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WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - Printable Version

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WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - SILVERSOVEREIGN C. - 04-03-2021

Restless spirits, he had always been told stories of how people would die but their spirits would roam due to having unfinished business and Silversovereign Caomhánach did have to repay someone dear to him yet he was within the debris and ruins of a fallen kingdom, he was a king of nothing and that itself upset him. He could've killed Roseveil and taken the kingdom for himself eventually remarry someone that met up to his standards, Rose... She had been rather distasteful and disappointing to say the least but... She had the guts to push him off into his own death... By the fire he had caused on his own. The thought angered him and that face she had when he fell. That hatred. But, but, but he knew that she was still afraid of him wherever she had gone off to. A hum leaving him as the spirit would roam the lands... It had been a while since he had died and wished vengeance upon the Pendragon family... Especially Roseveil and her stupid jackass of a brother, Eternalknight.

"If we meet again, I'll be sure to kill you first." Hummed the spirit before pausing as he noticed a tiger stopping at a pool of water to drink and a crooked grin formed itself onto his maw "How lovely." Sov would float over before taking possession of the body and oh, how they fought back. He loved when they would fight back but he managed to get complete control as his new body collapsed to the ground, he let his claws sink into the earth beneath him and it felt so good. To breathe, to move, and claw the soil. Rising to his paws in a rather shaky manner, the fallen king noticed that some scales began to grow on his new body and grimaced slightly noticing it took half of his face. Now, he was truly the two faced king that had destroyed the Pendragon kingdom. 

Tapping at his chin with a claw, the maltese tiger hummed quietly thinking of where those rats could've scampered off to and it struck him as he walked along to the neighbouring Pendragon kingdom that had belonged to a younger heir. He let out a soft tsk when he was met with more rubble and a chuckle left him "Hm. How pleasant... But I know... I know you are still alive, my beloved Rose." Now, he would have to find a place to stay... Until he could properly search for his beloved wife. With a twitch of his whiskers and lapping from the cool waters, the tiger would begin to walk away with muscles rippling underneath his thick coat. "Our reunion will be one to die for." A dark chuckle leaving his maw as he shook himself out.


Arriving at the Coalition, his tufted ears would twitch as magenta eyes scanned across the area and he stopped at the border. He would sit down slowly, he supposed that he would wait until someone arrived. It would give him a chance to catch his breath and rest his paws, he would hum a quiet tune to himself.

Re: WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - trojan g. - 04-03-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]As much as Ruven wanted to say something to the male at the border about his face, the child thought otherwise. Despite now being the son of the Kingpen of the land that they reside in, he knew that if someone really wanted to he could be swallowed whole, and that scared him. He knew eventually he'd get big and strong but for now he was simply a small child that needed to keep his mouth shut about things like weird scales on the sides of someone's face, and so he would do such a thing. He wouldn't keep his mouth shut about the fact that there was someone on the border - on his border - that he didn't know, however.

Coming to a stop the child would cock his head to the side for a moment before eyes squint as he thought of the words that he was supposed to say. He had heard them only once before, and then it had been confusing for him considering it was the first time he had heard them. "You're, uh, you're in the Coalition!" He would speak out, tail flicking behind him before pausing to remember more of the words. When they didn't come to him though he simply made up his own. "I dunno what you want, but this is Mama So's territory so you gotta join or, uh, or else!" Yeah, that's right, he was a badass.

Re: WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - rhosmari - 04-04-2021

She never had a kingdom before now. Never thought that she would considering she always had such high hopes for her parents. But they had let her down terribly hadn't they? Abandonment was something she had to deal with she supposed and her mind wanted to twist it into a different situation. They were not killed, they had left her. Left her to be alone in a frozen wasteland and within a group she found herself slowly pulling a part from. They were not as useful as she had hoped. Right? Right. Maybe. Her paws placed steps upon the slush covered ground and she allowed her maw to breath in the frigid air. This was spring for them she supposed, not as much snow. Sometimes the birds would sing but that was about it. Rounded ears would twitch as she heard voices, a light hum leaving her throat as she wandered over to the area only to see the child she had taken confronting someone. Her child. Her son. His words rang true and he couldn't  help the small smile that flicked across her muzzle.

"Good boy..." She cooed sweetly to the young lion as she made her way forth. The leopardess was no stranger to wandering souls upon their lands and so she tilted her head a bit as she looked at the individual. A body of a maltese tiger, scales covering half his face. And other features. Horns. Interesting. Her dual colored eyes narrowed for a moment before she finally decided to speak once again. "He's right. What brings you here? I'm sure it isn't to cause trouble. Sojourn would hate to have to deal with that." She spoke calmly as if she wasn't the very same.

Re: WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-04-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
An unamused snort left Aphra as she heard how Sojourn cooed at Ruven and spoke in third person. She saw no reason to speak about herself in third person, let alone treat a child as if they were spoiled. Which was ironic, given how Aphra considered herself to be the spoiled child of Caesar. After all, she was his princess. Rolling her eyes, Aphra took a seat next to Sojourn and awaited an answer from the Coalition's visitor.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WE'LL MEET AGAIN ♧ joiner - angelembrace - 04-07-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── You saw something new every day it seemed. Angel had yet to see someone as unique as the stranger, Silversovereign’s intimidating appearance sparking his interest and curiosity just as Anthemtalon had before him. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been out in the cold, admittedly he was sort of regretting the adventure by the time he actually made it over to the trio plus one, shivering a little while shuffling over next to Ruven. ”Im sure you really scared him.” The jaguar cub teased, amused by the boy’s totally badass introduction but without even a hint of malice. He ought to be nice, one day they would both grow up and Angel would stop while Ruven kept growing until he’d be forced to have to look up at him, all tall and whatnot. He was betting on it now.

Angelembrace looked up, speaking of looking up, and studied the unusual features of the tiger silently, head tilting subconsciously. A powerful looking creature, indeed.