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damnation - open; catching up - Printable Version

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damnation - open; catching up - rhosmari - 04-03-2021

She was back. She was here where she was supposed to be and within her rightful place. It appeared that most seemed happy she was back which gave her reason to be curious on why. After all she would have thought because of her absence someone would have tried to take the throne. Become the Coalition's new leader. Yet that seemingly didn't happen. Instead they welcomed her leadership back with open arms. After she had gotten back she had almost broken down when her brother had come forward. Brushing his muzzle lightly against her own. A sob wanted to leave her after everything she had done to get back here. Her mind wanting to collapse and eat at her. But she held herself up save for the trembling of her limbs. She had not let them look at her but Raven had needed it.

So instead she had decided to just wait. Wait for in private so that her brother could look at her then. The temporary housing irked her she left out of her igloo like home. Shaking snow from her paws. There was information missing. And she needed to find out what she had missed after everything that had happened to them. "Does anyone wish to inform me on what has happened since I was gone?" Her wounds didn't sting nor ache. They were clean and so was she but they were open and still red.

Re: damnation - open; catching up - trojan g. - 04-03-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Since he had joined the Coalition when Sojourn had come back from the Typhoon and brought him here, Ruven had decided to explore. Although the only members of the group so far that he trusted were Sojourn herself and Ravenwood who had come back with them, he had decided to meet the others around the group as much as he could. It seemed impossible though given his size and just how many members of the group there seemed to be. He didn't complain though, simply walked around and introduced himself to those around him, eventually finding it to be night and clambering after his new mother, curling up with her to sleep.

He hadn't expected her to be awake and out of bed when he woke up though. At first he was worried, thinking that his new adventure was just a dream that he had and that he'd be back in the neutral territories with his birth parents, eating rotten food and hoping that today would be a better day for hunting.

He felt guilty for being thankful that wasn't the case when the sound of Sojourn's voice just outside their home, and shivering the cup stepped out from the cold snow and made his way to the kingpen of the Coalition, getting as close to her as possible before sitting down and curling up in an attempt to warm himself. Of course, he wanted to learn about his new home and it seemed as though Sojourn was trying to do just the same.

Re: damnation - open; catching up - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-04-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
As funny as it was, Aphra was relieved to see Sojourn back. She didn't like the deranged woman as much as the next person, but she was far better than Romulus. "Not much." Aphra responded as she came over, shrugging before she sat down, wrapping her long tail around her paws. "Romulus took over while you were gone." She tried to hide the disapproval in her voice as she said that. "He exiled Jormungand, mostly because he tried starting shit with Tanglewood right after the damn mudslide." Good riddance. She thought.

Which was funny, considering she was the whole reason Jormungand had decided to stay here in the first place. But then again, Aphra never really wanted him to.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: damnation - open; catching up - Casphian - 04-05-2021

Saturn hadn't been quite sure what all the commotion was about but it didn't take long to pin point that the group was glad that someone had returned. The leopard hadn't made much of a progress on seeking out and learning who the other's were that resided in the Coalition but to be fair he hadn't made much of an effort either. He would've left this newcomer, well newcomer to him but that wasn't really the correct term for Sojourn but he wasn't aware of that yet, alone and continued on with his day if his curiosity hadn't gotten the best of him.

Saturn padded closer to where he heard the voice of Sojourn, her question ringing out. He settled down a bit away from the one's who had gathered, more intrigued on listening and finding out the things he hadn't been here for instead of participating in the conversation. Besides he was new so what info would he have to offer.

Re: damnation - open; catching up - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 04-06-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Her mother was blunt, direct, Inferno narrowed her optics at Aphra but followed the other female to the returned leader, offering Sojourn a small smile. "Jormungand took two of his cubs too, Asmodeus and Hydrostatic, I believe." She added quietly, resting down on her haunches and wrapping her short tail around her paws.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: damnation - open; catching up - rhosmari - 04-07-2021

Her ears shifted, swiveled back to listen to the small steps of a child. One that she had picked up recently. As the small body moved close to settle beside her she was partially inclined to move away. The feelings of a mother not naturally there. But she forced herself to stay and she even slipped her tail around the child. After all she needed to foster him, make a Wanderer out of him. One that was strong and loyal. To her. Her gaze soften slightly as she looked down to Ruven, a smile flicking across her muzzle. "I'll get you something to eat in just a moment." She spoke gently before she lifted her head up and looked to Aphra who came next. As the woman spoke she listened, eyes widening ever so slightly. Her brother had taken charge, or at least had done something. Jormungand had broken the rules. Her rules and had decided that he was above them. No one was above her law here in the Coalition. No one.

A sneer spread over her muzzle. As if they didn't have enough trouble dealing with their current enemies and a mudslide that left them vulnerable. "Well, I'm glad that someone stepped up to handle that problem. And he better not show his face here again. If he does I will be glad to slit his throat personally." And she had liked him too. Thought of him as a favored acquaintance. Shouldn't trust someone just visiting she supposed. As for the mention of the kids she didn't care. They were free to choose wherever they wished to be and that was that. "I hope they had a decent life in the Pitt. Aphra is welcomed to visit them if she cares to."

Re: damnation - open; catching up - angelembrace - 04-07-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── ”If she cares to. I think she’s okay.” While it didn’t sound like Angel was holding any grudge towards his mother, somewhere deep down it was indeed festering, and the commentary was hard not to speak into existence. However, despite his young age, Angelembrace was getting quite good at keeping his frustration at bay until it barely registered in his voice and tone. Wouldn’t want to start another conflict, after all, nor did he want to become so agitated that he said something he shouldn’t in front of others, specifically Sojourn. She did intimidate him after all, and the twisted woman had somewhat sided with Aphra on the debacle prior. It was a good idea in his mind not to make an idiot out of himself and give his less than loving mother the benefit of the Kingpin fueling her ego.

Besides, he didn’t come over here for them, he wanted to spent more time with his new friend and quietly observe Infero just a bit more as well, intrigued by his older half-sister. Padding over he did offer a friendly smile to Saturn as well, noticing that the leopard was somewhat isolated from the group, but said nothing about it. ”I hope their trip was alright, sounds like a fair distance. I can’t imagine the Pitt would be too pleased with the barbaric attack either.” Although warbound, surely even they had their rules and regulations. A bit of class.

Re: damnation - open; catching up - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-09-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Angelembrace was right in his assumption that Aphra didn't care for her other two cubs, as evident by the snort that escaped her after Sojourn finished her statement. She side-eyed Angel for a moment at his comment, but didn't say anything regarding it. "Honestly, that's... mostly all that happened. Not much else, other than Jormungand causing trouble with Tanglewood. But I believe Romulus sorted that out already."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]