smaller than a good few of the towering beasts she'd encountered had it's perks, good luck catching her when she was already in a hiding spot you'd have to try and destroy, but how she hadn't been snapped in half was a mystery. With no concept of group territory just yet, and no care for hypothetical rules when she was desperate for her next meal, Sunset found herself accidentally hunting on the grounds of the Palm Glades, trying to pull apart a crab she successfully managed to get ahold of, the outer shell frustrating her. She was too hungry for this, god damn it. "Stupid fucking pinchy thing, open up!"

Re: WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - rhosmari - 04-05-2021

He was still tired, lethargic from the event that had taken place not too long ago. The lightning that had struck the eagle was a blur to his young mind. Just a bright flash and then there had been nothing else. He had woken up within his home and be ate a small mouse before trying to be steady on his own paws again. When he could do that he realized that the crown he found was upon his ear and he felt happy knowing this. It was his after all, it belonged to him. A soft hum was in his throat as he treaded across the sandy shore when he noticed the other. A thought passed through his head, tired as he was he didn't know if he had the energy for an interaction yet. But she be having an issue. The two toned kit allowed his good eye to focus on the thing she was trying to open up. A crab. He didn't eat those. They looked funny to him. "Hi. Do you need help? I don't eat crabs but I can open it for you, I think." His head tilted slightly as he crept closer. Not really thinking that this was a trespasser or anything. In fact he was a bit happy to actually have something to do tiredness besides the fact. "Um, I'm Goldenkit by the way."


[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Crabs were tiny little creatures that frustrated Drayden, though not in the same way as Sunsetpaw. The snow leopard mostly hated them for the way they like to pinch him whenever they came around. Hell, he had accidentally gotten pinched by one on his nose when he first tried to figure out what it was, though that was back when he was still a Minnow in The Typhoon.

Hearing Goldenkit's voice, Drayden looked over to see the kitten talking to a stranger. Slight worry filling him, the newly promoted Keeper quickly came running over, his ears pricked as he stared down at Sunsetpaw. "Are you lost?" He asked, sniffing the air to see if he could detect any of the other groups on Sunsetpaw's fur. He couldn't, which didn't really mean she wasn't lost, but that did mean he couldn't help her if she was.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - sunsetkisses - 04-06-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Oh, help. Thankfully it arrived now, too, because she was about to start looking for a rock to bang the shell against. Sunny looked up at Goldenkit as he spoke, obviously to her, unless there was another idiot making a ruckus about a crab on this beach. She found it a little odd that someone so young was out wandering, unless there truly was a group nearby that was raising the little munchkin and she had a lot of explaining to do if the parents or anyone else stumbled upon her. "You might be able to, I've never gotten one of these before, so..." She shrugged and slid the crab over with a white paw, deciding that she could hate them and that whatever was inside better be fucking worth the trouble. "Goldenkit, huh? That's a nice name, I like that name." Very fancy. "Name's Sunsetpaw, Sunset, Sunny, whatever you want, really!"

She was just about to move on to her next question, if her theory was correct, when Drayden answered it for him. Yeesh, he was a big boy, huh? "Lost? Kind of? More like...exploring. Checking places out, finding, y'know, food." Sunsetpaw motioned to the crab, a frustrating mystery that was hiding away the key to her next meal. And that was unforgivable and rather rude. "Lemme guess, there's a big group of you around here and I'm in a lotta trouble for stealing prey." The feline frowned, almost a pout, as if she was rather experienced in the art of run ins. With rouges and other loners, yes, but not quite organized clans and whatnot.


