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Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - Printable Version

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Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - Onyxdreams - 04-01-2021

~ ☼ Giving a quick glance around herself, Onyx felt relief wash over her when she saw that nobody was following her at the moment. She knew it might not have been a good move, to check every minute, in fact it probably just made her look more suspicious on her way here every time, but it needed to be done! No one could follow her, no one could discover the location of her candy stash, because she knew the moment that anyone found it, Winter was going to find out, and when he found out he would probably try and take it from her, for 'her own good'. She was just fine, there was nothing wrong with the amount of candy she ate, in fact she regulated just how much she took from her stash every week! Ok, so maybe some days she went back and just ate what she wanted instead of sticking to her allotted candy of the week, but she didn't do it super often!

Regardless, her stash was a secret for a reason, no one, not even Swords, knew just where it was, even if she did share some with him on occasion! It was hidden well too, a good distance down the beach by the tree-line, in a bag, buried under a bit of sand, sure if someone got close enough they might be able to catch a bit of a scent, but she doubted many had as good a sense of smell as she did. Finally close enough to start making out the spot where her stash was, the haziness of her sight that came with distance clearing away, she saw something that absolutely shook her to her core. The sand was disturbed, right over the spot where she knew her stash was, a few feet away from the tree with that one weird, twisted branch. Rushing over, her paws dug quickly into the sand, digging away at the grains, hoping to find something below, only to be met with nothing, it wasn't here, her bag was gone!

Head snapping up towards the tree-line, her tongue flicked out rapidly, trying to catch a scent, something that could give her a clue as to just what had happened here, rage sparking to life in her eyes. It was all too easy, to pick up on the sweet scent, with how close it was, but the dead giveaway was the soft noises she heard just beyond a brush patch further inland. Paws pounded upon the sand as she ran for the brush, barreling straight through the obstacle and to the other side, eyes scanning across the now grassy ground for a moment before landing right on the source of the noise. A group of raccoons, three of them, all gathered around a black bag, a very, very familiar bag, with various wrappers and plastic strewn all over the ground around it, their dirty, grubby little paws full of her candy. "That's my stuff, you filthy trash pandas!!" she shouted, letting out a deep, half-hissed growl as she rushed for the thieves, all of them turning tail and running, and one, in particular, taking her bag with it. Unfortunately, weighed down as it was, it didn't get very far.

Diving forward, her paws found purchase on the raccoon's hindquarters, her jaw shooting forward to clamp down onto his leg, sinking her fangs straight into his thigh. The creature let out a screech, turning around to give her a bite of its own, and attempt the was quickly foiled when she unclamped her jaw and leapt away, giving her enough distance to escape retaliation. Her baleful eyes watched as her enemy hissed, slowly backing away from her, bag now left forgotten on the forest floor as the two had a stand-off. A drawn out hiss of her own was pulled from her, as she watched, ready for any sudden movements, for whatever would come next, and what wasn't what she was expecting. It didn't jump at her, like she had expected, in fact it even stopped hissing...and started making some sounds that couldn't be anything but cries of pain instead. It turned to gaze at its hindleg, batting furiously at it with its paws, stumbling to the side and...and was it just her, or was it leaning heavily on one side?

Onyx watched, rage forgotten for confusion as she watched the thief fuss over its leg for a few more seconds, before taking another step backwards...and collapsing to the ground. The more she watched, the more she noticed that its hindlegs didn't seem to be working right, once was entirely still, and the other only twitched occasionally. It was...kind of scary, actually, the way its front legs followed as minutes ticked by, all while it gave out those cries, until finally it was still, save for the movement of its chest that indicated it was still breathing, and those wide, panicked eyes. "I...w-what? What the hell just happened?" she muttered to herself, taking a step closer to the nearly motionless creature, watching in equal parts confusion and morbid curiosity as it continued its cries, entirely immobilized

[tldr: Some raccoons stole Onyx's candy stash, she caught and bit one of them in the escape, and now it's paralyzed on its side, crying out in pain, and she is beyond confused]

Re: Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - WYVERNKIT - 04-07-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Wyvernkit was not following anyone today, not in particular at least, instead just taking a walk on the beach. The recent events, especially concerning her brothers, had caused her to feel too cooped up in her room. Almost sickening, ears lowered. What would she do if she lost them? She couldn't lose them. A soft sigh exited her muzzle, and as she did, she heard the thudding of running paws, and some shouting inside of the treeline. She looked between the water, and the trees, before curiously following.

