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all the king's men - open; crown - Printable Version

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all the king's men - open; crown - rhosmari - 04-01-2021

It was a beautiful day. Clear skies and nothing but blue. A day like this meant that Goldenkit was definitely not going to be inside. The young tom was roaming, making his way through the boardwalk at a light pace. He wanted to go and explore today and on his own. He figured that he was big enough and old enough, right? The idea made him excited and he lightly hopped down from the boardwalk and onto the soft sands. He normally came to the beach and it was one of his favorite places. Kind of relaxing and he turned his head a bit to look at the ocean waves from his pretty eye, the purple orbs bright. One day he would go swimming! Then he could show his siblings how good he was at it. But for now he was more drawn to the forest. He hadn't been there unless he was there with someone. Twice he believed he had visited the area. The trees that were thickly leaved. Tottering forward he felt as the shade engulfed him and he became hidden in the shadow of the trees.

He couldn't help the look of awe on his face as he looked up at the massive plants that toward so high above him. The two toned kit couldn't even fathom being able to climb such a thing. Tiny claws unsheathed as he walked up to one and he pressed a paw against the surface. Pressing light to see if it was squishy or not. Of course it wasn't but that was still exciting. Gently giggling he bounded around the tree, keeping his good eye on the trunk before a twinkle in the distance finally distracted him. With a quick step he changed his path and headed toward  the sparkle, the sense of adventure and finding hidden treasure amassing.

A stone path his paws finally hit upon and he looked down, nose pressing against the stone as if he could smell the many paws that had come and gone through the ages. But in the back of his mind he never forgot that sparkle he saw, turning quickly to follow the path. This deep on the forest was darker and a bit quieter, yet the child was oblivious to the dangers that could possibly be in the forest. As he squirmed through a fallen wall he finally got close to the sparking object. It was covered with thin vines and weeds. A shimmering jewel, bright and deep blue in hue. With a light grunt Golden began to pull on it, and pull, and pull. It wouldn't budge. He wasn't strong enough so he tried to chew on the small vines. They began to snap one after the other till the child could see that the stone was set in something. At least he guessed it was something. Something black. "I can't want to show Mapa, Drayden, and my sibbies what I found!" He squeaked as he went to give the item another yank.

But a horrible noise stopped him. A sharp and piercing screech before a dark shadow fell over him. Large talons grabbed the thing. His treasure! "No!" The child screamed. He didn't know why he suddenly became so distressed and so desperate but he knew he couldn't let this bird take what rightfully belonged to him. But it was no simple bird, it was an eagle. As it grabbed the crown and pushed back to the skies Goldenkit latched onto the crown, hanging from the other end. His weight did nothing to stall the avian and it climbed higher with him. Another piercing scream and Golden screamed back. Leaves and branches smacked against him as they left the canopy. The kit trying to swipe at the bird's legs. "Stop it!" The child shouted before he looked down. They were so high up and still going. But he wanted this. He wanted his crown.

Suddenly a sharp pain went across his back and he screamed out. The beak cutting him. He felt the warmth down his back, fear mingling with his desperation. Finally it seemed something had had enough. Subconsciously dark clouds were forming, suddenly and almost vortexing around him and the eagle. Wind whipped him and the bird around like rag dolls. Electricity stretched across this single area of black clouds and then struck the eagle in sharp ferocity lighting up the sky like a beacon. The blow back knocked Goldenkit away, energy zipping through his body. He plummeted, barely keeping a hold of the crown and his own consciousness. The ocean was there to greet him but not with a harsh landing, the water seeming to come up to catch him. Then there was a silence, a holding of the air before the kit resurfaced upon the sands of the beach with the crown on his ear, completely knocked out.

Re: all the king's men - open; crown - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 04-03-2021

[glow=white,1,400]TEST MY REALITY !。+゚.[/glow]
It had been a long time coming, with Winterhymn's twelve children being around, that a large bird would try to pick them up and eat them. Drayden didn't want to prepare for that day, but it was a fact of life - birds could prey on small kits. Not that he wanted it to happen, he really didn't want it to happen, but alas here it was, happening, right before him. Drayden's head shot up as he heard the screech of a bird-of-prey, his eyes wide for a moment before he caught sight of the avian. It was carrying something in its talons and Drayden's heart lurched as he realized it was carrying a kitten. He didn't know who it was, especially from a distance, but that didn't stop him from scrambling to his paws and running as quickly as he could towards the enemy and Goldenkit. He failed to be there in time as Goldenkit was dropped - right into the ocean.

"Shit!" Drayden yowled in worry, adrenaline pushing him forward without him thinking. He rushed into the water, fortunately finding Goldenkit pretty quickly on the shore. Drayden tried to grab GOLDENKIT's scruff and pull him away from the waves, trying to be careful as to not to knock the kid around too much or knock off his crown. "Goldenkit, hey. Golden, wake up." He was worried, using his good paw to try and prod the kitten. Was Goldenkit dead? Seven seas, Drayden cursed to himself mentally. Winterhymns is gonna kill me if he doesn't survive...

How was he supposed to be Win's knight if he couldn't save a child?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: all the king's men - open; crown - WYVERNKIT - 04-07-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
It had been quiet. Another day of rest for the child, her eyes closed and flank slowly rising and falling. But it was soon interrupted, the soft nothingness of her half sleep. The crack, and the darkening skies, and then the shining beacon of a sky. Wyvern's eyes snapped open, the fur on her neck rising, her wings trying to beat to get her moving, up, away, into safety. She rushed to the window as the light faded, looking out towards the beach. Something falling from the sky, something-

Her breath hitched.

She couldn't get out of the house fast enough, grabbing extra bandages from her room and rushing towards the beach. She stumbled, falling once or twice, before she finally made it to the sand. It was so dark out, her eyes lifting to the sky, before she looked back down as she made it onto the sands. Drayden was there, already tending to her brother. She came to the scene, stumbling to a stop, looking at her brother. Tears were already dragging their way into her eyes, before she turned, putting the bandages on her back so they'd stay clean, before looking back down.

She'd lean down, pressing her ear to his throat to see if he was breathing. Not a word was uttered to Drayden. Wyv felt as if she'd be sick if she tried to say anything.


Re: all the king's men - open; crown - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-14-2021

Winterhymns had been tending to his garden that morning and had been concentrated on his work noticing from the corner of his eye some movement but he thought it was simply someone going out to play on the beach. He had been wrong. Dead wrong. It had been one of his children and upon the screech, he glanced up to see that Goldenkit was up in the air. It was enough to make his heart leap out from his chest as he bolted forward with widened pupils. Oh god, it was like Mazekit all over again. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him but the boy plummeted from the air into the ocean and Drayden was already pulling him away from the waves. His breathing quickened in that moment but he knew that he had to stay calm, he drew in a low breath before stepping forward. He noticed how Wyvernkit checking if her brother was breathing but Winterhymns moved forward, if Goldenkit had swallowed any water then they had to make sure to get it out.

"I'm here..." The legate breathed out as he leaned forward to gently push onto Goldenkit's stomach momentarily, he'd have to carry out the same procedure as he had done with Mazekit. He would cover his son's nose gently with his paw drawing closer as he aimed to send four breaths to the boy before pulling away to see if that had done anything.