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i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - Printable Version

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i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-03-2021


another day, salat time. the hellhound lifted his nose with a small hum, a smile forming on his maw as he shut his eyes and took in a breath of fresh air. he liked the smells of freshness, especially of nature after rain. he let a content expression settle on his scarred features and a soft sigh, his shoulders drooping as his muscles relaxed. salat was a very private moment, for him at least, had always been, and he really didn't like to  be disturbed.

he had moved pretty far out away from camp solely for the purpose of not having anyone decide to barge into the intimate session, and stretched before kneeling down, muzzle nearly touching the dirt and scorched chest-fur brushing the grass. he began the song, rough voice now a soft, deep croon, almost trance-like.


[member=3043]teef.[/member] [member=17246]aesior[/member]


Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - aesior - 04-08-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Quick and quiet pawsteps would rise through the air, halted in his path by scent of the hellhound, gaze following him for a moment, a bundle of sticks held within his jaws. Blinking as he started off after the brute - he was curious about the other and the differences between everyone. It just so happened that he had come across his path. A soft sneeze would escape him as he trotted after Damion a fair bit before setting down his sticks to be retrieved later. He had a mystery to solve, in the form of the hellhound.

Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-08-2021


damion was in the middle of his prayer when a quiet sneeze froze him and locked all the muscles in his body, rendering movements useless. as chaotic as his childhood had been he had always managed to be alone when he was praying, knowing safely that nobody else would disturb him due to the rest of his family being religious too. so he  wasn't used to  being disturbed. but he forced himself to carry on but found he could not. he relaxed, fur still standing on end, shaking out tight limbs and loosening them to activate them again. once he regained the ability to move and not freeze in shock he finished the prayer unbothered. if the other animal wanted to run, so be it. damion had a really honed sense of smell and was really good at tracking people, so even if the  intruder wanted to escape it would be too late anyways.
optics darkened as the last verse was whispered, jaws parting to reveal criss-crossed fangs that began dripping with saliva. venom formed in the groove of his nose, spilling past his lips and lighting up his entire  face with a twisted, eerie glow. "come out, come out, wherever you are!" the tone was soft, almost sing-songing: a trap to lure his prey in. he hadn't picked up a scent yet, but that was because he wasn't close enough. he knew the location of the animal if they were still there, he had heard the sneeze, he had yet to make his way over there still.

better not be his clanmate.



Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - aesior - 04-08-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Strange and twisted the voice, making a frantic beat in a heart that had felt little fear. Fuck, he was fucked. Or at least, that's what he kept himself from thinking. He didn't like that sound and with his ears pinned back, he would remain standing near his sticks. He just wanted to find out more about the others, not die in the process. He couldn't help that brush and bushes were between them. Taking a breath as he debated how quickly he'd have to move to avoid snapping jaws, his eyes narrowing as his tail flicked. Slowly he would make his way around the bush, thinking only to pick his sticks back up. He hadn't meant to startle the other but he'd come across him while doing his own chores.

Blinking at the hellhound, the fur on his shoulders lifted in reaction to the creepy tone, ears pointed back though remaining standing. Tail flicking slightly as he kept his gaze on the hellhound, finding himself wondering just what the hell he'd been hinming to try and follow after one of the two canines within the group. He already knew that his body was stiff, his gaze gravitating to the jaws on the hellhound, swallowing anxiously. The memories of his attacker were trying to force their way into his mind, and he didn't like it, he didn't want to be here. His claws were coming unsheathed as the memories won past his mental defense, breaths becoming faintly labored as he remembered the interaction in full. It had been much the same, started the same way between them - the kitsune who had attacked him standing the same distance as Damion from him now.

Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-13-2021



a pleasant smell entered his nostrils, they flared in eager response to the fear lingering heavily in the air. mixed with the scent of a fellow groupmate but damion was too distracted to care, tongue hanging limply out as his maw parted greedily. he enjoyed fear, it brought excitement to life. a gleam expanded his ringed pupils and his jaws split wider into a sinister grin.
scent was sharp and clear, clear as the shuffling sound the other made as his paws brushed the leaves, fur touching foliage. damion knew the mute was fucked, wasn't like he could scream or anything. if aesior was a stranger or his now dead father the hellhound would've immediately attacked upon contact but this was no stranger. this was a friend. and friends don't kill each other, do they? don't they?
the head of the beast shook, rough laugh from wounded windpipe ringing through the air. breaths of the other coming heavy, jagged pants to signal fear to the larger predator. damion let his boner crack and snap as he stretched, languidly, mouth opening further and pooling venom to drip to the floor. "i see you!" taunting, teasing.



Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - aesior - 04-13-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Panting quicker from accumulating fear and terror, gaze fixated on bony jaws that were close to be danger, his body shaking as his legs remained stiff and rough. Gods help him, he couldn't move, he couldn't move! he wasn't in that moment anymore, locked in the past in a memory of a terrible time. Helpless as he stood there, distant and faraway the gray eyed gaze that held Damion in terrified view. Unconscious of the present and the tears welling in his eyes, nor the tears that spilled down his face. It was the memories and trauma that he feared more than Damion.

Choking on short breath, he was pulled from his living nightmare, a ridged paw flying to his throat, expecting pouring blood. Panting as he forced himself to blink, tears rushing down his face. He didn't want these memories crashing over him, he didn't want to be here but if he moved to run away he might get killed by his supposed groupmate.

