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easter flowers [★] this time - Printable Version

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easter flowers [★] this time - aine. - 04-05-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
On edge.  The petite deer-fox was often on edge.  Her mind rarely quiet.  Often jumpy.  Prone to spirals.  Moments of uncontrolled, frantic thoughts.  Lately, she had simply been tense.  The actions of Jormungand, the arrival of the Coalition and Tanglewood, had nearly pushed her over the edge.  Truly, she rarely felt as much rage as she did when Romulus told her of the panther's actions.  Violent thoughts creeping within her mind.

Paced the length of the white temple twice.  The inside practically a flourishing greenhouse, due to her power's responding to the wrath she felt following Dante's earlier actions.  Yet it did little to soothe her.  She needed to do something.  Before she completely snapped or lost it.

Part of her wanted to concave.  Lock herself away.  Block out all the noise.  Both in and out.  Shut down.  But that got her no where.  That got no one absolutely nowhere.  So she looked for something, anything.  Hazel hues darting over the flowers surrounding her, something clicking into place.

Easter.  Her mother used to decorate the house with flowers.  Her father painted eggs.  Felt like forever ago.  Nearly two years.  She breathed out softly.  A basket procured.  Hooves carrying her outside.  The weather warm enough.  Soil less frozen.  Safe to use her abilities.  Grow a small patch of flowers.  To gently gather and pick.  Safely tucked into the basket.

Noise.  The marketplace had a buzz to it.  But the deer-fox trotted into the clearing, found a seat in the sun and set her basket down.  If flowers fancied anyone's interest, she'd offer.  Until then, she would sit.  Letting the sun rest on her fur.  Trying to find a stable place of mind.  Focus on the noise for once, rather than her thoughts.

Re: easter flowers [★] this time - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-06-2021

Re: easter flowers [★] this time - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-06-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── the oldest of the three was lost in thought as he slowly followed his brother towards the hybrid relaxing in the sun. he let his brother talk, offering only a small nod before sitting down and curling his tail around his paws, staring blankly into the distance, the outer noise just a buzzing assaulting his senses.


Re: easter flowers [★] this time - aine. - 04-08-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Kids.  Plural.  Of course, the petite druid quickly assumed the unfamiliar cub was likely Hydrostatic's brother.  They were both young panthers after all.  Not many kids in the Pitt.

She offered the both of them a soft smile, nodding in confirmation as Hydrostatic spoke.  "Salut," she chirped.  "Would either of you like a flower?" She gently pushed the basket forward, so the boys could have a better look inside.

"Its- it's Easter.  So I thought I might offer flowers to anyone who likes.  Of course, I can- I can grow flowers that'll stay alive longer too, if you'd like that more.  These will only be good for a few days..." Still pretty though.  At least, to her.  Flowers had always cheered her up.

Better, she found this kind of thing... Even if it wasn't necessary medical, was a nice distraction to her frustration.  And she certainly didn't think the boys deserved any negativity for what their father did.  They deserved nice things. "You can take- you can take as many you as like, okay?  Or none at all.  I just think- they're good for spring cheer."

Re: easter flowers [★] this time - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-08-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── the whole exile ordeal plus them talking about what was to happen to his father had been swirling in his thoughts for the past few days ever since they came back. asmodeus still had a frown on his face, barely noticing aine's words but standing up and making his
way slowly to the basket the hybrid was pushing towards him and his brother. all colors seemed to mix with the violent t thoughts in his head but he stayed silent, dipping a paw in and reaching for one gently.
pulling it out, aloe. perhaps by luck, by chance, or simply mirroring his mood. he looked at the fanned-out petals and reached to hand it to aine, body stretching, gesturing with his nose at her fur. "can you..." he looked for the word with a frown. "braid?"

ooc: aloe= affection, also grief
affection because he has a slight liking towards aine
grief because he already made the worst assumption to Jormungand(that he's going to be sent away)


Re: easter flowers [★] this time - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-11-2021