[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
"Uh, well, yes. This is The Palm Glades." Drayden responded with a slight tone of amusement. "Although I don't think you're in any kind of trouble for hunting on our territory. We don't really punish anyone for that." Now, if she attacked Goldenkit or himself for approaching her, that would be a different story. "Did you want to stay, maybe? Since you don't seem to have a place to stay." Or well, he was assuming based on her response to his original question. "My name's Drayden Cipher, by the way."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - rhosmari - 04-06-2021

A brighter smile pulled at his muzzle as she let him try to get the crab open for her. Typically he wasn't fond of them but he could definitely help her out considering she was having one heck of a time with it. Gently he grabbed the crab in his tiny teeth and he pulled it towards him. Pulling his ear back a bit he would tilt his head slightly before he grasped the shell and applied a hefty about of pressure. There was a crunching sound, snapping, and the shell splintered. Licking his lips as he tasted sea water he made a face before he started pulling off pieces of the shell. It was pretty nasty and the salty taste was just, ugh. "Thanks. You have a really pretty name. Sunsets are really nice to look at." He made sure he could see her out of his good eye before he heard Drayden speak up.

Of course no one was going to get upset at her for trying to get something to eat. His Mapa would never let something like that happen. Flicking his short tail he finished prying off the shell before he pushed the crab back to her. "Here and welcome to Palm Glades. I'm sure that Mapa would love for you to stay. Can you?"

Re: WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - sunsetkisses - 04-07-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
"Palm Glades...Never heard of it!" She chirped, tapping her chin with a paw, processing the name for a moment. For a brief moment she doubted her positivity that she hadn't heard anything about the group, but it truly did not ring a single bell no matter how hard she tried or looked through her old memories for a background mention or passing reference. There was nothing for sure. It sounded pretty cool, matched the beach she found herself upon. The lack of reprimand or aggression surprised her, certainly, olive eyes wideneing up at Drayden. "Really? Must be good living here, then. Moving around so much is a real pain..." Sunsetpaw stuck her tongue out jokingly as if she needed the extra emphasis, fluffy tail displacing some loose sand behind her.

"Aw, that's so nice of you. Hopefully I can do the name some justice." There was a cracking sound, and finally, the little armored bastard was open. Sunny clapped her paws together, whiskers twitching at Goldenkit. "Thank you so much! I really owe you one!" She was starving by now, too, she could feel her stomach rumbling in disdain with the emptiness. She hadn't been expecting anything specific, but still was not prepared for the taste of the crab. It was...chewy? Soft? Definitely salty, though she found she didn't mind it so much. The girl would have offered Goldenkit some as a price for helping her get it open, but the face he made did not go unnoticed. "You know what, I'll stay. I like this place. Who's your Mapa?" Sunsetpaw asked curiously, picking a small bit of shell away from a large chunk of crab meat so she didn't cut her throat clean open.


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The sound of conversation was oft what woke the child from her sleep. She left her window open, the drifting of the curtains and the sound of the sea comforting her. The pain she went through daily was slowly becoming muted as she adjusted to it. Her ears swiveled, however, hearing three people speaking- the wind carried these things to her these days. Wyvern slowly pushed to her paws, stretching her legs, before heading out the front door and scampering over.

She slowly her approach, looking at the three people that were there- her brother, with that weird crown, Mister Drayden, and then.. Wyvern's eyes widened a little at the sight of the newcomer, her ears flattening. She slowly stepped up next to the group, raising her voice- despite it wobbling just a bit. "Mapa is Winterhymns, our Legate. In.. shorter terms, our leader." She said, wincing a bit as she tried to tuck her wings against her back to hide them. "I'm Wyvernkit. Goldenkit is my brother."


Re: WHO CARES, I GIVE UP ✿ OPEN; JOINER - sunsetkisses - 04-13-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
"Winterhymns..." Sunny blinked, registering the name. Right-o, she'd have to keep that in mind. Her eyes widened when the rank was brought into it, tail puffing out in more surprise than fear or anything else of that nature. "Whoa! Leader, huh? That's impressive! Bet he's livin' it up leading a place like this." Olive eyes looked around, whiskers twitching as more sights came to her that she must have missed the first time or just now made it into her line of vision. Birds and more crabs, alive crabs, scuttling in the distance. She was listening to Wyvernkit, although not always looking in the girl's general direction. Easily distractible, you know? "Nice to meet you, Wyvernkit! Nice to meet all of ya. Can't remember where my siblings went..." She scrunched her face up like she was thinking very, very hard. Must've bailed and headed in a new direction, or came back around to stay home. Guess it didn't matter.