Frantic his thoughts, Never trust a canine, you fool. They'll always hurt me. Hurt me like he did. He's at fault. He's at fault! I did nothing - he did it. He hurt me for no reason. He's not here but this guy is. Breathe. 1, 2, 3. Breathe out. Don't move and he won't attack me. God I wish I was in my grim body., he tried to soothe himself in the frantic thoughts, shaking before him. Don't respond, and he'll leave, right? Right?

Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-14-2021



oh the fear that was radiating off of the other was enough to satisfy damion's hunger for at least a few days despite him just having eaten. he could  see the other just as clear as aesior could see him. lifted a bony shoulder in a shrug, teeth dotting with venom. the first drop rolled gently and landed with an inaudible splat on the floor and he watched the mute flinch, claw tapping at his throat, chest heaving. all
all this he watched through interested optics. how much fear could he instill? the tom didn't seem to be able to move, and that took the thrill of the hunt away slightly. he liked when his prey ran. he enjoyed it. but aesior wasn't his prey. aesior couldn't be his prey. it was a sin to commit murder. he cast a glance skywards, sending a quick apology for the thought. but this was fun! he was having fun. he blamed it on his father, having warped damion's mind for so long that only scaring people as much as possible was okay, killing was a no-no but taunting, teasing was fine. as long as not a drop of blood was spilt it was fine even if the victim lost their mind.
damion shook out his fur, advanced closer to the panicking tom slowly.



Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - aesior - 04-14-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The venom didn't bother him, not as much as the mental imagery did, the image of him standing over him, his jaws covered in his blood. Intense was the image burned so clearly in his mind as the tears rolled with abandon. He was scared, so damn scared, and it hurt so badly inside of his chest. They had been fine, hell, nothing had happened to cause him to snap! The burning in his throat akin to the teeth latching into his flesh so long ago, his jaws parted in an attempt to scream. His fur was raised, tail a bottle brush as he trembled before Damion. He couldn't remember the conversation but they'd been laying close to one another - the memories were fuzzy but they'd been fine before he lost his goddamn mind and attacked him, teeth ripping into his throat as his body was thrown side to side.

Eyes now fixated on the teeth of Damion, trembling as helpless silent sobs wracked his body. He wanted to scream at him to stop, to spare him. He hadn't meant to do anything wrong, he was only curious! Harder came the tears as he approached, his eyes becoming glassy as panick took him. A paw flying out suddenly, attempting to smack Damion's muzzle, claws just peeking from their sheaths. He was relying on instinct, like he had when he'd nearly been killed by his ex for no apparent reason. He prayed it would stop Damion, his own legs trembling so badly as they threatened to collapse. Tsun was the reason behind this fear of all canines and their teeth. His ex was the reason for this agony, though that would never be admitted.

Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-15-2021



damion was visibly enjoying aesior cower in front of him. it was obvious to tell by the joyous swishing of his tail, breath coming in excited pants from parted jaws in contrast to short, panicked ones from the mute. he observed the brushed out fur, tail spread open and every pore spreading fear. all of it through cold, calculating optics, a gleaming smile on his exposed jaws the entire time. aesior seemed scared of his teeth, damion noted, eyes scanning the tom's body for any visibile marks- throat, chest, windpipe. click went the hound's mind as the pieces were put together, maw parting further only to allow a serpentine tongue dangle out.
the closer damion got the more aesior kept trembling, fat tears running silvery streaks through his fur. damion watched each one fall, keeping his gaze trained on aesiors' eyes, noticing it go glassy, hazy, the body tensing up as a movement was made. quick was the stab at his face, claws barely digging into his skin they were that sheathed. barely.
a few of his cheek furs snipped off and he watched them fall, his muzzle creasing as a raspy snarl burst forth from his own burnt throat. this was in hopes to stop him? near laughable. the snarl died into a bark of a laugh, the sound jarring through the clearing. he laughed, it felt nice, to let the sound ring free in the air. once in a while laughing wasn't a bad thing. especially when it enticed fear, drew scared whimpers from the victims. "wrong move, aesior." came the haunting voice, light, carefully curling up the words, accent barely hinting at his heritage.



Re: i'm not all bark and no bite // teef - aesior - 04-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Trembling and shivering, he could barely breathe as his eyes closed, his breaths coming harder and quicker, barely able to get any oxygen to his brain. He was panting, unable to get enough air, he felt like he was suffocating. He didn't want to hurt anybody, ever! But Damion was scaring him, scaring him so badly that his whole body was shaking violently, his legs giving out under his frail weight.

Chin hitting the dirt first, his paws slowly trying to catch him after his disgraceful collapse, his ears pinned back and tail curled tight to his body, limbs stiff, foam practically appearing at his mouth, whites of his eyes widely shown as his eyes rolled in his head. He knew he was going to pass out - it was inevitable at this point. He could feel the darkness all around him, heart hammering away in his chest helplessly as his eyes rolled back into his head, and he departed from the situation mentally and physically. Body going limp, his sides barely raising and falling, the only indication that he was still alive, though the sound of his hearts frantic beat slowing down to a calmer rate might be enough to bring concern. He just needed some time to recover, away from the teeth that haunted him even in that inescapable darkness.

out //