Wyvernkit made it just as the raccoon fell over, stepping through what Onyx had barreled through already, before she flattening her ear. The way the raccoon moved, and struggled- it was like venom, a paralysis starting near the source and slowly extending through the rest of the body. All of the books that Wyvernkit was reading these days.. her purple optics swung towards Onyxpaw. "Wh.. What happened?" She asked, almost looked as dazed as Onyxpaw.


Re: Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - SÉAMUS - 04-08-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The cries of a panicked racoon caught the Irishman off-guard.  There's an unusual sound, the pirate mused as he bounded over.  For a moment, he simply observed with the youth -- a studiously apathetic glint in his sea-green gaze.

"It's actin as though somethin venomous bit it," he pointed out, recognizing the behavior from personal experiments involving various poisons and venoms.  He had to be knowledgeable after all, to feel comfortable around snakes, such as his black mamba companion, Naimh.  Of course, it was not as though Séamus had not utilized poison or venom against his enemies -- it made fighting quicker and less bloody.

"Did you bite it, Onyxpaw?" The faerie inquired lightly.

Re: Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Seven seas, Drayden cursed mentally as he came closer to the scene, drawn in by the sounds of the raccoon as well, just as it had seemed to have alerted mostly everyone else. That sound is awful. There was a grimace on his face, clearly worried and concerned at the pained noises that was coming from the writhing creature. He heard Séamus's question and looked over at Onyxpaw, clearly waiting on an answer.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Don't you know that you're toxic? | Venom discovery - Onyxdreams - 04-11-2021

~ ☼ Poking the downed raccoon with a paw only caused it to give a loud cry in response, but there was still no movement from it, despite her circling around it and her proximity. She had absolutely no idea why it was doing this, or what was happening, had...had some of her candy been poisonous to them or something? Or just poisoned in general? She didn't know, but the whole situation was honestly just really creepy, especially with how it was just motionlessly laying there and crying out. At this point she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do with it, she had mostly just wanted to stop the little thief from stealing her candy. She might have still been a bit upset about the loss of her candy, but she couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for whatever it was going through right now.

Jumping in fright when Wyvern called out to her, she turned to realize that she had an audience now, one she hadn't even noticed she had drawn. "I....I don't know..." the hybrid mumbled out in response, ears flattened against her head from the constant noise the raccoon was still continuing to make. She had just come out here today to get some candy, she hadn't been expecting any of this, she was just as confused as Wyvy was! "They stole my candy, the raccoons, so I uh, I chased that one, cause it had my bag, we had a stand-off, and then it just...fell over and started doing that." couldn't have been her, could it? She had never seen something like this happen before, she would definitely have remembered it, and...had...had she ever bitten something before? Well, yea, she had, but nothing she had ever bitten had survived for long after, birds and mice didn't really take much to take down after all

'It's actin as though somethin venomous bit it', those words echoed in her mind for several long moments, as she stared down at the injured creature, specifically to where she had bitten it on its leg. "I...y-yea, I...I did" She knew she had some sharp fangs, fairly long ones too, but for her bite to be venomous, like a snakes, she...she hadn't expected that, she had never thought about it before. The grimace Drayden had didn't make her feel much better, neither did the continued noise coming from the raccoon, just...just what had her bite done to it? It couldn't move, that much was obvious, and she was sure that would cause all sorts of creatures to panic, but it sounded like it was in a world of pain too. She didn't want to think about what that bite could do to someone, what could have happened if she had just scraped someone with a fang on accident